Since March 2018 there is an open ticket to also enable their support for Worker, SharedWorker & ServiceWorker without any progress:
For me, being the author of a JavaScript (off the main thread) multithreading framework:, not having the support for the worker scope is a showstopper / blocker.
This mostly affects the micro frontends topic. Use case: An application worker loads apps & components which are specified as JS modules, using import statements. Right now it is impossible to use importmaps here (unless hacking a compile step in there to manually replace relative paths).
Now devs could create additional npm packages to create components or child-apps, which would import framework base-classes from a different path / folder. This can easily result in getting multiple versions of the same file. Not only problematic for file size, but has a potential to break things (imagine importing 2 different IdGenerator classes).
In case the app worker had an import map, all framework related imports would point to the same source of truth.
It would make a big impact and make a lot of devs who would like to create JavaScript code which runs without a build step very happy, in case this feature was in place.
At this point, according to MDN:, Chrome, Firefox, Opera & Safari have added support for importmaps ONLY for main threads.
Since March 2018 there is an open ticket to also enable their support for Worker, SharedWorker & ServiceWorker without any progress:
For me, being the author of a JavaScript (off the main thread) multithreading framework:, not having the support for the worker scope is a showstopper / blocker.
This mostly affects the micro frontends topic. Use case: An application worker loads apps & components which are specified as JS modules, using import statements. Right now it is impossible to use importmaps here (unless hacking a compile step in there to manually replace relative paths).
Now devs could create additional npm packages to create components or child-apps, which would import framework base-classes from a different path / folder. This can easily result in getting multiple versions of the same file. Not only problematic for file size, but has a potential to break things (imagine importing 2 different IdGenerator classes).
In case the app worker had an import map, all framework related imports would point to the same source of truth.
It would make a big impact and make a lot of devs who would like to create JavaScript code which runs without a build step very happy, in case this feature was in place.
Thanks a lot! Tobias
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