web-push-libs / webpush-java

Web Push library for Java
MIT License
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Invalid VAPID token: A value in the vapid claims is either missing or incorrectly specified #195

Open atkawa7 opened 2 years ago

atkawa7 commented 2 years ago

When using this library I am getting Invalid VAPID token. This occurs randomly sometimes you won't get it at all. Sometimes you do.

 [main] DEBUG *.*.*.PushService - header Authorization WebPush <jwt>
16:43:57.748 [main] DEBUG *.*.*.PushService - header Content-Encoding aesgcm
16:43:57.748 [main] DEBUG *.*.*.PushService - header Encryption salt=<salt>
16:43:57.748 [main] DEBUG *.*.*.PushService - header TTL 2419200
16:43:57.748 [main] DEBUG *.*.*.PushService - header Crypto-Key dh=BHGQ****dw=;p256ecdsa=BB_****
16:43:57.748 [main] DEBUG *.*.*.PushService - header Content-Type application/octet-stream

The response I am getting is

{"origin":"remote","type":"response","correlation":"b7b0107273db5d1e","duration":2227,"protocol":"HTTP/1.1","status":401,"headers":{"Connection":["keep-alive"],"Content-Length":["296"],"Content-Type":["application/json"],"Date":["Sat, 02 Jul 2022 14:44:00 GMT"],"Server":["nginx"]},"body":{"code":401,"errno":109,"error":"Unauthorized","message":"Invalid VAPID token: A value in the vapid claims is either missing or incorrectly specified (e.g. \"exp\":\"12345\" or \"sub\":null). Please correct and retry.","more_info":"http://autopush.readthedocs.io/en/latest/http.html#error-codes"}}
Subscription subscription = new Subscription();
subscription.endpoint = endpoint;
subscription.keys = new Keys();
subscription.keys.auth = auth;
subscription.keys.p256dh = p256dh;

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
var webPushMessage = new WebPushMessage();
webPushMessage.setBody("A new document was uploaded");
webPushMessage.setTitle("Document uploaded");
var notification = new Notification(subscription, mapper.writeValueAsString(webPushMessage));

var logbook = createLogbook();
var client = httpClient(logbook);
var pushService = new PushService(keys.getPublicKey(), keys.getPrivateKey(), client);
atkawa7 commented 2 years ago

Ended up copying the lib and changing the jose library to the common nimbus and those issues are now gone.

aistomin commented 1 year ago

@atkawa7 I have the same problem as you, but I'm not sure I understood your solution. "changing the jose library to the common nimbus" - did you change it in the source code and re-built the jar?

atkawa7 commented 1 year ago

@aistomin Yes that's what I did. I think you only need to changed three or 4 lines and exception. Something along these lines

            var builder = new Builder();
            builder.expirationTime(Date.from(Instant.now().plus(12, ChronoUnit.HOURS)));
            if (getSubject() != null) {

            var payload = new Payload(builder.build().toJSONObject());
            var jwsObject = new JWSObject(new JWSHeader(ES256), payload);
            if (privateKey instanceof ECPrivateKey ecPrivateKey) {
                var jwsSigner = new ECDSASigner(ecPrivateKey);
            } else {
                throw new JOSEException("Expected ECPrivateKey");
aistomin commented 1 year ago

@atkawa7 sorry, one more question, did you use https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.nimbusds/nimbus-jose-jwt/9.23 ?

atkawa7 commented 1 year ago

@aistomin Yes that's correct

chamallamudi-gopikrishna commented 1 year ago

@atkawa7 Sorry, Please Provide code line where to use? I have same problem. Especially imports

umutawakil commented 1 year ago

@atkawa7 Hi. Could you expand on your answer? Does this mean you removed the jwt code and replaced it with a 3rd party to generate the token? If so, do you know why the current code is not building a token Mozilla likes? I dont get the error you were getting with chrome but I do trying to push to the Firefox/Mozilla push service. I wonder what made this stop working

atkawa7 commented 1 year ago

@umutawakil Yes that is correct. I removed jose4j and replaced it with nimbus-jose-jwt. @chamallamudi-gopikrishna

import com.nimbusds.jose.JOSEException;
import com.nimbusds.jose.JWSHeader;
import com.nimbusds.jose.JWSObject;
import com.nimbusds.jose.Payload;
import com.nimbusds.jose.crypto.ECDSASigner;
import com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTClaimsSet.Builder;
import static com.nimbusds.jose.JWSAlgorithm.ES256;
sbodmer commented 1 year ago

I have the same problem, I tried with the solution explained using nimbus, here is the code that I changed in AbstractPushService (and I adapted the rest for the JOSEException)... It still works with chrome, but not with firefox. Is there something else to modify ?

JWTClaimsSet.Builder builder = new Builder();
builder.expirationTime(Date.from(Instant.now().plus(12, ChronoUnit.HOURS)));
if (getSubject() != null) {

Payload payload = new Payload(builder.build().toJSONObject());
JWSObject jws = new JWSObject(new JWSHeader(ES256), payload);
if (privateKey instanceof ECPrivateKey) {
  ECPrivateKey ecPrivateKey = (ECPrivateKey) privateKey;
  ECDSASigner jwsSigner = new ECDSASigner(ecPrivateKey);

} else {
  throw new JOSEException("Expected ECPrivateKey");

byte[] pk = Utils.encode((ECPublicKey) getPublicKey());
if (encoding == Encoding.AES128GCM) {
  headers.put("Authorization", "vapid t=" + jws.serialize() + ", k=" + Base64.getUrlEncoder().withoutPadding().encodeToString(pk));
} else if (encoding == Encoding.AESGCM) {
  headers.put("Authorization", "WebPush " + jws.serialize());

The error in firefox is still a 401 (Invalid VAPID tokens: A value in the vapid claims is either missing or incorrectly specified)

aistomin commented 1 year ago

@sbodmer for me it turned out that the problem was not in the library at all. From experience I found out that Firefox requires sub parameter in the notification. When I started providing email as sub parameter "Invalid VAPID token" problem never happened to me with the latest version of the webpush-java.

sbodmer commented 1 year ago

Bingo, I added the "sub" part and now it works, thanks a lot my friend ;^) I read the spec and the "sub" is not mandatory...

aistomin commented 1 year ago

@sbodmer I'm glad it helped.

I read the spec and the "sub" is not mandatory...

Yes, absolutely. Looks like it's either a Firefox bug, or intentional violation of the protocol :)

guss77 commented 10 months ago

@aistomin, @sbodmer - can you please show what you changed in the code? I'm at a loss as to where to add this "sub" parameter.

sbodmer commented 10 months ago

You just have to add the Subject in your push service, nothing else changes...

Here is what I changed and solved the problem (but it was a long time ago, I'm not entirely sure...) push = new PushService(); push.setPrivateKey(vapiPrivateKey); push.setPublicKey(vapiPublicKey); push.setSubject("mailto:xxx"); //--- Needed for firefox

What was odd is that in the specification the "Subject" is not mandatory, but Firefox (not chrome) makes it mandatory, so they are violating the specifications.

Good luck