web-ridge / react-native-paper-dates

Smooth and fast cross platform Material Design date and time picker for React Native Paper
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Fixed Datepicker modal jump when is opened #316

Closed SoyDiego closed 10 months ago

SoyDiego commented 10 months ago

Fix #309

After a lot of research, the problem was the Statusbar. I don't know if is the best solution but works. Now the modal opens fluently


problem modal jump


fixed modal jump

iM-GeeKy commented 10 months ago

Hi @SoyDiego thanks for opening this PR. I can probably get to testing these later today. Also, thanks for contributing, as you mentioned in a previous post, the project is very much alive and we are actually hitting more downloads than ever according to npm. However, we don't have a lot of maintainers for the repository, which makes it particularly difficult to address everyones needs and concerns in a timely manner, but I'm sure you understand this 🙂.

SoyDiego commented 10 months ago

Hi @SoyDiego thanks for opening this PR. I can probably get to testing these later today. Also, thanks for contributing, as you mentioned in a previous post, the project is very much alive and we are actually hitting more downloads than ever according to npm. However, we don't have a lot of maintainers for the repository, which makes it particularly difficult to address everyones needs and concerns in a timely manner, but I'm sure you understand this 🙂.

thanks for reply. I understand mantain a project can be hard But imagine arrive to a project, recommended in the website of react-native-paper and 2 of 3 things that you try is not working good. What do you think?. I'm happy to help but the Author shoud be more present. The problem with yarn bootstrap maybe is doing loss a lot of people that want to help. When the things that you read in docs doesn't work, you feel a big frustration.

This little things, makes the difference. In my work they want to use your library but after all this things, I don't know if they will choose.

But count with me If I can help. I will try to do it. My knowledge with React Native is not high but I will do my best.

I recommend write a file CONTRIBUTING.md in this github and part of the documentation in the README.md. The users are lazy and it's better if they find the things in the first page.

I'm as ZeR0ByTe in discord. If you want to be in contact, I'm there.

Thanks again for your time and sorry if in my messages I sound rude, is not my intention.

iM-GeeKy commented 10 months ago

@SoyDiego @RichardLindhout This might conflict with some of the web changes you had recently made. Perhaps we can use Platform and perform a conditional based on whether web or mobile.

SoyDiego commented 10 months ago

@SoyDiego @RichardLindhout This might conflict with some of the web changes you had recently made. Perhaps we can use Platform and perform a conditional based on whether web or mobile.

I did a new commit updating with Platform.Select @iM-GeeKy @RichardLindhout

RichardLindhout commented 10 months ago

Yeah I agree with hou perhaps I could do more maintaining but I've been very busy latetely and for my use case the library works great now sometimes there is a difference between android where I have a translucent statusbar so it's hard to test everybody use cases. Also PR's take a lot of time to test on all platforms + it's open source and free work and sometimes we don't have time to work on it. Thanks for your PR @SoyDiego !

It would be cool if we have more contributors like you!

SoyDiego commented 10 months ago

Yeah I agree with hou perhaps I could do more maintaining but I've been very busy latetely and for my use case the library works great now sometimes there is a difference between android where I have a translucent statusbar so it's hard to test everybody use cases. Also PR's take a lot of time to test on all platforms + it's open source and free work and sometimes we don't have time to work on it. Thanks for your PR @SoyDiego !

It would be cool if we have more contributors like you!

Thanks for reply @RichardLindhout , I would like to help more here, but If you want contributors in your projects, you should be more present. I know is very hard to mantain a project but the people sometimes needs directives to do the things. For example, to fixed my PR I was two or three hours researching and maybe If someone who created this project had answered some of my questions, maybe it would have gone faster. Same with the yarn bootstrap problem. If the user arrives and the first thing he tries, it doesn't work, he will leave. The same with contributors, if a contributor does not see commitment from his creator, he will also leave, he will not work for free. I'm not complaining, I'm just trying to make constructive criticism because the project is very good, but it lacks participation and involvement. I would like to help, although my knowledge is not high, but I will only do it if I also see that there is effort and commitment on the other side.

Thanks again for reply and I hope we can improve the project more :)