web-ridge / react-native-paper-dates

Smooth and fast cross platform Material Design date and time picker for React Native Paper
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fix: make status bar work great in all kind of modes #363

Closed RichardLindhout closed 6 months ago

RichardLindhout commented 6 months ago
Scherm­afbeelding 2023-12-21 om 19 50 08 Scherm­afbeelding 2023-12-21 om 19 50 30 Scherm­afbeelding 2023-12-21 om 19 52 37 Scherm­afbeelding 2023-12-21 om 19 52 44 Scherm­afbeelding 2023-12-21 om 19 52 59
iM-GeeKy commented 6 months ago

Let's get rid of some of the commented out code if it's OBE.

SoyDiego commented 6 months ago

Android continue with problems:


iM-GeeKy commented 6 months ago


@RichardLindhout This still seems to be an issue on the latest version as @SoyDiego has pointed out. presentationStyle seems to have some affect on it

RichardLindhout commented 6 months ago

This is a bug in the react native statusbar component when inside a modal unfortunaly. I was hoping it was only in the development build of expo and not in production.


But on the snack someone provided it does seem to work. Let me try again what's the difference with our stuff

RichardLindhout commented 6 months ago

It does seem like the modalBackground has effect on statusbar somehow..

RichardLindhout commented 6 months ago

It does work in this snack but not on my android emulator... https://snack.expo.dev/@richardlindhout/status-bar-tester

RichardLindhout commented 6 months ago

It does seem to work if you put


In your app.tsx like in example. Only the statusbar does not update itself on android it seems to e.g. light-content if background is dark.