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Implement EIP-1559 #4105

Closed luu-alex closed 3 years ago

luu-alex commented 3 years ago

EIP-1559 is a transaction type that targets fee market changes

GregTheGreek commented 3 years ago

Reference https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/issues/1610

spacesailor24 commented 3 years ago

As mentioned in #4149, the Docker version of Geth needs to be reverted from 1.10.3 to stable (tracked via #4150)

mikel2000 commented 3 years ago

Any ETA for this change? EIP-1559 activation isn't that far away :).

luu-alex commented 3 years ago

It'll be our priority to get EIP-1559 asap :)

AndreMiras commented 3 years ago

Until it's released it's still possible to extend it ourselves using web3.extend. I gave it a try and it worked like charm

ChristianTucker commented 3 years ago

Until it's released it's still possible to extend it ourselves using web3.extend. I gave it a try and it worked like charm

Mind posting the extensions?

AndreMiras commented 3 years ago

Mind posting the extensions?

Sure, it depends on which part you need exactly. In my case it's nothing more than cherry picking some of the changes from the on-going PR. I wanted access to the getBlockByNumber() method and read the block baseFeePerGas as well as fetch transactions and to read tipping information when available. Something like this was enough:

const inputFormatters = [
  blockNumber => (blockNumber ? web3.utils.toHex(blockNumber) : 'latest'),
  () => false

const getBlockByNumberMethodDescription = {
  name: 'getBlockByNumber',
  call: 'eth_getBlockByNumber',
  params: 2,
  inputFormatter: inputFormatters

const extendWeb3 = web3 => {
    methods: [getBlockByNumberMethodDescription]

Then call the extendWeb3 function and the new method should be available. So something like:

const baseFeePerGas = async(web3, callback) => {
  const networkId = await web3.eth.net.getId();
  const networkType = await web3.eth.net.getNetworkType();
  const block = await web3.eth.getBlockByNumber();
  console.log(`networkType: ${networkType}`); // ropsten
  console.log(`networkId: ${networkId}`);  // would output 3 for Ropsten
  console.log(`baseFeePerGas: ${block.baseFeePerGas}`); // e.g. 0x11

baseFeePerGas(web3, process.exit);

Well that's the idea, but it turns out that we could probably use the already existing web3.eth.getBlock() method and also transaction tipping info is available out of the box (when provided), hence you can read it already using web3.js 1.4.0. That's for the reading chain data part. For making an EIP-1559 transaction, I guess we're better of installing npm module from the on-going branch/PR. I haven't tried myself, but something like this should work I suppose:

npm install --save npm install git://github.com/ChainSafe/web3.js.git#wyatt/eip1559

If this is not enough, maybe dirty patching your from node_modules/ folder should do it. https://github.com/ChainSafe/web3.js/pull/4155.patch But now we're hijacking the issue a bit I'm afraid :confused: