web3labs / crux

Data Privacy for Quorum Blockchains
Apache License 2.0
53 stars 28 forks source link

-v1, -v2, -v3 short hand not supported #42

Open atoulme opened 5 years ago

atoulme commented 5 years ago

I tried to use the short hand verbosity setting with -v2.

See https://github.com/blk-io/crux/blob/master/config/config_testdata.conf#L120

I received this error message:

unknown shorthand flag: 'v' in -v2
Usage of /opt/crux:
      --alwayssendto string    List of public keys for nodes to send all transactions too
      --berkeleydb             Use Berkeley DB for working with an existing Constellation data store [experimental]
      --generate-keys string   Generate a new keypair
      --grpc                   Use gRPC server (default true)
      --grpcport int           The local port to listen on for JSON extensions of gRPC (default -1)
      --othernodes string      "Boot nodes" to connect to to discover the network (default "")
      --port int               The local port to listen on (default -1)
      --privatekeys string     Private keys hosted by this node (default "")
      --publickeys string      Public keys hosted by this node (default "")
      --socket string          IPC socket to create for access to the Private API (default "crux.ipc")
      --storage string         Database storage file name (default "crux.db")
      --tls                    Use TLS to secure HTTP communications
      --tlsservercert string   The server certificate to be used
      --tlsserverkey string    The server private key
      --url string             The URL to advertise to other nodes (reachable by them) (default "")
      --verbosity int          Verbosity level of logs (default 1)
      --workdir string         The folder to put stuff in (default: .) (default ".")