web3p / web3.php

A php interface for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain and ecosystem. Native ABI parsing and smart contract interactions.
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Please provide an example for call sendRawTransaction #168

Open realtebo opened 4 years ago

realtebo commented 4 years ago

Infura doesn't support sendTransaction, so we can't use your excellent contract->send method.

Could you document how to use sendRawTransaction, having to call a contract function that modifies the state and that needs parameters ?

Your library already is able to automatically prepare data for sending, but I am not able to understand how to manually preparare params for use with sendTransactionRaw.


indigoram89old commented 4 years ago


Nanolucas commented 4 years ago

+1 for documented examples of all function calls. I spent hours trying to figure out why my call wasn't working and it turned out I just had the parameters passed in the wrong format (as an array instead of individual arguments) since the documentation is so limited in its examples.

lawrence296 commented 4 years ago

Usually, to send raw transactions, the prepared data has to be signed. I use the module web3p/ethereum-tx which has the 'Transaction' class to that. For example, to execute the "transfer" function of an ERC20 contract:

$web3 = new Web3(new HttpProvider(new HttpRequestManager($infura,5)));
$eth = $web3->eth;
$contract = new Contract($web3->provider, $contract_abi);
$data = '0x' . $contract->at($contract_addr)->getData('transfer', $to_addr, '0x75BCD15'));
$txParams = [
    'from' => $from_addr,
    'to' => $contract_addr,
    'value' => '0x0',
    'nonce' => dec_to_hex($from_addr_nonce->toString()),
    'gas' => $contract_transfer_gas,
    'gasPrice' => dec_to_hex($gas_price->toString()),
    'chainId' => $chain_id,
    'data' => $data,
$transaction = new Transaction($txParams);
$signedTransaction = $transaction->sign($from_addr_private_key);

// Send the transaction
$eth->sendRawTransaction('0x'. $signedTransaction, function ($err, $tx) {
    if ($err !== null) {
    echo 'TX: '. $tx . PHP_EOL;
wangzhilai commented 4 years ago

where is class Transaction?I can't find it.

indigoram89old commented 4 years ago

I found an another solution. I just created a small service on JS (adonis + web3) with API to sign transactions, interaction with contracts etc. I tried different variants to work with ethereum in PHP but web3js still the best =) So I just install adonis (like laravel for JS), install web3 and create few routes for my tasks. So this service working on the same server with my php application. I like it solution.

supenghai commented 4 years ago

Usually, to send raw transactions, the prepared data has to be signed. I use the module web3p/ethereum-tx which has the 'Transaction' class to that. For example, to execute the "transfer" function of an ERC20 contract:

$web3 = new Web3(new HttpProvider(new HttpRequestManager($infura,5)));
$eth = $web3->eth;
$contract = new Contract($web3->provider, $contract_abi);
$data = '0x' . $contract->at($contract_addr)->getData('transfer', $to_addr, '0x75BCD15'));
$txParams = [
    'from' => $from_addr,
    'to' => $contract_addr,
    'value' => '0x0',
    'nonce' => dec_to_hex($from_addr_nonce->toString()),
    'gas' => $contract_transfer_gas,
    'gasPrice' => dec_to_hex($gas_price->toString()),
    'chainId' => $chain_id,
    'data' => $data,
$transaction = new Transaction($txParams);
$signedTransaction = $transaction->sign($from_addr_private_key);

// Send the transaction
$eth->sendRawTransaction('0x'. $signedTransaction, function ($err, $tx) {
    if ($err !== null) {
    echo 'TX: '. $tx . PHP_EOL;

This is the address of the plug-in. https://github.com/web3p/ethereum-tx

ElNelyo commented 3 years ago

Usually, to send raw transactions, the prepared data has to be signed. I use the module web3p/ethereum-tx which has the 'Transaction' class to that. For example, to execute the "transfer" function of an ERC20 contract:

$web3 = new Web3(new HttpProvider(new HttpRequestManager($infura,5)));
$eth = $web3->eth;
$contract = new Contract($web3->provider, $contract_abi);
$data = '0x' . $contract->at($contract_addr)->getData('transfer', $to_addr, '0x75BCD15'));
$txParams = [
    'from' => $from_addr,
    'to' => $contract_addr,
    'value' => '0x0',
    'nonce' => dec_to_hex($from_addr_nonce->toString()),
    'gas' => $contract_transfer_gas,
    'gasPrice' => dec_to_hex($gas_price->toString()),
    'chainId' => $chain_id,
    'data' => $data,
$transaction = new Transaction($txParams);
$signedTransaction = $transaction->sign($from_addr_private_key);

// Send the transaction
$eth->sendRawTransaction('0x'. $signedTransaction, function ($err, $tx) {
    if ($err !== null) {
    echo 'TX: '. $tx . PHP_EOL;

Hello, I use a code like this one. I got a TX hash in return, but nothing send to the blockchain..Did you have any idea ?

EDIT : After some research, it was NONCE parameters was not good.

            $adresseClient, function($err, $result) use ($contract, $eth,$contractAddress, $adresseClient){
 $txParams = [
                 'from' => $adresseClient,
                 'to' => $contractAddress,
                 'value' => '0x0',
                 'nonce' => "0x".dechex($result->toString()),
                 'gas' => '0x200b20',
                 'gasPrice' => '0x9184e72a000',
                 'chainId' =>  97,
                 'data' => $data,
alansshang commented 3 years ago

I use same code , but response rlp: expected input string or byte for *big.Int, decoding into (types.LegacyTx).VTX: Does anyone know the reason ?

benrobot commented 2 years ago

With a lot of trial and error I finally got a working example of how to transfer tokens by signing the transaction. I put the example at https://github.com/benrobot/web3.php_send_tokens_example

Schiocco commented 1 year ago
