web3p / web3.php

A php interface for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain and ecosystem. Native ABI parsing and smart contract interactions.
MIT License
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请问 getData('transferFrom', $params); 里面的$params参数要怎么传入? #310

Closed hhun closed 1 year ago

hhun commented 1 year ago

我运行以下代码的结果是 由$ownerAddress账号转移原生代币到$toAddress,而不是由$fromAddress转移指定代币到$toAddress。 请问想要实现 由$fromAddress转移指定代币到$toAddress要怎么写?

$fromAddress已经授权了$ownerAddress指定代币 运行以下代码结果为交易类型为EVM转账而没有执行合约调用

$ownerAddress = '';
$ownerPrivateKey = '';

$fromAddress = '';
$toAddress = '';
$amount = '1';

$web3 = new Web3('https://exchainrpc.okex.org/');
$eth = $web3->getEth();

$nonce = 0;
$eth->getTransactionCount($ownerAddress, function ($err, $count) use (&$nonce) {
    if ($err !== null) {
        throw new Exception($err->getMessage());
    $nonce = $count;

$contract = new Contract($eth->getProvider(), $abi);
$contractInstance = $contract->at('0xaa27badaa3c9ec9081b8f6c9cdd2bf375f143780');

// 函数数据
$functionData  = $contractInstance->getData('transferFrom', $fromAddress, $toAddress, $amount);
$rawTx  = [
    'nonce' => '0x' . $nonce->toHex(),
    'from' => $ownerAddress,
    'to' => $toAddress,
    'value' => '0x0',
    'gas' => '0x' . $estimatedGas->toHex(),
    'gasPrice' => '0x' . $gasPrice->toHex(),
    'chainId' => 1,
    'data' => '0x' . $functionData
$transaction = new Transaction($rawTx);

// 离线签名
$signedTransaction = $transaction->sign($ownerPrivateKey);

// 广播交易
$transactionHash = '';
$eth->sendRawTransaction('0x' . $signedTransaction, function ($err, $tx) use (&$transactionHash) {
    if ($err !== null) {
        throw new Exception($err->getMessage());
    $transactionHash = $tx;

echo $transactionHash;

@sc0Vu @1099511627776 @amateescu @sinabs @Arul- @MariusMez @SamYan

hhun commented 1 year ago
