web3p / web3.php

A php interface for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain and ecosystem. Native ABI parsing and smart contract interactions.
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Example of loading ABI or resolve constructor aren't able to add functions, and events #314

Open haruu8 opened 1 year ago

haruu8 commented 1 year ago

Please post an example of loading $abi or resolve constructor problem.

I can load $abi but $contract->constructor functions, and events doesn't exist so I got the error below when I try to do estimateGas->('functionName', [params]).

exception: "InvalidArgumentException"
file: "/api/vendor/web3p/web3.php/src/Contract.php"
line: 719
message: "Please make sure the method exists."


$abi = file_get_contents(base_path('abi/contracts/SupportTicketV0.sol/SupportTicketV0.json'));
$contract = new Contract('http://localhost:8545', $abi);


Also I checked getFunctions and returned empty array like return $contract->getFunctions();.

I guess $abi must be formatted before loading but I'm not sure how format it. $abi is just generated from yarn hardhat compile.

Thank you.