web3p / web3.php

A php interface for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain and ecosystem. Native ABI parsing and smart contract interactions.
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Failed to call smart contract method. #320

Open polym2 opened 1 year ago

polym2 commented 1 year ago

My goal is to create NFT tokens through a smart contract method call. It is not possible to call the smart contract method, instead a "duplicate" of the smart contract itself is created. In addition, for some reason, when creating a copy of the contract, there is also an error: Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [gas uint64 overflow]

Through the metamask, the NFT is created.

Here is my code, what am I missing?

$provider = new HttpProvider(new HttpRequestManager($this->params->get('BNB_SERVER'), 15));

        $web3 = new Web3($provider);
        $contract = new Contract($provider, $this->getAbi());

        // make DATA mintNFT function (?)
        $data = $contract->at($this->params->get('SMART_CONTRACT_ADDRESS'))->getData('mintNFT', $this->params->get('BNB_WALLET'), $tokenUrl);

        // get estimateGas
            $this->params->get('BNB_WALLET'), $tokenUrl, ['from' => $this->params->get('BNB_WALLET'), 'data' => $data], function ($err, $gas) use (&$gasLimit) {
                if ($err !== null) {
                    echo $err->getMessage();
                    return false;
                } else {
                    $gasLimit = $gas;

        $eth = new Eth($provider);

        // get transactionCount
        $eth->getTransactionCount($this->params->get('BNB_WALLET'), function ($err, $data) {
            $this->countTransactions = gmp_intval($data->value);
            return $this->countTransactions;

        /** @var \phpseclib\Math\BigInteger $gasLimit */
        $transaction = new Transaction([
            'from' => $this->params->get('BNB_WALLET'),
            'to' => $this->params->get('SMART_CONTRACT_ADDRESS'),
            'gas' => sprintf('0x%s', $web3->getUtils()::toHex((int)$gasLimit->value)),
            'gasPrice' => sprintf('0x%s', $web3->getUtils()::toHex(15000000000)),
            'gasLimit' => '0x'.$web3->getUtils()::toHex((int)$gasLimit->value * 2),
            'chainId' => 0x61,
            'nonce' => '0x'.$web3->getUtils()::toHex($this->countTransactions),
            'data' => $data,

        $signedTx = $transaction->sign($this->params->get('BNB_PRIVATE_KEY'));


        $eth->sendRawTransaction(sprintf('0x%s', $signedTx));

        $eth->getProvider()->execute(function ($err, $data) use ($web3): string {
            if ($err !== null) {
                // do something
            if (isset($data[0])) {
                $this->hexTransaction = '0x' . $web3->getUtils()::toHex($data[0]);
                return $this->hexTransaction;
            return 0;

Here's what happens when I try to create an NFT through a metamask, and here's what happens when I call the code above.



I'm willing to pay for help if needed.

polym2 commented 1 year ago

The difference was in the "data" parameter. Encoded string from metamask: 0xeacabe140000000000000000000000009e2cdab6be1fdd6e526ac4d037b61e606cf8753e000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000047465737400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Substituted this line instead $data = $contract->at($this->params->get('SMART_CONTRACT_ADDRESS'))->getData('mintNFT', $this->params->get('BNB_WALLET'), $tokenUrl);

And the program worked as it should. The NFT is created and transferred to the wallet.

What is wrong with the line: $data = $contract->at($this->params->get('SMART_CONTRACT_ADDRESS'))->getData('mintNFT', $this->params->get('BNB_WALLET'), $tokenUrl); ?

This line produces the following encoded string: 0xeacabe140000000000000000000000009e2cdab6be1fdd6e526ac4d037b61e606cf8753e0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003b68747470733a2f2f6e6674616d612e696f2f39343165363866353335623737373663373834653736373134626430353165332f6e66742f6d6574610000000000

Highlight areas that differ.
