web3p / web3.php

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Failed to Transfer Token Between Wallet #321

Closed idevlinkcom closed 1 year ago

idevlinkcom commented 1 year ago

I need help to send token BSC (BEP20) to others wallet, I've successfully implement send BSC but not the token BEP20

I already created this

public function CreateAndSendTransBEP20($transactionParams) {
        $contractAddress = $transactionParams['contract'];
        $contract = self::EthContract($contractAddress);

        $address = isset($transactionParams['address']) ? $transactionParams['address'] : null;
        $addressprivate = isset($transactionParams['addressprivate']) ? $transactionParams['addressprivate'] : null;
        $toaddress = isset($transactionParams['toaddress']) ? $transactionParams['toaddress'] : null;
        $amount = isset($transactionParams['amount']) ? $transactionParams['amount'] : 0;
        $gas_limit = isset($transactionParams['gas_limit']) ? $transactionParams['gas_limit'] : 21001;
        $gas_price = isset($transactionParams['gas_price']) ? $transactionParams['gas_price'] : 5;

        $estimatedGas = "0x200b20";

        $contract->estimateGas('transfer', $toaddress, $amount, [
            'from' => $address,
        ], function ($err, $result) use (&$gas_limit) {
            if ($err !== null) {
                throw $err;
            $gas_limit = $result->toString();
        echo '<br>gas_limit:' . $gas_limit . '<br>';

        $web3ChainId = isset($transactionParams['web3ChainId']) ? $transactionParams['web3ChainId'] : "0x0";
        $data = $contract->getData('transfer', $toaddress, $amount);

        $nonce = 0;
        $this->Eth()->getTransactionCount($address, function ($err, $result) use (&$nonce) {
            $nonce = gmp_intval($result->value);
        $amount_wei = eth_to_wei($amount);
        $gas_wei = gwei_to_wei($gas_price);
        $gas_limit = $gas_limit*2;
        $transaction_fee = bcmul($gas_wei, $gas_limit);
        $value_wei = bcsub($amount_wei, $transaction_fee);

        $transaction = [
            'nonce' => '0x' . dechex($nonce),
            'from' => strtolower($address),
            'to' => strtolower($contractAddress),
            'gas' => '0x' . bcdechex($gas_limit),
            'gasLimit' => '0x' . bcdechex($gas_limit),
            'gasPrice' => '0x' . bcdechex($gas_wei),
            'value' => '0x' . bcdechex($value_wei),
            'chainId' => strval($web3ChainId),
            'data' => '0x' . $data
        $transaction = new Transaction($transaction);
        $signedTx = $transaction->sign($addressprivate);

        $this->Eth()->sendRawTransaction('0x' . $signedTx, function ($err, $tx) use (&$payout_tx) {
            if ($err !== null) {
                echo 'Error: ' . $err->getMessage();
                $payout_tx = 'failed';
            } else {
                $payout_tx = $tx;
        return $payout_tx;

And then i call the function with this code

$transactionparams = array(
          'address' => $address,
          'addressprivate' => $addressprivate,
          'toaddress' => $toaddress,
          'gas_limit' => 21000, // gas price can be set or null
          'amount' => 10,
          'web3ChainId' => 97 // 56 bsc mainnet, 97 bsc testnet
        $gettransactiontxbep20 = $bapi->CreateAndSendTransBEP20($transactionparams);

      echo "<pre>";
      echo "</pre>";

What I got is an error showing

Error: transaction underpriced

Already try to double the gas price also give another +1 to nonce and the result is "Error: insufficient funds for gas * price + value"

Any one can help me with this error?

idevlinkcom commented 1 year ago

FOR an update if the value set to 0 the transaction will success, this is the example success using 0 value

$transactionparams = array(
         'address' => $address,
         'addressprivate' => $addressprivate,
         'toaddress' => $toaddress,
         'gas_limit' => 21103, // gas price can be set or null
         'amount' => 0,
         'web3ChainId' => 97 // 56 bsc mainnet, 97 bsc testnet
       $gettransactiontxbep20 = $bapi->CreateAndSendTransBEP20($transactionparams);

     echo "<pre>";
     echo "</pre>";


idevlinkcom commented 1 year ago

here is my address sender 0x5454c66Eaa964D13B7d858D79E85c877Ccbf33Ab which contains 20 USDT Token

also trying this but no luck https://github.com/web3p/web3.php/issues/251#issuecomment-1063884215

numairawan commented 1 year ago

@idevlinkcom how you fixed this? getting the same error