web3p / web3.php

A php interface for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain and ecosystem. Native ABI parsing and smart contract interactions.
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Possible to get past events? #93

Open 87vrvk9k opened 6 years ago

87vrvk9k commented 6 years ago

Watching events is obviously not straightforward in PHP, but getting past events seems really useful, for example for viewing transaction history.


Is this possible right now or could it be implemented?

sciku1 commented 6 years ago

I think you could get away using some existing functions. Before, web3.js simply polled the getLogs endpoint to get event information. I believe the Keccak256 php comes with Web3.php, a work around is to use Eth->getLogs(['topics' => [ keccakOfEvent ] ]). To get the event data, use the event ABI to get the inputs, should be something like ['string', 'uint256',...]. And call Ethabi->decode($log->data, $inputs); Don't have time to give you a code sample but it should point you in the right direction!

JamesMRM commented 5 years ago

Wanted to share what I came up with using sciku1's pointer - it's working for me.

 function getEventLogged($eventName)
        //use $eventName to get $eventSignature and $eventInputParametersStringArray
            'topics' => array(Utils::sha3($eventSignature)),
            'address' => $contractAddress
        function ($err, $result) use (&$output) {
            if($err !== null) {
                echo $err->getMessage();
            $output = $result;
        return $contract->ethabi->decodeParameters($eventInputParametersStringArray, $output[0]->data);

Won't necessarily want $output[0] in most cases, but this will hopefully help anyone else who comes across this. Thanks for the pointer there sciku1!

sciku1 commented 5 years ago

@sc0Vu you think we could add this into the Eth.php?