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`team: anonymous` paramater does not seem to render correctly #906

Open fryorcraken opened 1 week ago

fryorcraken commented 1 week ago

Waku shows "team anonymous :-1:":


However, the team is not anonymous and available on the website: https://waku.org/

I was going to open a PR but the yaml shows:

  anonymous: false
  teammembers: []


So it seems correct in yaml but misrendered on website?

DeBelg commented 1 week ago

We're doing a dual check, 1 if anonymous is false, and 1 if the team is filled in. If nobody is filled in we're assuming they are anonymous.

But I agree that it's not always clearly rendered or explained in the current situation. I'll take it for feedback to our next weekly meeting, thanks for bringing it up!

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