web4bio / webgen

WebGen Vertically Integrated Project
11 stars 26 forks source link

Move clinical/gene checkbox to the left #336

Closed rmoffitt closed 2 years ago

rmoffitt commented 3 years ago


kaczmarj commented 2 years ago

in our webgen meeting on october 29, we decided to put the checkboxes on the left. because we are using the materialize framework, we can use their grid feature (see https://materializecss.com/grid.html#grid-responsive). an example code that comes from there website and broadly does what we want...

    <div class="row">

      <div class="col s12 m4 l3">
        <!-- Checkboxes
              This content will be:
          3-columns-wide on large screens,
          4-columns-wide on medium screens,
          12-columns-wide on small screens  -->

      <div class="col s12 m8 l9">
        <!-- Plots
              This content will be:
          9-columns-wide on large screens,
          8-columns-wide on medium screens,
          12-columns-wide on small screens  -->
