webRTC-io / webRTC.io

An abstraction layer for webRTC. Aim is to simplify the HTML5 web standard webRTC in a similar manner to socket.io w/ websockets. Highly experimental technology
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Doesn't work with new webkitRTCPeerConnection #9

Closed rileydutton closed 11 years ago

rileydutton commented 11 years ago

Chrome 23 is out and it has deprecated the old webkitPeerConnection00 object. Even if you try to allow support for webkitRTCPeerConnection, it fails on:

var pc = rtc.peerConnections[id] = new PeerConnection(rtc.SERVER, function(candidate, moreToFollow) {

with error "Not an object."

rileydutton commented 11 years ago

Sorry, this should have been posted on the client, not the server.

coderaiser commented 11 years ago

added suport of chrome Version 25.0.1323.0 canary https://github.com/webRTC/webrtc.io-client/pull/12

atulpundhir commented 11 years ago

It still doesn't work on chrome 23. Gives types error.

michielbdejong commented 11 years ago

from https://codereview.chromium.org/10957035/patch/9001/3003 it looks like the interface changed and you should now do something like:

var peerConn = new webkitRTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[{url:'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302'}]}, onSignal);

instead of the old way which was:

var peerConn = new PeerConnection('STUN stun.l.google.com:19302', onSignal);


michielbdejong commented 11 years ago

actually the onSignal callback is also gone, see the createPeerConnection function in:

dennismartensson commented 11 years ago

If you have the time and skill please submit a pull request.

Thank you!