webark / ember-component-css

An Ember CLI addon which allows you to specify styles for individual components
MIT License
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Deprecation warnings with Ember 3.27 #365

Open boris-petrov opened 3 years ago

boris-petrov commented 3 years ago

Importing global Ember is deprecated in Ember 3.27 and will be removed from Ember 4.

P.S. Reopening Ember.Component also.

SergeAstapov commented 2 years ago

This can be fixed in a way similar to https://github.com/salsify/ember-css-modules/pull/251 or https://github.com/simplabs/ember-test-selectors/pull/721

webark commented 2 years ago

@SergeAstapov I'm no longer maintaining this project, and any effort I do spend is being transitioned into its replacement https://github.com/webark/ember-cli-styles

There are a number of issues with how this addon accomplishes its features that are not compatible with Ember 4, so a rewrite was nessicary. It also means there are some features (like the automatic namespacing of components) that are no longer feasible.

Documentation of https://github.com/webark/ember-cli-styles is coming as well as a transition plan for those interested in making the switch.

SergeAstapov commented 2 years ago

@webark totally understand that and really appreciate all the effort you put into https://github.com/webark/ember-cli-styles!

At this point I'm not sure how feasible the switch is and how close ember-cli-styles to release. My thought process was that we may be able easily make this addon not break with Ember v4 because of Ember.Component.reopen and keep using it until ember-cli-styles is ready.

I'm happy to explore and PR an option I mentioned in the above PR meanwhile. Hope this makes sense

webark commented 2 years ago

ember-cli-styles is pretty close.. if you want to try to get a PR together for this, I'll be happy to review, give feedback, and merge. Without Ember.Component.reopen, this project can't function.

boris-petrov commented 2 years ago

@SergeAstapov - ember-cli-styles is pretty fine. There's a few issues that remain for it to be fully production-ready (I've opened an issue for all of them I believe) but otherwise you can try it out now on your Ember 4 apps and tell us of any problems! :)