webark / ember-component-css

An Ember CLI addon which allows you to specify styles for individual components
MIT License
542 stars 115 forks source link

Bump dependencies #380

Closed SergeAstapov closed 2 years ago

SergeAstapov commented 2 years ago

@ebryn mind to release alongside #379? Just a small face lift for the addon.

I know you plan to retire it but it may worth to modernize it a little bit meanwhile

webark commented 2 years ago

I'll review this when i'm at a computer over the next couple days.

SergeAstapov commented 2 years ago

hi @webark! just a friendly reminder if you could land this and release new version

webark commented 2 years ago

I'll try to release a new version today or early next week.

Thanks so much for doing this and setting up the github actions.

If you have time, I've never looked into it before and we don't use github at work, could you point me to an example npm release action that we could enable?

There's already a "release" action, so i assume it would be pretty strait forward. I don't know if I'd be able to connect it up to be authenticated to publish to npm or if erik would have to do that.

SergeAstapov commented 2 years ago

@webark thank you! I've just opened https://github.com/ebryn/ember-component-css/pull/384/files which should be able to do npm publish from the GitHub action once you push the tag (which is inspired by https://github.com/lifeart/ember-click-outside-modifier/blob/master/.github/workflows/publish-unstable.yml).

Only thing you need to do: add npm token as NODE_AUTH_TOKEN to Github Secret (see docs here).

Basically, you need to:

I've been using https://github.com/release-it/release-it which simplifies things, but that may need a separate setup.

webark commented 2 years ago

@SergeAstapov accidentally released a 0.7.5 with these changes but deprecated that version, released a 0.7.6 that is the same as 0.7.4, and released a 0.8.0 with these changes. Due to the removal of old node versions, it should be a minor bump.

webark commented 2 years ago

actually use 0.8.1.. that's the proper latest now. Sorry for the mess up.