webaudiomodules / api

Web Audio Modules (WAMs) API
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API v0.2 #12

Open micahscopes opened 3 years ago

micahscopes commented 3 years ago

Is it reasonable for me to think of WAM 0.2 as an API for sending meaningful messages to/from/between AudioWorklet processors?

jariseon commented 2 years ago

v02 api provides two layers: the higher level layer is accessible from the main thread JS code, while the lower level layer operates at the audio thread side. the hosting web page/app calls the higher level JS apis to load the plugin, to set/get its presets and params, push midi etc. these calls are routed to the lower level api, which in turn forwards them to the wasm module instance.

the api is thin and it only supports most common audio plugin use cases. v02 thus provides means for messaging to/from AudioWorklets, but messaging between AudioWorklets is excluded and left for the host responsibility.