webaudiomodules / webdx7

virtual Yamaha DX7 synth
MIT License
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Missing -DAUDIOWORKLET definition in Makefile #4

Open bfabricius opened 5 years ago

bfabricius commented 5 years ago

It seems like JUCE is missing a platform definition during cross compilation if i don't add -DAUDIOWORKLET to the CFLAGS in Makefile. Can you confirm this?

jariseon commented 5 years ago

correct, the Makefile below contains -DAUDIOWORKLET and -DWASM: https://github.com/jariseon/JUCE/blob/master/wasm/lib/Makefile#L12

AUDIOWORKLET defines the target platform and WASM defines the target binary format. But webdx7 should not need those flags ?

bfabricius commented 5 years ago

@jariseon sorry, got my wires crossed here, this was supposed to be an issue for https://github.com/jariseon/webOBXD. Ill close this issue and migrate it over there. Thanks for getting back on this so quickly 👍

bfabricius commented 5 years ago

Actually, seems i cant create an issue for that repo. But when I compiled webOBXD earlier, i had to add -DAUDIOWORKLET to the CFLAGS in Builds/Makefile. Reopening this so you can take note :) sorry for the back and forth.