Currently UVs can be scaled per-texture using a 'mapping' node in blender, however when imported into webaverse - all textures conform to diffuse UV scaling. This means normal maps and diffuse maps cannot have scaling independent from eachother.
Testing with don's gltf viewer shows same result.
Babylon.js shows independent UV scaling properly:
Can't zoom in with babylon.js for some reason - scaling seen on right
Currently UVs can be scaled per-texture using a 'mapping' node in blender, however when imported into webaverse - all textures conform to diffuse UV scaling. This means normal maps and diffuse maps cannot have scaling independent from eachother.
Test .blend and .glb : Webaverse scene:
Testing with don's gltf viewer shows same result. Babylon.js shows independent UV scaling properly: Can't zoom in with babylon.js for some reason - scaling seen on right