webaverse / xrpackage

XR (VR+AR) web object packaging core API
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Glitch samples #34

Open avaer opened 4 years ago

avaer commented 4 years ago

We could use samples on Glitch.com for both packaging files using the programmatic XRPackage API, and also specifically packaging the different engines alongside each other.

avaer commented 4 years ago

We have an org account for doing this but it could be forked from any existing glitch.

avaer commented 4 years ago

@ChrisEddy if you had a chance to put up a react-three-fiber + react-xr example to Glitch that could be a good basis to start from.

ChristopherTrimboli commented 4 years ago

https://github.com/ChrisEddy/plant-fiber-ui... Glitch included in the Readme.

Zetaphor commented 4 years ago

We currently have the following examples in the following states:

Direct URL's for the three examples pages are here: https://xrpackage-creator.glitch.me/examples/three https://xrpackage-creator.glitch.me/examples/aframe https://xrpackage-creator.glitch.me/examples/babylon

Babylon Output:
hello world :o script.js:4:9
sw registration undefined xrpackage.js:114:11
got files 
Array(3) [ "index.html", "manifest.json", "assets/webaverse-banner.png" ]
got files src 
Array(3) [ {…}, {…}, {…} ]
got d 
Uint8Array(89991) [ 134, 72, 240, 159, 140, 144, 240, 159, 147, 166, … ]
iframe script index.html:10:9
Babylon.js v4.2.0-alpha.20 - WebGL2 babylon.js:16:363062
HTMLCollection { 0: button.babylonVRicon, length: 1 }
TypeError: can't access property "then", this.canvasContext.makeXRCompatible() is undefined
    initializeXRLayerAsync https://preview.babylonjs.com/babylon.js:16
    enterXRAsync https://preview.babylonjs.com/babylon.js:16
    promise callback*wa</e.prototype.enterXRAsync https://preview.babylonjs.com/babylon.js:16
    onclick https://preview.babylonjs.com/babylon.js:16
    s https://preview.babylonjs.com/babylon.js:16
    s https://preview.babylonjs.com/babylon.js:16
    s https://preview.babylonjs.com/babylon.js:16
    s https://preview.babylonjs.com/babylon.js:16
    onclick https://preview.babylonjs.com/babylon.js:16
    checkExist https://xrpackage-creator.glitch.me/index.html:80
    setInterval handler* https://xrpackage-creator.glitch.me/index.html:77
    EventListener.handleEvent* https://xrpackage-creator.glitch.me/index.html:76
can't access property "then", this.canvasContext.makeXRCompatible() is undefined babylon.js:16:1746722
avaer commented 4 years ago

Last I saw @avaer had this working but it looks like there's still debug calls present. Are we okay to go clean that out and revert back to hosted versions of A-Frame and SW?

I don't need anything there -- we can revert to a sessiongranted-supporting version and it might work.

avaer commented 4 years ago

I think I fixed the makeXRCompatible error -- it was a spec violation on our end. https://github.com/webaverse/xrpackage/commit/722692569e4d2239bedc3aa544f526558e7cc296