webaverse / xrpackage

XR (VR+AR) web object packaging core API
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Mozilla Hubs plugin #37

Open avaer opened 4 years ago

avaer commented 4 years ago

The Hubs team is working on plugin support for Hubs: https://github.com/MozillaReality/hubs-plugin-api

It would be cool to be able to load XRPackages into Hubs with a Mozilla Hubs plugin. I imagine this would work by creating a Hubs cloud instance and hooking in the xrpackage.js runtime in the render loop. Exposing the three.js renderer seems like it will be part of the API surface so it should be doable.

Note that we can already run hubs as a package! https://github.com/webaverse/hubs That works by making Hubs a client of XRPackage, since it runs inside. This proposal is slightly different in that it would be a thing that you add to your Hubs deploy, with Hubs being the host and XRPackage being the client.

If we do this it should be a separate repo.

avaer commented 4 years ago

See also: https://github.com/mozilla/hubs/pull/2562