webb-tools / tangle-restaking-parachain

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[ISSUE] Runtime build fails when feature flags enabled #7

Closed salman01zp closed 1 month ago

salman01zp commented 1 month ago


Runtime build fails for with-tangle-kusama-runtime and with-tangle-runtime feature flags.

cargo build --release --features with-tangle-runtime
cargo build --release --features with-tangle-kusama-runtime


error[E0282]: type annotations needed
   --> node/service/src/collator_polkadot.rs:381:37
381 |             let telemetry_handle = telemetry.handle();
    |                                              ^^^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` declared on the enum `Option`

error[E0560]: struct `RuntimeGenesisConfig` has no field named `vesting`
   --> node/service/src/chain_spec/tangle_kusama.rs:177:3
177 |         vesting: VestingConfig { vesting: vestings },
    |         ^^^^^^^ `RuntimeGenesisConfig` does not have this field
    = note: all struct fields are already assigned

error[E0560]: struct `RuntimeGenesisConfig` has no field named `salp`
   --> node/service/src/chain_spec/tangle_kusama.rs:186:3
186 |         salp: SalpConfig { initial_multisig_account: Some(salp_multisig_key) },
    |         ^^^^ `RuntimeGenesisConfig` does not have this field
    = note: all struct fields are already assigned
error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared crate or module `tangle_polkadot_runtime`
   --> node/service/src/chain_spec/tangle_polkadot.rs:124:7
124 |                         tangle_polkadot_runtime::SessionKeys { aura }, // session keys
    |                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ use of undeclared crate or module `tangle_polkadot_runtime`
help: there is a crate or module with a similar name
124 |                         tangle_kusama_runtime::SessionKeys { aura }, // session keys
    |                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~