Here are three improvements for the code:
1. Reduce nesting: Instead of using an `if` statement with a positive condition, you can use an early return to reduce the level of nesting in the code.
const app = async () => {
if (!hasCorrectConfig()) {
console.error('Missing configuration')
const { appId, privateKey, webhooks, oauth } =
// Rest of the code...
2. Use destructuring assignment for ``: Since you're only interested in a few properties from ``, you can directly destructure them during the assignment.
const { appId, privateKey, webhooks, oauth } =
3. Add error handling for `app().catch()`: It's generally a good practice to add error handling for asynchronous functions. You can log or handle any errors that occur during the execution of the `app()` function.
app().catch((error) => {
console.error('An error occurred:', error)
These improvements address the nesting of the code, make the code more concise through destructuring assignment, and provide error handling for the asynchronous function.
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