webbukkit / DynmapBlockScan

Tool to scan post-1.8 MC blocks and JSON model data to automatically generate Dynmap models
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New Chisel version uses .json models but DBS still generates bad files #31

Open advurb opened 5 years ago

advurb commented 5 years ago

Hello! Thanks for your time reading this.

The new version of Chisel (still in development, but the dev team says the new model system is complete) uses vanilla json models, however I'm still having trouble getting DBS to generate files for them. I'm not seeing any errors in the logs related to Chisel.

Here is the new Chisel build I'm using. Here is the generated chisel-textures.txt Here is the generated chisel-models.txt

As you can see, DBS is picking up some of the data, but it's incomplete, and blocks still render invisible.

Thanks again, please let me know if I didn't include any info.

senue commented 5 years ago

Hey I figured out a workaround.

I am using Chisel-MC1.12.2- CTM-MC1.12.2- Dynmap-3.0-beta-3-forge-1.12.2.jar DynmapBlockScan-3.0-beta-1-forge-1.12.2.jar

Replace your Chisel.jar with mine https://github.com/senue/ChiselDynmap/raw/master/Chisel-MC1.12.2-

The difference between mine and the original version is, I added a few json files to assets/chisel/blockstates. I assigned a few default textures to every chisel blocktype. For example every basalt chisel shows one default basalt texture on the dynmap. Its not a perfect fix but at least something.

EDIT: In case you are using an older version of chisel, just copy the json files from mine Chisel.jar under assets/chisel/blockstates into the same folder of the Chisel.jar you are running on your server (except default.json and auto_chisel.json). No need to update the client.

I also tried the new .36 version of chisel but it didn't work. It seems like they are using some json models but somehow DBS cann't find the textures. Maybe DBS can add support for it, it seems like they are using an uncommon format:


"forge_marker": 1, "defaults": { "model" : "chisel:cube_2_layer", "textures": { "top" : "chisel:blocks/antiblock/antiblock", "particle": "#bot" } }, "variants": { "magenta" : [{ "textures": { "bot": "chisel:blocks/antiblock/magenta" } }], "pink" : [{ "textures": { "bot": "chisel:blocks/antiblock/pink" } }], "green" : [{ "textures": { "bot": "chisel:blocks/antiblock/green" } }], "lime" : [{ "textures": { "bot": "chisel:blocks/antiblock/lime" } }], "black" : [{ "textures": { "bot": "chisel:blocks/antiblock/black" } }], "yellow" : [{ "textures": { "bot": "chisel:blocks/antiblock/yellow" } }], "light_blue": [{ "textures": { "bot": "chisel:blocks/antiblock/light_blue" } }], "brown" : [{ "textures": { "bot": "chisel:blocks/antiblock/brown" } }], "cyan" : [{ "textures": { "bot": "chisel:blocks/antiblock/cyan" } }], "orange" : [{ "textures": { "bot": "chisel:blocks/antiblock/orange" } }], "red" : [{ "textures": { "bot": "chisel:blocks/antiblock/red" } }], "gray" : [{ "textures": { "bot": "chisel:blocks/antiblock/gray" } }], "blue" : [{ "textures": { "bot": "chisel:blocks/antiblock/blue" } }], "white" : [{ "textures": { "bot": "chisel:blocks/antiblock/white" } }], "purple" : [{ "textures": { "bot": "chisel:blocks/antiblock/purple" } }], "silver" : [{ "textures": { "bot": "chisel:blocks/antiblock/silver" } }] } }

And a few things about DBS seem to be wrong. Any custom file added under dynmap/renderdata is being ignored by dynmap (the readme file there states it should be possible to place custom files there). Also the "block-alias" in dynmap/configuration.txt seems to have no impact at all. I tried using "block-alias:" and "block-id-alias:" and every possible combination of id or name-id like "sand": "stone" "sand": 1 etc. but nothing worked. I couldn't replace any block at all, not even vanilla minecraft.

nate2014jatc commented 5 years ago

It would appear that this fix is no longer functional. I made the requested changes, and re-rendered one of the problem areas on my map, and I was still met with the following display.

This is how the bridges look in-game; https://cloud.astragroup.info/index.php/s/sJJ45WPqp9N6mR7

nate2014jatc commented 5 years ago

Cross-reported to the Chisel team
