webbukkit / dynmap

A set of Minecraft mods that provide a real time web-based map system for various Minecraft server implementations.
Apache License 2.0
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Blank white page #1266

Closed LackeDragon closed 10 years ago

LackeDragon commented 11 years ago

Hi, I just installed Dynmap (put in plugin directory etc) But when I go on the website, there is only a blank white page : http://arkhosia.smallmine.net:8123/ how to fix that? Thanks

M3tal-Warrior commented 11 years ago

Updated to the latest version (todays), since I only got a black screen with the previous. Still not able to display anything. Apache2 logs in error.log just: [Sun May 05 13:37:18 2013] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/dynmap/standalone/config.js

My setup is as follows: Server runs in /dev/shm/minecraft, User: minecraft Dynmap resides in /dev/shm/minecraft/plugins/ The tiles folder is a symbolic link to /home/minecraft/tools/dynmap/tiles Apache2 uses a symlink (/var/www/dynmap) to /dev/shm/minecraft/plugins/dynmap/web

Funny sidenote: your permissions for the dynmap folders disallow apache2 to access it, since you only gave them to the minecraft user (drwx------) and apache2 runs on user www-data (Debian Squeeze standard).

Server: mcserver.blacksky-dev.com

mikeprimm commented 11 years ago

If you're using apache, did you set the JsonFileClientUpdate compoent to be enabled, instead of the internal one? Also, by default, Apache will not follow symlinks (security issues with apps escalating privileges).

On permissions, they are just like every java app - we cannot control them, and they are set based on the execution environment of the JVM - your umask is set to not give group or world read, so the files we make aren't either). Its up to you to make it so that files produced by the JVM are readable by apache - making the umask give sufficient permissions for group, and then adding the apache uid to the user's gid is usually the easiest option.

LackeDragon commented 11 years ago

Hum, thanks M3tal-Warrior to steal my issue lol And no Mike I'm not using Apache.

M3tal-Warrior commented 11 years ago

@LackeDragon Sry, in forums I'm normally working it's considered impolite to open a new thread if there's a matching around - and yours seems matching, since my screen is blank too (except the background color is black). I will continue to write in here, unless you like it otherwise. BTW, I get a disconnect from your server - so I can't help you either ;)

@mikeprimm Which component, and where. Google doesn't seem to know about it, which is quite bad with such a well-documented server application as apache2 is. Symlinks are quite normal on a Debian installation (as the permissions to/of the liked file/directory are used for access control), I can't say I've reconfigured something there. Anyways, it worked for at least a whole year without problem, it's just the update which doesn't work. As for the permissions, I'm not talking about the tiles - almost every file created by a user on a standard Debian install is at least readable by all users. So are the tiles. I talk about the provided zipped folder "dynmap" and containing "web" that are only 0700.

LackeDragon commented 11 years ago

@M3tal-Warrior When there is nobody on the server is turn automatically OFF, that's why you got a disconnect.

mikeprimm commented 10 years ago

Stale issue - open new issue with current info if a problem with latest releases