webcamoid / akvirtualcamera

akvirtualcamera, virtual camera for Mac and Windows
GNU General Public License v3.0
376 stars 47 forks source link can't find virtual camera in Mac #36

Closed dx12346789 closed 1 year ago

dx12346789 commented 2 years ago

I use the viki's Build and install to install virtual camera.But I can't find the camera in Following my terminal code:

soda@sodadeiMac Resources % ./AkVCamManager devices
soda@sodadeiMac Resources % ./AkVCamManager load setting.ini 
soda@sodadeiMac Resources % ./AkVCamManager devices
| Device             | Description             |
| AkVCamVideoDevice0 | My Other Virtual Camera |
| MyFakeCamera0      | My Virtual Camera       |
soda@sodadeiMac Resources % ./AkVCamManager update
soda@sodadeiMac Resources % ./AkVCamManager formats MyFakeCamera0
0: YUY2 1280x720 30/1 FPS

and the setting.ini:

cameras/size = 2

cameras/1/description = My Virtual Camera
cameras/1/formats = 1
cameras/1/id = MyFakeCamera0

cameras/2/description = My Other Virtual Camera
cameras/2/formats = 1, 2

formats/size = 2

formats/1/format = YUY2
formats/1/width = 1280
formats/1/height = 720
formats/1/fps = 30

formats/2/format = RGB24
formats/2/width = 1280
formats/2/height = 720
formats/2/fps = 30

default_frame = /Users/soda/xcodepoject/akvirtualcamera-master/cmake_build/build/AkVirtualCamera.plugin/Contents/Resources/default.jpg 

Is there anything I missed?

hipersayanX commented 2 years ago

Dit you installed the service?

hipersayanX commented 2 years ago

I tested it and it's working fine for me, with the same configuration as you.

Captura de Pantalla 2022-02-16 a la(s) 11 19 24

If you did followed the wiki word by word, it should be working fine for you too.

dx12346789 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your reply. Here are my services:

soda@sodadeiMac Resources % launchctl list | grep -E "Assistant"
-   0
soda@sodadeiMac Resources % sudo launchctl list | grep -E "Assistant"
20686   0   org.webcamoid.cmio.AkVCam.Assistant
-   0
-   0
-   0
-   0
276 0
-   0

The first service returned by sudo.

I add service by this code:

sudo launchctl enable system/org.webcamoid.cmio.AkVCam.Assistant

sudo launchctl bootstrap system /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.webcamoid.cmio.AkVCam.Assistant.plist

I copy and paste it to the terminal.

dx12346789 commented 2 years ago

My proccess is as follows:

  1. Make alias for AkVirtualCamera.plugin to /Library/CoreMediaIO/Plug-Ins/DAL/
  2. Copy the code to create plist file to /Library/LaunchDaemons/
  3. Create the service with the above code
  4. Then use sudo launchctl start /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.webcamoid.cmio.AkVCam.Assistant.plist to start the service

FFmpeg also can't found the virtual camera

hipersayanX commented 2 years ago

Everything seems to be correct. Are you using an x86_64 or a M1 processor? Does installing the virtual camera using the pkg works?

dx12346789 commented 2 years ago

oh. My zoom can find the virtual camera. I can't understand it. I changed the camera format from YUY2 to RGB24, then zoom can find it. After that I changed to YUY2, zoom can also found it.

dx12346789 commented 2 years ago

When I use: ffmpeg -i ./1.mp4 -pix_fmt rgb24 -f rawvideo - | ./AkVCamManager stream MyFakeCamera0 RGB24 1280 720 Then I changed size from 1280x720 to 640x480,It's also slow.
It look like slower that the original. What can i do?

hipersayanX commented 2 years ago

oh. My zoom can find the virtual camera. I can't understand it.

Could it be that you closed and then reopened Zoom? that could be the reason because it can find the camera now.

It look like slower that the original.

The vcam still needs a lot of optimizations.

What can i do?

If you know, C++ then start optimizing the code.