webcast / webcast.js

API and documentation for the webcast websocket protocol
MIT License
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1002 Invalid hello in React Native #19

Open tristan-nel opened 4 years ago

tristan-nel commented 4 years ago

I'm attempting to replicate this WebSocket usage in React Native.

I have used react-native-microphone-stream to gain the device mic stream data.

I have a liquidsoap server with a mic mount:

set("harbor.bind_addr", "")
mic = input.harbor(

And in the JS for the RN app I have:

var ws = new WebSocket('ws://LIQ_SERVER_URL:8080/mic', 'webcast');
  ws.onopen = () => {
    // connection opened
    console.log('socket opened');
    const frame = {
      type: 'hello',
      data: {
        mime: 'audio/x-raw',
        audio: {
          channels: 2,
          samplerate: 44100,
          bitrate: 128,
    ws.send(JSON.stringify(frame)); // Complains about invalid type if not stringified

async function requestMicrophonePermission() {
    try {
      // console.log(PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.RECORD_AUDIO);
      const granted = await PermissionsAndroid.request(
          title: 'Microphone Access Permission',
            'App needs access to your microphone so you can talk over your broadcast if you are a moderator',
          buttonNeutral: 'Ask Me Later',
          buttonNegative: 'Cancel',
          buttonPositive: 'OK',
      if (granted === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED) {
        console.log('You can use the microphone');
      } else {
        console.log('Microphone permission denied');
    } catch (err) {

useEffect(() => {
      bufferSize: 4096,
      sampleRate: 44100,
      bitsPerChannel: 128,
      channelsPerFrame: 2,
    return () => listener.remove();
  }, []);

const listener = MicStream.addListener((data) => {
    // TODO: mic to server

When I run the app I get the following output in console:

socket opened
1002 Invalid hello.

To be clear, I have not copied/cloned the Webcast.js code into my RN app, I am simply trying to replicate the WebSocket usage - does the 'webcast' protocol need to be defined somewhere in the RN app for the WebSocket to work?