webcat12345 / ngx-intl-tel-input

Phone number input field to support international numbers, Angular
MIT License
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Angular 13 update #413

Closed NayeBeckham closed 2 years ago

NayeBeckham commented 2 years ago

Solves #410

What's the problem The application wasn't up-to-date and it could make problems.

Why we should fix it It should be fixed because we can have new features, optimizations and the bugs there are in old versions can be fixed.

How I fixed it I ran the command npx @angular/cli@13 update @angular/core@13 @angular/cli@13 in the terminal. Then, I ran the command npm install --force to set all the final changes. Ran the command ng serve to see if everything was working as normal.

How package.json should see now:

Screen Shot 2021-12-17 at 8 38 44 Screen Shot 2021-12-17 at 8 38 56

Everyone with angular 13 should be able to use this library.

Thank you, feel free to tell me anything.

phyr0s commented 2 years ago

@NayeBeckham hello, you need to change peerDependencies to

"@angular/common": "8.x - 13.x", "@angular/core": "8.x - 13.x", "@angular/forms": "8.x - 13.x",

phyr0s commented 2 years ago

@NayeBeckham also you can not generate the library only changing ng-packagr version. There is breaking changes --> umdModuleIds is not longer available


Component library it's not only serve in local machine. You need to generate the bundle and install in one application to check well that the installation and functionality works fine. :)

diiogocosta commented 2 years ago

I think it can be merged right?

phyr0s commented 2 years ago

@diiogocosta no, can't be merged until fixed the peerDependencies and removing umdModuleIds.

Si se mergea se romperá el repositorio porque no compilará. Además si no se modifican esos peerDependencies al instalar en una aplicación nueva tampoco cumplirá con los requisitos de instalación y por tanto no instalará.

Es importante no solo probar en local, se debe de generar el paquete completo y realizar una instalación en una aplicación consumidora para garantizar que funciona correctamente.

NayeBeckham commented 2 years ago

@phyr0s hello, I made some changes and I think it is working now!

I added the peerDependencies as you suggested

Screen Shot 2022-01-12 at 12 11 06

And I created two angular projects from scratch to see if everything is working correctly. At the angular 13 project I followed all the installation steps and everything was working fine, I changed the library peerDependencies and I added the necessary imports at the app.module.ts and everything was working.

Screen Shot 2022-01-12 at 12 12 31

There wasn't any console error.

Screen Shot 2022-01-12 at 12 16 33

At the angular 8 project I also followed all the installation steps, changed the library peerDependencies, and added the necessary imports.

Screen Shot 2022-01-12 at 12 18 14

But here I was having trouble importing ChangeData and Country. And what I did was remove the type at import. Like this:

Screen Shot 2022-01-12 at 12 18 02

There wasn't any console error.

Screen Shot 2022-01-12 at 12 20 55

Hope it helps, thank you for the feedback!

phyr0s commented 2 years ago

Looks better @NayeBeckham

@webcat12345 can you check it?

james-bampoe commented 2 years ago

Is there anything missing for the pull request to be merged? Would be great to have support for Angular 13 soon :)

hugopicq commented 2 years ago

When can we hope to see this lib in Angular 13 ?

Aionx commented 2 years ago

Hello @webcat12345 @phyr0s, can we hope for this request to be merged anytime soon ? We need this to work on Angular 13 so bad ! Thanks by advance !

pelkamarcin commented 2 years ago

Hey, @phyr0s can you recheck this one?

gtamos commented 2 years ago

Hello @webcat12345 @phyr0s any news on this? we need to use the component in angular 13 too. thanks!

paulagrisolia-tc commented 2 years ago

Is there a way to merge this soon?

samwilcock commented 2 years ago

Can this be merged please, would be great to have it in v13.

phyr0s commented 2 years ago

@webcat12345 people are waiting

vbxhunn commented 2 years ago

Hi, any update regarding this?

Tharunvarshanth commented 2 years ago

@webcat12345 @phyr0s we are also waiting for this merge to work on angular-13 please merge as soon as possible

sreeragspillai commented 2 years ago

Any update on this?

Gubancs commented 2 years ago

I'm also waiting for this update, i appreciate your help.

webcat12345 commented 2 years ago

Sorry here!!! Just came back to this PR and reviewing it now, seems like there are bunch of webpack pack files, not sure what are those. Any comment on it?

webcat12345 commented 2 years ago

Thank you all for contributing our library, I am ready to publish this to new version, but before it want to clarify about those pack files.

webcat12345 commented 2 years ago

And for the consistency, I would insist to use single quote mark, rather than double quote mark. Could you please fix them?

NayeBeckham commented 2 years ago

@webcat12345 I think the changes as you requested are ready, I deleted all the webpacks and there wasn't problem :)

webcat12345 commented 2 years ago

Hi webcat!

A new version of the package ngx-intl-tel-input (3.2.0) was published at 2022-04-06T14:51:15.547Z from The shasum of this package was c2d8dc683408b550d5ba571df633890294ee33c8.

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