webcoast-dk / deferred-image-processing

TYPO3 extension for handling image processing on request instead of during page generation
GNU General Public License v3.0
12 stars 9 forks source link

Error 503 after activation #17

Closed ritterg closed 1 year ago

ritterg commented 1 year ago

When I activate this extension in Typo3 11.5.25, I get an error 503 Oops, an error occurred! TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\ImageManipulation\Area::__construct(): Argument #1 ($x) must be of type float, null given, called in {...}/typo3_src-11.5.25/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Imaging/ImageDimension.php on line 148

thommyhh commented 1 year ago

@ritterg Can you provide a full stack trace and may be more details on the image, this happens with?

ritterg commented 1 year ago

This is one page where the error happens: https://test.kunstverein.ch/sektion-des-monats/kunst-museum-winterthur But there are many others

Whoops, looks like something went wrong. (1/1) TypeError TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\ImageManipulation\Area::__construct(): Argument #1 ($x) must be of type float, null given, called in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Imaging/ImageDimension.php on line 148 in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Imaging/ImageManipulation/Area.php line 50

at TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceStorage->processFile(object(TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\File), 'Image.CropScaleMask', array('bodyTag' => '', 'wrap' => ' | ', 'width' => '800m', 'height' => '600m', 'JSwindow' => '1', 'JSwindow.' => array('newWindow' => '0', 'if.' => array('isFalse' => '0')), 'directImageLink' => '0', 'crop.' => array('data' => 'file:current:crop'), 'linkParams.' => array('ATagParams.' => array('dataWrap' => 'class="lightbox" rel="lightbox[{field:uid}]"')), 'enable' => true, 'crop' => '{"default":{"cropArea":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":1,"height":1},"selectedRatio":"NaN","focusArea":null}}')) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Resource/File.php line 254

$output18 .= TYPO3\CMS\FluidStyledContent\ViewHelpers\Link\ClickEnlargeViewHelper::renderStatic($arguments19, $renderChildrenClosure20, $renderingContext);

$output18 .= ' '; return $output18; at partial_Media_Type_Image_7bdc509210000b9e49b70cfcca6e93a801de2b5b->{closure}() in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/vendor/typo3fluid/fluid/src/Core/ViewHelper/AbstractConditionViewHelper.php line 79 if (isset($arguments['then'])) { return $arguments['then']; } if (isset($arguments['thenClosure'])) { return $arguments['thenClosure'](); } } elseif (!empty($arguments['elseClosures'])) { $elseIfClosures = isset($arguments['elseifClosures']) ? $arguments['elseifClosures'] : []; return static::evaluateElseClosures($arguments['elseClosures'], $elseIfClosures, $renderingContext); at TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractConditionViewHelper::renderStatic(array('then' => null, 'else' => null, 'condition' => true, 'thenClosure' => object(Closure), 'elseClosures' => array(object(Closure))), object(Closure), object(TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Rendering\RenderingContext)) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/web/typo3temp/var/cache/code/fluid_template/partial_Media_Type_Image_7bdc509210000b9e49b70cfcca6e93a801de2b5b.php line 696 '; return $output30; };

$output15 .= TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\ViewHelpers\IfViewHelper::renderStatic($arguments16, $renderChildrenClosure17, $renderingContext);

$output15 .= ' '; return $output15; at partial_Media_Type_Image_7bdc509210000b9e49b70cfcca6e93a801de2b5b->{closure}() in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/vendor/typo3fluid/fluid/src/Core/ViewHelper/AbstractConditionViewHelper.php line 137 private static function evaluateElseClosures(array $closures, array $conditionClosures, RenderingContextInterface $renderingContext) { foreach ($closures as $elseNodeIndex => $elseNodeClosure) { if (!isset($conditionClosures[$elseNodeIndex])) { return $elseNodeClosure(); } if ($conditionClosures[$elseNodeIndex]()) { return $elseNodeClosure(); } at TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractConditionViewHelper::evaluateElseClosures(array(object(Closure)), array(), object(TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Rendering\RenderingContext)) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/vendor/typo3fluid/fluid/src/Core/ViewHelper/AbstractConditionViewHelper.php line 83 return $arguments['thenClosure'](); } } elseif (!empty($arguments['elseClosures'])) { $elseIfClosures = isset($arguments['elseifClosures']) ? $arguments['elseifClosures'] : []; return static::evaluateElseClosures($arguments['elseClosures'], $elseIfClosures, $renderingContext); } elseif (array_key_exists('else', $arguments)) { return $arguments['else']; } return ''; at TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractConditionViewHelper::renderStatic(array('then' => null, 'else' => null, 'condition' => false, 'thenClosure' => object(Closure), '__elseClosures' => array(object(Closure))), object(Closure), object(TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Rendering\RenderingContext)) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/web/typo3temp/var/cache/code/fluid_template/partial_Media_Type_Image_7bdc509210000b9e49b70cfcca6e93a801de2b5b.php line 703 '; return $output15; };

$output0 .= TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\ViewHelpers\IfViewHelper::renderStatic($arguments1, $renderChildrenClosure2, $renderingContext);

$output0 .= ' '; // Rendering ViewHelper TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\ViewHelpers\IfViewHelper at partial_Media_Type_Image_7bdc509210000b9e49b70cfcca6e93a801de2b5b->render(object(TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Rendering\RenderingContext)) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/vendor/typo3fluid/fluid/src/View/AbstractTemplateView.php line 327 $this->startRendering(self::RENDERING_PARTIAL, $parsedPartial, $renderingContext); if ($sectionName !== null) { $output = $this->renderSection($sectionName, $variables, $ignoreUnknown); } else { $output = $parsedPartial->render($renderingContext); } $this->stopRendering(); return $output; } at TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\View\AbstractTemplateView->renderPartial('Media/Type/Image', null, array('file' => object(TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReference), 'dimensions' => array('width' => 250.0, 'height' => 166.0), 'data' => array('uid' => 3789, 'pid' => 408, 't3ver_oid' => 0, 't3ver_wsid' => 0, 't3ver_state' => 0, 't3ver_stage' => 0, 't3_origuid' => 3156, 'tstamp' => 1582650129, 'hidden' => 0, 'sorting' => 32, 'CType' => 'textpic', 'header' => 'Walead Beshty. Standard Deviations', 'bodytext' => '

Die Werke von Walead Beshty (1976) sind meistens maschinell gefertigt und geometrisch-abstrakt geformt. Die Art und Weise ihrer Herstellung lässt sich bei der Betrachtung nachvollziehen. Manchmal sind die Werke gar einfach aus den Bestandteilen von Computern oder Fernsehern gefertigt. Nicht das klassische Verständnis einer genialen Idee und deren virtuoser Umsetzung durch einen begnadeten Meister liegt seiner Kunst zu Grunde, sondern das Bewusstsein für die Bedingungen des Kunstbetriebs.

Beshtys Werke sind von der Minimal Art geprägt. Handelsübliche Materialien und den kompletten Verzicht auf den Illusionismus teilt der Künstler mit den Prinzipien beispielsweise von Frank Stella und Donald Judd. Doch im Gegensatz dazu sind seine Werke nicht einfach als autonome Objekte angelegt, die ihre Präsenz im Dreieck von Ausstellungsraum, Publikum und Werk aufspannen. Seine Objekte, Maschinen und Fotogramme, versteht er vielmehr als einen dynamischen Bestandteil des Kunstsystems, das von der Gleichzeitigkeit von Konzeption, Produktion, Zirkulation, Kritik, Handel und vielem mehr bestimmt und permanent verändert wird. 

Beim Gang durch seine Ausstellung begegnet man all diesen Bezügen. Als Gesamtbild eröffnen sie Einblicke in die grösstenteils verborgenen Strukturen der Kunstwelt.

', 'image' => 1, 'imagewidth' => 250, 'imageorient' => 17, 'imagecols' => 1, 'imageborder' => 0, 'media' => 0, 'layout' => 0, 'deleted' => 0, 'cols' => 0, 'records' => '', 'pages' => '', 'starttime' => 0, 'endtime' => 0, 'colPos' => 0, 'subheader' => 'bis 19.4.2020, Beim Stadthaus', 'fe_group' => '', 'header_link' => '', 'image_zoom' => 1, 'header_layout' => '2', 'list_type' => '', 'sectionIndex' => 1, 'linkToTop' => 0, 'filelink_size' => 0, 'date' => 0, 'recursive' => 0, 'imageheight' => 0, 'sys_language_uid' => 0, 'pi_flexform' => '', 'l18n_parent' => 0, 'l18n_diffsource' => '{"CType":null,"colPos":null,"header":null,"header_layout":null,"header_position":null,"date":null,"header_link":null,"subheader":null,"bodytext":null,"image":null,"imagewidth":null,"imageheight":null,"imageborder":null,"imageorient":null,"imagecols":null,"image_zoom":null,"layout":null,"frame_class":null,"space_before_class":null,"space_after_class":null,"sectionIndex":null,"linkToTop":null,"sys_language_uid":null,"hidden":null,"starttime":null,"endtime":null,"fe_group":null,"editlock":null,"categories":null,"rowDescription":null}', 'crdate' => 1582648807, 'cruser_id' => 19, 'target' => '', 'accessibility_title' => '', 'accessibility_bypass' => 0, 'accessibility_bypass_text' => '', 'file_collections' => '', 'filelink_sorting' => '', 'selected_categories' => '', 'category_field' => '', 'categories' => 0, 'editlock' => 0, 'rowDescription' => null, 'table_caption' => null, 'table_delimiter' => 0, 'table_enclosure' => 0, 'table_header_position' => 0, 'table_tfoot' => 0, 'header_position' => '', 'bullets_type' => 0, 'uploads_description' => 0, 'uploads_type' => 0, 'assets' => 0, 'frame_class' => 'default', 'space_before_class' => '', 'space_after_class' => '', 'table_class' => '', 'l10n_source' => 0, 'l10n_state' => null, 'filelink_sorting_direction' => ''), 'settings' => array('defaultHeaderType' => '2', 'media' => array('lazyLoading' => 'lazy', 'imageDecoding' => '', 'popup' => array('bodyTag' => '', 'wrap' => ' | ', 'width' => '800m', 'height' => '600m', 'JSwindow' => array('newWindow' => '0', 'if' => array('isFalse' => '0'), '_typoScriptNodeValue' => '1'), 'directImageLink' => '0', 'crop' => array('data' => 'file:current:crop'), 'linkParams' => array('ATagParams' => array('dataWrap' => 'class="lightbox" rel="lightbox[{field:uid}]"'))), 'additionalConfig' => array('no-cookie' => '1', 'api' => '0')))), false) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/vendor/typo3fluid/fluid/src/ViewHelpers/RenderViewHelper.php line 169 $renderingContext = clone $renderingContext; $renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->setSource($variables); $content = (new $delegate())->render($renderingContext); } elseif ($partial !== null) { $content = $view->renderPartial($partial, $section, $variables, $optional); } elseif ($section !== null) { $content = $view->renderSection($section, $variables, $optional); } elseif (!$optional) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('ViewHelper f:render called without either argument section, partial, renderable or delegate and optional flag is false'); at TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\ViewHelpers\RenderViewHelper::renderStatic(array('section' => null, 'partial' => 'Media/Type/Image', 'delegate' => null, 'renderable' => null, 'arguments' => array('file' => object(TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReference), 'dimensions' => array('width' => 250.0, 'height' => 166.0), 'data' => array('uid' => 3789, 'pid' => 408, 't3ver_oid' => 0, 't3ver_wsid' => 0, 't3ver_state' => 0, 't3ver_stage' => 0, 't3_origuid' => 3156, 'tstamp' => 1582650129, 'hidden' => 0, 'sorting' => 32, 'CType' => 'textpic', 'header' => 'Walead Beshty. Standard Deviations', 'bodytext' => '

Die Werke von Walead Beshty (1976) sind meistens maschinell gefertigt und geometrisch-abstrakt geformt. Die Art und Weise ihrer Herstellung lässt sich bei der Betrachtung nachvollziehen. Manchmal sind die Werke gar einfach aus den Bestandteilen von Computern oder Fernsehern gefertigt. Nicht das klassische Verständnis einer genialen Idee und deren virtuoser Umsetzung durch einen begnadeten Meister liegt seiner Kunst zu Grunde, sondern das Bewusstsein für die Bedingungen des Kunstbetriebs.

Beshtys Werke sind von der Minimal Art geprägt. Handelsübliche Materialien und den kompletten Verzicht auf den Illusionismus teilt der Künstler mit den Prinzipien beispielsweise von Frank Stella und Donald Judd. Doch im Gegensatz dazu sind seine Werke nicht einfach als autonome Objekte angelegt, die ihre Präsenz im Dreieck von Ausstellungsraum, Publikum und Werk aufspannen. Seine Objekte, Maschinen und Fotogramme, versteht er vielmehr als einen dynamischen Bestandteil des Kunstsystems, das von der Gleichzeitigkeit von Konzeption, Produktion, Zirkulation, Kritik, Handel und vielem mehr bestimmt und permanent verändert wird. 

Beim Gang durch seine Ausstellung begegnet man all diesen Bezügen. Als Gesamtbild eröffnen sie Einblicke in die grösstenteils verborgenen Strukturen der Kunstwelt.

', 'image' => 1, 'imagewidth' => 250, 'imageorient' => 17, 'imagecols' => 1, 'imageborder' => 0, 'media' => 0, 'layout' => 0, 'deleted' => 0, 'cols' => 0, 'records' => '', 'pages' => '', 'starttime' => 0, 'endtime' => 0, 'colPos' => 0, 'subheader' => 'bis 19.4.2020, Beim Stadthaus', 'fe_group' => '', 'header_link' => '', 'image_zoom' => 1, 'header_layout' => '2', 'list_type' => '', 'sectionIndex' => 1, 'linkToTop' => 0, 'filelink_size' => 0, 'date' => 0, 'recursive' => 0, 'imageheight' => 0, 'sys_language_uid' => 0, 'pi_flexform' => '', 'l18n_parent' => 0, 'l18n_diffsource' => '{"CType":null,"colPos":null,"header":null,"header_layout":null,"header_position":null,"date":null,"header_link":null,"subheader":null,"bodytext":null,"image":null,"imagewidth":null,"imageheight":null,"imageborder":null,"imageorient":null,"imagecols":null,"image_zoom":null,"layout":null,"frame_class":null,"space_before_class":null,"space_after_class":null,"sectionIndex":null,"linkToTop":null,"sys_language_uid":null,"hidden":null,"starttime":null,"endtime":null,"fe_group":null,"editlock":null,"categories":null,"rowDescription":null}', 'crdate' => 1582648807, 'cruser_id' => 19, 'target' => '', 'accessibility_title' => '', 'accessibility_bypass' => 0, 'accessibility_bypass_text' => '', 'file_collections' => '', 'filelink_sorting' => '', 'selected_categories' => '', 'category_field' => '', 'categories' => 0, 'editlock' => 0, 'rowDescription' => null, 'table_caption' => null, 'table_delimiter' => 0, 'table_enclosure' => 0, 'table_header_position' => 0, 'table_tfoot' => 0, 'header_position' => '', 'bullets_type' => 0, 'uploads_description' => 0, 'uploads_type' => 0, 'assets' => 0, 'frame_class' => 'default', 'space_before_class' => '', 'space_after_class' => '', 'table_class' => '', 'l10n_source' => 0, 'l10n_state' => null, 'filelink_sorting_direction' => ''), 'settings' => array('defaultHeaderType' => '2', 'media' => array('lazyLoading' => 'lazy', 'imageDecoding' => '', 'popup' => array('bodyTag' => '', 'wrap' => ' | ', 'width' => '800m', 'height' => '600m', 'JSwindow' => array('newWindow' => '0', 'if' => array('isFalse' => '0'), '_typoScriptNodeValue' => '1'), 'directImageLink' => '0', 'crop' => array('data' => 'file:current:crop'), 'linkParams' => array('ATagParams' => array('dataWrap' => 'class="lightbox" rel="lightbox[{field:uid}]"'))), 'additionalConfig' => array('no-cookie' => '1', 'api' => '0')))), 'optional' => false, 'default' => null, 'contentAs' => null, 'debug' => true), object(Closure), object(TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Rendering\RenderingContext)) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/web/typo3temp/var/cache/code/fluid_template/partial_Media_Type_16e0da1c93bb87453e5816d07f6d9572fb09198c.php line 317 $array46 = array ( );$array42['settings'] = $renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('settings', $array46); $arguments40['arguments'] = $array42;

$output39 .= TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\ViewHelpers\RenderViewHelper::renderStatic($arguments40, $renderChildrenClosure41, $renderingContext);

$output39 .= ' '; return $output39; at partial_Media_Type_16e0da1c93bb87453e5816d07f6d9572fb09198c->{closure}() in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/web/typo3temp/var/cache/code/fluid_template/partial_Media_Type_16e0da1c93bb87453e5816d07f6d9572fb09198c.php line 322

$output39 .= ' '; return $output39; }); } }, array($arguments1));

$output0 .= ' at partial_Media_Type_16e0da1c93bb87453e5816d07f6d9572fb09198c->{closure}(array('expression' => 2)) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/web/typo3temp/var/cache/code/fluid_template/partial_Media_Type_16e0da1c93bb87453e5816d07f6d9572fb09198c.php line 324 '; return $output39; }); } }, array($arguments1));

$output0 .= '

'; at partial_Media_Type_16e0da1c93bb87453e5816d07f6d9572fb09198c->render(object(TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Rendering\RenderingContext)) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/vendor/typo3fluid/fluid/src/View/AbstractTemplateView.php line 327 $this->startRendering(self::RENDERING_PARTIAL, $parsedPartial, $renderingContext); if ($sectionName !== null) { $output = $this->renderSection($sectionName, $variables, $ignoreUnknown); } else { $output = $parsedPartial->render($renderingContext); } $this->stopRendering(); return $output; } at TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\View\AbstractTemplateView->renderPartial('Media/Type', null, array('file' => object(TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReference), 'dimensions' => array('width' => 250.0, 'height' => 166.0), 'data' => array('uid' => 3789, 'pid' => 408, 't3ver_oid' => 0, 't3ver_wsid' => 0, 't3ver_state' => 0, 't3ver_stage' => 0, 't3_origuid' => 3156, 'tstamp' => 1582650129, 'hidden' => 0, 'sorting' => 32, 'CType' => 'textpic', 'header' => 'Walead Beshty. Standard Deviations', 'bodytext' => '

Die Werke von Walead Beshty (1976) sind meistens maschinell gefertigt und geometrisch-abstrakt geformt. Die Art und Weise ihrer Herstellung lässt sich bei der Betrachtung nachvollziehen. Manchmal sind die Werke gar einfach aus den Bestandteilen von Computern oder Fernsehern gefertigt. Nicht das klassische Verständnis einer genialen Idee und deren virtuoser Umsetzung durch einen begnadeten Meister liegt seiner Kunst zu Grunde, sondern das Bewusstsein für die Bedingungen des Kunstbetriebs.

Beshtys Werke sind von der Minimal Art geprägt. Handelsübliche Materialien und den kompletten Verzicht auf den Illusionismus teilt der Künstler mit den Prinzipien beispielsweise von Frank Stella und Donald Judd. Doch im Gegensatz dazu sind seine Werke nicht einfach als autonome Objekte angelegt, die ihre Präsenz im Dreieck von Ausstellungsraum, Publikum und Werk aufspannen. Seine Objekte, Maschinen und Fotogramme, versteht er vielmehr als einen dynamischen Bestandteil des Kunstsystems, das von der Gleichzeitigkeit von Konzeption, Produktion, Zirkulation, Kritik, Handel und vielem mehr bestimmt und permanent verändert wird. 

Beim Gang durch seine Ausstellung begegnet man all diesen Bezügen. Als Gesamtbild eröffnen sie Einblicke in die grösstenteils verborgenen Strukturen der Kunstwelt.

', 'image' => 1, 'imagewidth' => 250, 'imageorient' => 17, 'imagecols' => 1, 'imageborder' => 0, 'media' => 0, 'layout' => 0, 'deleted' => 0, 'cols' => 0, 'records' => '', 'pages' => '', 'starttime' => 0, 'endtime' => 0, 'colPos' => 0, 'subheader' => 'bis 19.4.2020, Beim Stadthaus', 'fe_group' => '', 'header_link' => '', 'image_zoom' => 1, 'header_layout' => '2', 'list_type' => '', 'sectionIndex' => 1, 'linkToTop' => 0, 'filelink_size' => 0, 'date' => 0, 'recursive' => 0, 'imageheight' => 0, 'sys_language_uid' => 0, 'pi_flexform' => '', 'l18n_parent' => 0, 'l18n_diffsource' => '{"CType":null,"colPos":null,"header":null,"header_layout":null,"header_position":null,"date":null,"header_link":null,"subheader":null,"bodytext":null,"image":null,"imagewidth":null,"imageheight":null,"imageborder":null,"imageorient":null,"imagecols":null,"image_zoom":null,"layout":null,"frame_class":null,"space_before_class":null,"space_after_class":null,"sectionIndex":null,"linkToTop":null,"sys_language_uid":null,"hidden":null,"starttime":null,"endtime":null,"fe_group":null,"editlock":null,"categories":null,"rowDescription":null}', 'crdate' => 1582648807, 'cruser_id' => 19, 'target' => '', 'accessibility_title' => '', 'accessibility_bypass' => 0, 'accessibility_bypass_text' => '', 'file_collections' => '', 'filelink_sorting' => '', 'selected_categories' => '', 'category_field' => '', 'categories' => 0, 'editlock' => 0, 'rowDescription' => null, 'table_caption' => null, 'table_delimiter' => 0, 'table_enclosure' => 0, 'table_header_position' => 0, 'table_tfoot' => 0, 'header_position' => '', 'bullets_type' => 0, 'uploads_description' => 0, 'uploads_type' => 0, 'assets' => 0, 'frame_class' => 'default', 'space_before_class' => '', 'space_after_class' => '', 'table_class' => '', 'l10n_source' => 0, 'l10n_state' => null, 'filelink_sorting_direction' => ''), 'settings' => array('defaultHeaderType' => '2', 'media' => array('lazyLoading' => 'lazy', 'imageDecoding' => '', 'popup' => array('bodyTag' => '', 'wrap' => ' | ', 'width' => '800m', 'height' => '600m', 'JSwindow' => array('newWindow' => '0', 'if' => array('isFalse' => '0'), '_typoScriptNodeValue' => '1'), 'directImageLink' => '0', 'crop' => array('data' => 'file:current:crop'), 'linkParams' => array('ATagParams' => array('dataWrap' => 'class="lightbox" rel="lightbox[{field:uid}]"'))), 'additionalConfig' => array('no-cookie' => '1', 'api' => '0')))), false) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/vendor/typo3fluid/fluid/src/ViewHelpers/RenderViewHelper.php line 169 $renderingContext = clone $renderingContext; $renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->setSource($variables); $content = (new $delegate())->render($renderingContext); } elseif ($partial !== null) { $content = $view->renderPartial($partial, $section, $variables, $optional); } elseif ($section !== null) { $content = $view->renderSection($section, $variables, $optional); } elseif (!$optional) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('ViewHelper f:render called without either argument section, partial, renderable or delegate and optional flag is false'); at TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\ViewHelpers\RenderViewHelper::renderStatic(array('section' => null, 'partial' => 'Media/Type', 'delegate' => null, 'renderable' => null, 'arguments' => array('file' => object(TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReference), 'dimensions' => array('width' => 250.0, 'height' => 166.0), 'data' => array('uid' => 3789, 'pid' => 408, 't3ver_oid' => 0, 't3ver_wsid' => 0, 't3ver_state' => 0, 't3ver_stage' => 0, 't3_origuid' => 3156, 'tstamp' => 1582650129, 'hidden' => 0, 'sorting' => 32, 'CType' => 'textpic', 'header' => 'Walead Beshty. Standard Deviations', 'bodytext' => '

Die Werke von Walead Beshty (1976) sind meistens maschinell gefertigt und geometrisch-abstrakt geformt. Die Art und Weise ihrer Herstellung lässt sich bei der Betrachtung nachvollziehen. Manchmal sind die Werke gar einfach aus den Bestandteilen von Computern oder Fernsehern gefertigt. Nicht das klassische Verständnis einer genialen Idee und deren virtuoser Umsetzung durch einen begnadeten Meister liegt seiner Kunst zu Grunde, sondern das Bewusstsein für die Bedingungen des Kunstbetriebs.

Beshtys Werke sind von der Minimal Art geprägt. Handelsübliche Materialien und den kompletten Verzicht auf den Illusionismus teilt der Künstler mit den Prinzipien beispielsweise von Frank Stella und Donald Judd. Doch im Gegensatz dazu sind seine Werke nicht einfach als autonome Objekte angelegt, die ihre Präsenz im Dreieck von Ausstellungsraum, Publikum und Werk aufspannen. Seine Objekte, Maschinen und Fotogramme, versteht er vielmehr als einen dynamischen Bestandteil des Kunstsystems, das von der Gleichzeitigkeit von Konzeption, Produktion, Zirkulation, Kritik, Handel und vielem mehr bestimmt und permanent verändert wird. 

Beim Gang durch seine Ausstellung begegnet man all diesen Bezügen. Als Gesamtbild eröffnen sie Einblicke in die grösstenteils verborgenen Strukturen der Kunstwelt.

', 'image' => 1, 'imagewidth' => 250, 'imageorient' => 17, 'imagecols' => 1, 'imageborder' => 0, 'media' => 0, 'layout' => 0, 'deleted' => 0, 'cols' => 0, 'records' => '', 'pages' => '', 'starttime' => 0, 'endtime' => 0, 'colPos' => 0, 'subheader' => 'bis 19.4.2020, Beim Stadthaus', 'fe_group' => '', 'header_link' => '', 'image_zoom' => 1, 'header_layout' => '2', 'list_type' => '', 'sectionIndex' => 1, 'linkToTop' => 0, 'filelink_size' => 0, 'date' => 0, 'recursive' => 0, 'imageheight' => 0, 'sys_language_uid' => 0, 'pi_flexform' => '', 'l18n_parent' => 0, 'l18n_diffsource' => '{"CType":null,"colPos":null,"header":null,"header_layout":null,"header_position":null,"date":null,"header_link":null,"subheader":null,"bodytext":null,"image":null,"imagewidth":null,"imageheight":null,"imageborder":null,"imageorient":null,"imagecols":null,"image_zoom":null,"layout":null,"frame_class":null,"space_before_class":null,"space_after_class":null,"sectionIndex":null,"linkToTop":null,"sys_language_uid":null,"hidden":null,"starttime":null,"endtime":null,"fe_group":null,"editlock":null,"categories":null,"rowDescription":null}', 'crdate' => 1582648807, 'cruser_id' => 19, 'target' => '', 'accessibility_title' => '', 'accessibility_bypass' => 0, 'accessibility_bypass_text' => '', 'file_collections' => '', 'filelink_sorting' => '', 'selected_categories' => '', 'category_field' => '', 'categories' => 0, 'editlock' => 0, 'rowDescription' => null, 'table_caption' => null, 'table_delimiter' => 0, 'table_enclosure' => 0, 'table_header_position' => 0, 'table_tfoot' => 0, 'header_position' => '', 'bullets_type' => 0, 'uploads_description' => 0, 'uploads_type' => 0, 'assets' => 0, 'frame_class' => 'default', 'space_before_class' => '', 'space_after_class' => '', 'table_class' => '', 'l10n_source' => 0, 'l10n_state' => null, 'filelink_sorting_direction' => ''), 'settings' => array('defaultHeaderType' => '2', 'media' => array('lazyLoading' => 'lazy', 'imageDecoding' => '', 'popup' => array('bodyTag' => '', 'wrap' => ' | ', 'width' => '800m', 'height' => '600m', 'JSwindow' => array('newWindow' => '0', 'if' => array('isFalse' => '0'), '_typoScriptNodeValue' => '1'), 'directImageLink' => '0', 'crop' => array('data' => 'file:current:crop'), 'linkParams' => array('ATagParams' => array('dataWrap' => 'class="lightbox" rel="lightbox[{field:uid}]"'))), 'additionalConfig' => array('no-cookie' => '1', 'api' => '0')))), 'optional' => false, 'default' => null, 'contentAs' => null, 'debug' => true), object(Closure), object(TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Rendering\RenderingContext)) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/web/typo3temp/var/cache/code/fluid_template/partial_Media_Gallery_f009f405e6cdfb205cd10bbc1595f04a2e3e7392.php line 165 $array39 = array ( );$array35['settings'] = $renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('settings', $array39); $arguments33['arguments'] = $array35;

$output32 .= TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\ViewHelpers\RenderViewHelper::renderStatic($arguments33, $renderChildrenClosure34, $renderingContext);

$output32 .= '

'; at partial_Media_Gallery_f009f405e6cdfb205cd10bbc1595f04a2e3e7392->{closure}() in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/vendor/typo3fluid/fluid/src/Core/ViewHelper/AbstractConditionViewHelper.php line 79 if (isset($arguments['then'])) { return $arguments['then']; } if (isset($arguments['thenClosure'])) { return $arguments['thenClosure'](); } } elseif (!empty($arguments['elseClosures'])) { $elseIfClosures = isset($arguments['elseifClosures']) ? $arguments['elseifClosures'] : []; return static::evaluateElseClosures($arguments['elseClosures'], $elseIfClosures, $renderingContext); at TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractConditionViewHelper::renderStatic(array('then' => null, 'else' => null, 'condition' => true, 'thenClosure' => object(Closure)), object(Closure), object(TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Rendering\RenderingContext)) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/web/typo3temp/var/cache/code/fluid_template/partial_Media_Gallery_f009f405e6cdfb205cd10bbc1595f04a2e3e7392.php line 191 $renderingContext ); $arguments27['thenClosure'] = $renderChildrenClosure28;

$output26 .= TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\ViewHelpers\IfViewHelper::renderStatic($arguments27, $renderChildrenClosure28, $renderingContext);

$output26 .= ' '; return $output26; at partial_Media_Gallery_f009f405e6cdfb205cd10bbc1595f04a2e3e7392->{closure}() in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/vendor/typo3fluid/fluid/src/ViewHelpers/ForViewHelper.php line 145 $templateVariableContainer->add($arguments['iteration'], $iterationData); $iterationData['index']++; $iterationData['cycle']++; } $output .= $renderChildrenClosure(); $templateVariableContainer->remove($arguments['as']); if (isset($arguments['key'])) { $templateVariableContainer->remove($arguments['key']); } at TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\ViewHelpers\ForViewHelper::renderStatic(array('each' => array(array('media' => object(TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReference), 'dimensions' => array('width' => 250.0, 'height' => 166.0))), 'as' => 'column', 'key' => null, 'reverse' => false, 'iteration' => null), object(Closure), object(TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Rendering\RenderingContext)) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/web/typo3temp/var/cache/code/fluid_template/partial_Media_Gallery_f009f405e6cdfb205cd10bbc1595f04a2e3e7392.php line 207 $array25 = array ( );$arguments23['each'] = $renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('row.columns', $array25); $arguments23['as'] = 'column';

$output22 .= TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\ViewHelpers\ForViewHelper::renderStatic($arguments23, $renderChildrenClosure24, $renderingContext);

$output22 .= '

'; at partial_Media_Gallery_f009f405e6cdfb205cd10bbc1595f04a2e3e7392->{closure}() in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/vendor/typo3fluid/fluid/src/ViewHelpers/ForViewHelper.php line 145 $templateVariableContainer->add($arguments['iteration'], $iterationData); $iterationData['index']++; $iterationData['cycle']++; } $output .= $renderChildrenClosure(); $templateVariableContainer->remove($arguments['as']); if (isset($arguments['key'])) { $templateVariableContainer->remove($arguments['key']); } at TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\ViewHelpers\ForViewHelper::renderStatic(array('each' => array(array('columns' => array(array('media' => object(TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReference), 'dimensions' => array('width' => 250.0, 'height' => 166.0))))), 'as' => 'row', 'key' => null, 'reverse' => false, 'iteration' => null), object(Closure), object(TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Rendering\RenderingContext)) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/web/typo3temp/var/cache/code/fluid_template/partial_Media_Gallery_f009f405e6cdfb205cd10bbc1595f04a2e3e7392.php line 224 $array21 = array ( );$arguments19['each'] = $renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('gallery.rows', $array21); $arguments19['as'] = 'row';

$output6 .= TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\ViewHelpers\ForViewHelper::renderStatic($arguments19, $renderChildrenClosure20, $renderingContext);

$output6 .= ' '; // Rendering ViewHelper TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\ViewHelpers\IfViewHelper at partial_Media_Gallery_f009f405e6cdfb205cd10bbc1595f04a2e3e7392->{closure}() in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/vendor/typo3fluid/fluid/src/Core/ViewHelper/AbstractConditionViewHelper.php line 79 if (isset($arguments['then'])) { return $arguments['then']; } if (isset($arguments['thenClosure'])) { return $arguments['thenClosure'](); } } elseif (!empty($arguments['elseClosures'])) { $elseIfClosures = isset($arguments['elseifClosures']) ? $arguments['elseifClosures'] : []; return static::evaluateElseClosures($arguments['elseClosures'], $elseIfClosures, $renderingContext); at TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractConditionViewHelper::renderStatic(array('then' => null, 'else' => null, 'condition' => true, 'thenClosure' => object(Closure)), object(Closure), object(TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Rendering\RenderingContext)) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/web/typo3temp/var/cache/code/fluid_template/partial_Media_Gallery_f009f405e6cdfb205cd10bbc1595f04a2e3e7392.php line 281 $renderingContext ); $arguments1['thenClosure'] = $renderChildrenClosure2;

$output0 .= TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\ViewHelpers\IfViewHelper::renderStatic($arguments1, $renderChildrenClosure2, $renderingContext);

$output0 .= '

'; at partial_Media_Gallery_f009f405e6cdfb205cd10bbc1595f04a2e3e7392->render(object(TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Rendering\RenderingContext)) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/vendor/typo3fluid/fluid/src/View/AbstractTemplateView.php line 327 $this->startRendering(self::RENDERING_PARTIAL, $parsedPartial, $renderingContext); if ($sectionName !== null) { $output = $this->renderSection($sectionName, $variables, $ignoreUnknown); } else { $output = $parsedPartial->render($renderingContext); } $this->stopRendering(); return $output; } at TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\View\AbstractTemplateView->renderPartial('Media/Gallery', null, array('settings' => array('defaultHeaderType' => '2', 'media' => array('lazyLoading' => 'lazy', 'imageDecoding' => '', 'popup' => array('bodyTag' => '', 'wrap' => ' | ', 'width' => '800m', 'height' => '600m', 'JSwindow' => array('newWindow' => '0', 'if' => array('isFalse' => '0'), '_typoScriptNodeValue' => '1'), 'directImageLink' => '0', 'crop' => array('data' => 'file:current:crop'), 'linkParams' => array('ATagParams' => array('dataWrap' => 'class="lightbox" rel="lightbox[{field:uid}]"'))), 'additionalConfig' => array('no-cookie' => '1', 'api' => '0'))), 'data' => array('uid' => 3789, 'pid' => 408, 't3ver_oid' => 0, 't3ver_wsid' => 0, 't3ver_state' => 0, 't3ver_stage' => 0, 't3_origuid' => 3156, 'tstamp' => 1582650129, 'hidden' => 0, 'sorting' => 32, 'CType' => 'textpic', 'header' => 'Walead Beshty. Standard Deviations', 'bodytext' => '

Die Werke von Walead Beshty (1976) sind meistens maschinell gefertigt und geometrisch-abstrakt geformt. Die Art und Weise ihrer Herstellung lässt sich bei der Betrachtung nachvollziehen. Manchmal sind die Werke gar einfach aus den Bestandteilen von Computern oder Fernsehern gefertigt. Nicht das klassische Verständnis einer genialen Idee und deren virtuoser Umsetzung durch einen begnadeten Meister liegt seiner Kunst zu Grunde, sondern das Bewusstsein für die Bedingungen des Kunstbetriebs.

Beshtys Werke sind von der Minimal Art geprägt. Handelsübliche Materialien und den kompletten Verzicht auf den Illusionismus teilt der Künstler mit den Prinzipien beispielsweise von Frank Stella und Donald Judd. Doch im Gegensatz dazu sind seine Werke nicht einfach als autonome Objekte angelegt, die ihre Präsenz im Dreieck von Ausstellungsraum, Publikum und Werk aufspannen. Seine Objekte, Maschinen und Fotogramme, versteht er vielmehr als einen dynamischen Bestandteil des Kunstsystems, das von der Gleichzeitigkeit von Konzeption, Produktion, Zirkulation, Kritik, Handel und vielem mehr bestimmt und permanent verändert wird. 

Beim Gang durch seine Ausstellung begegnet man all diesen Bezügen. Als Gesamtbild eröffnen sie Einblicke in die grösstenteils verborgenen Strukturen der Kunstwelt.

', 'image' => 1, 'imagewidth' => 250, 'imageorient' => 17, 'imagecols' => 1, 'imageborder' => 0, 'media' => 0, 'layout' => 0, 'deleted' => 0, 'cols' => 0, 'records' => '', 'pages' => '', 'starttime' => 0, 'endtime' => 0, 'colPos' => 0, 'subheader' => 'bis 19.4.2020, Beim Stadthaus', 'fe_group' => '', 'header_link' => '', 'image_zoom' => 1, 'header_layout' => '2', 'list_type' => '', 'sectionIndex' => 1, 'linkToTop' => 0, 'filelink_size' => 0, 'date' => 0, 'recursive' => 0, 'imageheight' => 0, 'sys_language_uid' => 0, 'pi_flexform' => '', 'l18n_parent' => 0, 'l18n_diffsource' => '{"CType":null,"colPos":null,"header":null,"header_layout":null,"header_position":null,"date":null,"header_link":null,"subheader":null,"bodytext":null,"image":null,"imagewidth":null,"imageheight":null,"imageborder":null,"imageorient":null,"imagecols":null,"image_zoom":null,"layout":null,"frame_class":null,"space_before_class":null,"space_after_class":null,"sectionIndex":null,"linkToTop":null,"sys_language_uid":null,"hidden":null,"starttime":null,"endtime":null,"fe_group":null,"editlock":null,"categories":null,"rowDescription":null}', 'crdate' => 1582648807, 'cruser_id' => 19, 'target' => '', 'accessibility_title' => '', 'accessibility_bypass' => 0, 'accessibility_bypass_text' => '', 'file_collections' => '', 'filelink_sorting' => '', 'selected_categories' => '', 'category_field' => '', 'categories' => 0, 'editlock' => 0, 'rowDescription' => null, 'table_caption' => null, 'table_delimiter' => 0, 'table_enclosure' => 0, 'table_header_position' => 0, 'table_tfoot' => 0, 'header_position' => '', 'bullets_type' => 0, 'uploads_description' => 0, 'uploads_type' => 0, 'assets' => 0, 'frame_class' => 'default', 'space_before_class' => '', 'space_after_class' => '', 'table_class' => '', 'l10n_source' => 0, 'l10n_state' => null, 'filelink_sorting_direction' => ''), 'current' => null, 'files' => array(object(TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReference)), 'gallery' => array('position' => array('horizontal' => 'right', 'vertical' => 'intext', 'noWrap' => false), 'width' => 250.0, 'count' => array('files' => 1, 'columns' => 1, 'rows' => 1), 'columnSpacing' => 10, 'border' => array('enabled' => false, 'width' => 2, 'padding' => 0), 'rows' => array(array('columns' => array(array('media' => object(TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReference), 'dimensions' => array('width' => 250.0, 'height' => 166.0))))))), false) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/vendor/typo3fluid/fluid/src/ViewHelpers/RenderViewHelper.php line 169 $renderingContext = clone $renderingContext; $renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->setSource($variables); $content = (new $delegate())->render($renderingContext); } elseif ($partial !== null) { $content = $view->renderPartial($partial, $section, $variables, $optional); } elseif ($section !== null) { $content = $view->renderSection($section, $variables, $optional); } elseif (!$optional) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('ViewHelper f:render called without either argument section, partial, renderable or delegate and optional flag is false'); at TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\ViewHelpers\RenderViewHelper::renderStatic(array('section' => null, 'partial' => 'Media/Gallery', 'delegate' => null, 'renderable' => null, 'arguments' => array('settings' => array('defaultHeaderType' => '2', 'media' => array('lazyLoading' => 'lazy', 'imageDecoding' => '', 'popup' => array('bodyTag' => '', 'wrap' => ' | ', 'width' => '800m', 'height' => '600m', 'JSwindow' => array('newWindow' => '0', 'if' => array('isFalse' => '0'), '_typoScriptNodeValue' => '1'), 'directImageLink' => '0', 'crop' => array('data' => 'file:current:crop'), 'linkParams' => array('ATagParams' => array('dataWrap' => 'class="lightbox" rel="lightbox[{field:uid}]"'))), 'additionalConfig' => array('no-cookie' => '1', 'api' => '0'))), 'data' => array('uid' => 3789, 'pid' => 408, 't3ver_oid' => 0, 't3ver_wsid' => 0, 't3ver_state' => 0, 't3ver_stage' => 0, 't3_origuid' => 3156, 'tstamp' => 1582650129, 'hidden' => 0, 'sorting' => 32, 'CType' => 'textpic', 'header' => 'Walead Beshty. Standard Deviations', 'bodytext' => '

Die Werke von Walead Beshty (1976) sind meistens maschinell gefertigt und geometrisch-abstrakt geformt. Die Art und Weise ihrer Herstellung lässt sich bei der Betrachtung nachvollziehen. Manchmal sind die Werke gar einfach aus den Bestandteilen von Computern oder Fernsehern gefertigt. Nicht das klassische Verständnis einer genialen Idee und deren virtuoser Umsetzung durch einen begnadeten Meister liegt seiner Kunst zu Grunde, sondern das Bewusstsein für die Bedingungen des Kunstbetriebs.

Beshtys Werke sind von der Minimal Art geprägt. Handelsübliche Materialien und den kompletten Verzicht auf den Illusionismus teilt der Künstler mit den Prinzipien beispielsweise von Frank Stella und Donald Judd. Doch im Gegensatz dazu sind seine Werke nicht einfach als autonome Objekte angelegt, die ihre Präsenz im Dreieck von Ausstellungsraum, Publikum und Werk aufspannen. Seine Objekte, Maschinen und Fotogramme, versteht er vielmehr als einen dynamischen Bestandteil des Kunstsystems, das von der Gleichzeitigkeit von Konzeption, Produktion, Zirkulation, Kritik, Handel und vielem mehr bestimmt und permanent verändert wird. 

Beim Gang durch seine Ausstellung begegnet man all diesen Bezügen. Als Gesamtbild eröffnen sie Einblicke in die grösstenteils verborgenen Strukturen der Kunstwelt.

', 'image' => 1, 'imagewidth' => 250, 'imageorient' => 17, 'imagecols' => 1, 'imageborder' => 0, 'media' => 0, 'layout' => 0, 'deleted' => 0, 'cols' => 0, 'records' => '', 'pages' => '', 'starttime' => 0, 'endtime' => 0, 'colPos' => 0, 'subheader' => 'bis 19.4.2020, Beim Stadthaus', 'fe_group' => '', 'header_link' => '', 'image_zoom' => 1, 'header_layout' => '2', 'list_type' => '', 'sectionIndex' => 1, 'linkToTop' => 0, 'filelink_size' => 0, 'date' => 0, 'recursive' => 0, 'imageheight' => 0, 'sys_language_uid' => 0, 'pi_flexform' => '', 'l18n_parent' => 0, 'l18n_diffsource' => '{"CType":null,"colPos":null,"header":null,"header_layout":null,"header_position":null,"date":null,"header_link":null,"subheader":null,"bodytext":null,"image":null,"imagewidth":null,"imageheight":null,"imageborder":null,"imageorient":null,"imagecols":null,"image_zoom":null,"layout":null,"frame_class":null,"space_before_class":null,"space_after_class":null,"sectionIndex":null,"linkToTop":null,"sys_language_uid":null,"hidden":null,"starttime":null,"endtime":null,"fe_group":null,"editlock":null,"categories":null,"rowDescription":null}', 'crdate' => 1582648807, 'cruser_id' => 19, 'target' => '', 'accessibility_title' => '', 'accessibility_bypass' => 0, 'accessibility_bypass_text' => '', 'file_collections' => '', 'filelink_sorting' => '', 'selected_categories' => '', 'category_field' => '', 'categories' => 0, 'editlock' => 0, 'rowDescription' => null, 'table_caption' => null, 'table_delimiter' => 0, 'table_enclosure' => 0, 'table_header_position' => 0, 'table_tfoot' => 0, 'header_position' => '', 'bullets_type' => 0, 'uploads_description' => 0, 'uploads_type' => 0, 'assets' => 0, 'frame_class' => 'default', 'space_before_class' => '', 'space_after_class' => '', 'table_class' => '', 'l10n_source' => 0, 'l10n_state' => null, 'filelink_sorting_direction' => ''), 'current' => null, 'files' => array(object(TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReference)), 'gallery' => array('position' => array('horizontal' => 'right', 'vertical' => 'intext', 'noWrap' => false), 'width' => 250.0, 'count' => array('files' => 1, 'columns' => 1, 'rows' => 1), 'columnSpacing' => 10, 'border' => array('enabled' => false, 'width' => 2, 'padding' => 0), 'rows' => array(array('columns' => array(array('media' => object(TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReference), 'dimensions' => array('width' => 250.0, 'height' => 166.0))))))), 'optional' => false, 'default' => null, 'contentAs' => null, 'debug' => true), object(Closure), object(TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Rendering\RenderingContext)) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/web/typo3temp/var/cache/code/fluid_template/Standard_action_textpic_993d770794a809d7eba51f9c4a3887498b1adbfb.php line 167 $arguments24['debug'] = true; $arguments24['partial'] = 'Media/Gallery'; $arguments24['arguments'] = $renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getAll();

$output23 .= TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\ViewHelpers\RenderViewHelper::renderStatic($arguments24, $renderChildrenClosure25, $renderingContext);

$output23 .= ' '; return $output23; at Standard_action_textpic_993d770794a809d7eba51f9c4a3887498b1adbfb->{closure}() in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/vendor/typo3fluid/fluid/src/Core/ViewHelper/AbstractConditionViewHelper.php line 79 if (isset($arguments['then'])) { return $arguments['then']; } if (isset($arguments['thenClosure'])) { return $arguments['thenClosure'](); } } elseif (!empty($arguments['elseClosures'])) { $elseIfClosures = isset($arguments['elseifClosures']) ? $arguments['elseifClosures'] : []; return static::evaluateElseClosures($arguments['elseClosures'], $elseIfClosures, $renderingContext); at TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractConditionViewHelper::renderStatic(array('then' => null, 'else' => null, 'condition' => true, 'thenClosure' => object(Closure)), object(Closure), object(TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Rendering\RenderingContext)) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/web/typo3temp/var/cache/code/fluid_template/Standard_action_textpic_993d770794a809d7eba51f9c4a3887498b1adbfb.php line 193 $renderingContext ); $arguments18['thenClosure'] = $renderChildrenClosure19;

$output10 .= TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\ViewHelpers\IfViewHelper::renderStatic($arguments18, $renderChildrenClosure19, $renderingContext);

$output10 .= '


at Standard_action_textpic_993d770794a809d7eba51f9c4a3887498b1adbfb->section_62bce9422ff2d14f69ab80a154510232fc8a9afd(object(TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Rendering\RenderingContext)) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/vendor/typo3fluid/fluid/src/View/AbstractTemplateView.php line 258 new InvalidSectionException('Section "' . $sectionName . '" does not exist.') ); } $this->startRendering($renderingTypeOnNextLevel, $parsedTemplate, $renderingContext); $output = $parsedTemplate->$methodNameOfSection($renderingContext); $this->stopRendering(); } else { $sections = $parsedTemplate->getVariableContainer()->get('1457379500_sections'); if (!isset($sections[$sectionName])) { at TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\View\AbstractTemplateView->renderSection('Main', array(), true) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/vendor/typo3fluid/fluid/src/ViewHelpers/RenderViewHelper.php line 171 $content = (new $delegate())->render($renderingContext); } elseif ($partial !== null) { $content = $view->renderPartial($partial, $section, $variables, $optional); } elseif ($section !== null) { $content = $view->renderSection($section, $variables, $optional); } elseif (!$optional) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('ViewHelper f:render called without either argument section, partial, renderable or delegate and optional flag is false'); } // Replace empty content with default value. If default is at TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\ViewHelpers\RenderViewHelper::renderStatic(array('section' => 'Main', 'partial' => null, 'delegate' => null, 'renderable' => null, 'arguments' => array(), 'optional' => true, 'default' => null, 'contentAs' => null, 'debug' => true), object(Closure), object(TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Rendering\RenderingContext)) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/web/typo3temp/var/cache/code/fluid_template/layout_Default_html_3fef5b30bfc98d418e16e0ed0f0c1149a6eaf9cc.php line 1143 ), $renderingContext );

$output3 .= TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\ViewHelpers\RenderViewHelper::renderStatic($arguments45, $renderChildrenClosure46, $renderingContext);

$output3 .= ' '; // Rendering ViewHelper TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\ViewHelpers\RenderViewHelper at layout_Default_html_3fef5b30bfc98d418e16e0ed0f0c1149a6eaf9cc->{closure}() in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/vendor/typo3fluid/fluid/src/Core/ViewHelper/AbstractConditionViewHelper.php line 79 if (isset($arguments['then'])) { return $arguments['then']; } if (isset($arguments['thenClosure'])) { return $arguments['thenClosure'](); } } elseif (!empty($arguments['elseClosures'])) { $elseIfClosures = isset($arguments['elseifClosures']) ? $arguments['elseifClosures'] : []; return static::evaluateElseClosures($arguments['elseClosures'], $elseIfClosures, $renderingContext); at TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractConditionViewHelper::renderStatic(array('then' => null, 'else' => null, 'condition' => true, 'thenClosure' => object(Closure), 'elseClosures' => array(object(Closure))), object(Closure), object(TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Rendering\RenderingContext)) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/web/typo3temp/var/cache/code/fluid_template/layout_Default_html_3fef5b30bfc98d418e16e0ed0f0c1149a6eaf9cc.php line 1665 '; return $output65; };

$output0 .= TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\ViewHelpers\IfViewHelper::renderStatic($arguments1, $renderChildrenClosure2, $renderingContext);

$output0 .= '

'; at layout_Default_html_3fef5b30bfc98d418e16e0ed0f0c1149a6eaf9cc->render(object(TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Rendering\RenderingContext)) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/vendor/typo3fluid/fluid/src/View/AbstractTemplateView.php line 200 } catch (PassthroughSourceException $error) { return $error->getSource(); } $this->startRendering(self::RENDERING_LAYOUT, $parsedTemplate, $this->baseRenderingContext); $output = $parsedLayout->render($this->baseRenderingContext); $this->stopRendering(); }

    return $output;

at TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\View\AbstractTemplateView->render() in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/typo3/sysext/frontend/Classes/ContentObject/FluidTemplateContentObject.php line 340

at TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\FluidTemplateContentObject->render(array('format' => 'html', 'partialRootPath' => 'fileadmin/templates/partials/', 'layoutRootPath' => 'fileadmin/templates/layouts/', 'variables.' => array('content_column_1' => 'CONTENT', 'content_column_1.' => array('table' => 'tt_content', 'select.' => array('orderBy' => 'sorting', 'where' => 'colPos = 0')), 'content_column_2' => 'CONTENT', 'content_column_2.' => array('table' => 'tt_content', 'select.' => array('orderBy' => 'sorting', 'where' => 'colPos = 1')), 'content_column_3' => 'CONTENT', 'content_column_3.' => array('table' => 'tt_content', 'select.' => array('orderBy' => 'sorting', 'where' => 'colPos = 2')), 'content_column_4' => 'CONTENT', 'content_column_4.' => array('table' => 'tt_content', 'select.' => array('orderBy' => 'sorting', 'where' => 'colPos = 3')), 'content_column_5' => 'CONTENT', 'content_column_5.' => array('table' => 'tt_content', 'select.' => array('orderBy' => 'sorting', 'where' => 'colPos = 4')), 'content_column_6' => 'CONTENT', 'content_column_6.' => array('table' => 'tt_content', 'select.' => array('orderBy' => 'sorting', 'where' => 'colPos = 5'))), 'file.' => array('stdWrap.' => array('cObject' => 'CASE', 'cObject.' => array('key.' => array('data' => 'levelfield:-1, backend_layout_next_level, slide', 'override.' => array('field' => 'backend_layout')), 'default' => 'TEXT', 'default.' => array('value' => 'fileadmin/templates/main_standard_page.html'), 'TEXT', '1.' => array('value' => 'fileadmin/templates/main_standard_page.html'), 'TEXT', '2.' => array('value' => 'fileadmin/templates/main_home_page.html'), 'TEXT', '3.' => array('value' => 'fileadmin/templates/main_wide_page.html'), 'TEXT', '4.' => array('value' => 'fileadmin/templates/sektion_des_monats_archiv_page.html')))))) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/typo3/sysext/frontend/Classes/ContentObject/ContentObjectRenderer.php line 801 }

    // Render content
    try {
        $content .= $contentObject->render($configuration);
    } catch (ContentRenderingException $exception) {
        // Content rendering Exceptions indicate a critical problem which should not be
        // caught e.g. when something went wrong with Exception handling itself
        throw $exception;

at TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer->render(object(TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\FluidTemplateContentObject), array('format' => 'html', 'partialRootPath' => 'fileadmin/templates/partials/', 'layoutRootPath' => 'fileadmin/templates/layouts/', 'variables.' => array('content_column_1' => 'CONTENT', 'content_column_1.' => array('table' => 'tt_content', 'select.' => array('orderBy' => 'sorting', 'where' => 'colPos = 0')), 'content_column_2' => 'CONTENT', 'content_column_2.' => array('table' => 'tt_content', 'select.' => array('orderBy' => 'sorting', 'where' => 'colPos = 1')), 'content_column_3' => 'CONTENT', 'content_column_3.' => array('table' => 'tt_content', 'select.' => array('orderBy' => 'sorting', 'where' => 'colPos = 2')), 'content_column_4' => 'CONTENT', 'content_column_4.' => array('table' => 'tt_content', 'select.' => array('orderBy' => 'sorting', 'where' => 'colPos = 3')), 'content_column_5' => 'CONTENT', 'content_column_5.' => array('table' => 'tt_content', 'select.' => array('orderBy' => 'sorting', 'where' => 'colPos = 4')), 'content_column_6' => 'CONTENT', 'content_column_6.' => array('table' => 'tt_content', 'select.' => array('orderBy' => 'sorting', 'where' => 'colPos = 5'))), 'file.' => array('stdWrap.' => array('cObject' => 'CASE', 'cObject.' => array('key.' => array('data' => 'levelfield:-1, backend_layout_next_level, slide', 'override.' => array('field' => 'backend_layout')), 'default' => 'TEXT', 'default.' => array('value' => 'fileadmin/templates/main_standard_page.html'), 'TEXT', '1.' => array('value' => 'fileadmin/templates/main_standard_page.html'), 'TEXT', '2.' => array('value' => 'fileadmin/templates/main_home_page.html'), 'TEXT', '3.' => array('value' => 'fileadmin/templates/main_wide_page.html'), 'TEXT', '4.' => array('value' => 'fileadmin/templates/sektion_des_monats_archiv_page.html')))))) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/typo3/sysext/frontend/Classes/ContentObject/ContentObjectRenderer.php line 737 $timeTracker->decStackPointer(); } else { $contentObject = $this->getContentObject($name); if ($contentObject) { $content .= $this->render($contentObject, $conf); } } if ($timeTracker->LR) { $timeTracker->pull($content); at TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer->cObjGetSingle('FLUIDTEMPLATE', array('format' => 'html', 'partialRootPath' => 'fileadmin/templates/partials/', 'layoutRootPath' => 'fileadmin/templates/layouts/', 'variables.' => array('content_column_1' => 'CONTENT', 'content_column_1.' => array('table' => 'tt_content', 'select.' => array('orderBy' => 'sorting', 'where' => 'colPos = 0')), 'content_column_2' => 'CONTENT', 'content_column_2.' => array('table' => 'tt_content', 'select.' => array('orderBy' => 'sorting', 'where' => 'colPos = 1')), 'content_column_3' => 'CONTENT', 'content_column_3.' => array('table' => 'tt_content', 'select.' => array('orderBy' => 'sorting', 'where' => 'colPos = 2')), 'content_column_4' => 'CONTENT', 'content_column_4.' => array('table' => 'tt_content', 'select.' => array('orderBy' => 'sorting', 'where' => 'colPos = 3')), 'content_column_5' => 'CONTENT', 'content_column_5.' => array('table' => 'tt_content', 'select.' => array('orderBy' => 'sorting', 'where' => 'colPos = 4')), 'content_column_6' => 'CONTENT', 'content_column_6.' => array('table' => 'tt_content', 'select.' => array('orderBy' => 'sorting', 'where' => 'colPos = 5'))), 'file.' => array('stdWrap.' => array('cObject' => 'CASE', 'cObject.' => array('key.' => array('data' => 'levelfield:-1, backend_layout_next_level, slide', 'override.' => array('field' => 'backend_layout')), 'default' => 'TEXT', 'default.' => array('value' => 'fileadmin/templates/main_standard_page.html'), 'TEXT', '1.' => array('value' => 'fileadmin/templates/main_standard_page.html'), 'TEXT', '2.' => array('value' => 'fileadmin/templates/main_home_page.html'), 'TEXT', '3.' => array('value' => 'fileadmin/templates/main_wide_page.html'), 'TEXT', '4.' => array('value' => 'fileadmin/templates/sektion_des_monats_archiv_page.html'))))), '10') in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/typo3/sysext/frontend/Classes/ContentObject/ContentObjectRenderer.php line 699 foreach ($sKeyArray as $theKey) { $theValue = $setup[$theKey]; if ((int)$theKey && !str_contains($theKey, '.')) { $conf = $setup[$theKey . '.'] ?? []; $content .= $this->cObjGetSingle($theValue, $conf, $addKey . $theKey); } } return $content; } at TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer->cObjGet(array('config.' => array('contentObjectExceptionHandler' => '0'), 'typeNum' => '0', 'meta.' => array('viewport' => 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1'), 'FLUIDTEMPLATE', '10.' => array('format' => 'html', 'partialRootPath' => 'fileadmin/templates/partials/', 'layoutRootPath' => 'fileadmin/templates/layouts/', 'variables.' => array('content_column_1' => 'CONTENT', 'content_column_1.' => array('table' => 'tt_content', 'select.' => array('orderBy' => 'sorting', 'where' => 'colPos = 0')), 'content_column_2' => 'CONTENT', 'content_column_2.' => array('table' => 'tt_content', 'select.' => array('orderBy' => 'sorting', 'where' => 'colPos = 1')), 'content_column_3' => 'CONTENT', 'content_column_3.' => array('table' => 'tt_content', 'select.' => array('orderBy' => 'sorting', 'where' => 'colPos = 2')), 'content_column_4' => 'CONTENT', 'content_column_4.' => array('table' => 'tt_content', 'select.' => array('orderBy' => 'sorting', 'where' => 'colPos = 3')), 'content_column_5' => 'CONTENT', 'content_column_5.' => array('table' => 'tt_content', 'select.' => array('orderBy' => 'sorting', 'where' => 'colPos = 4')), 'content_column_6' => 'CONTENT', 'content_column_6.' => array('table' => 'tt_content', 'select.' => array('orderBy' => 'sorting', 'where' => 'colPos = 5'))), 'file.' => array('stdWrap.' => array('cObject' => 'CASE', 'cObject.' => array('key.' => array('data' => 'levelfield:-1, backend_layout_next_level, slide', 'override.' => array('field' => 'backend_layout')), 'default' => 'TEXT', 'default.' => array('value' => 'fileadmin/templates/main_standard_page.html'), 'TEXT', '1.' => array('value' => 'fileadmin/templates/main_standard_page.html'), 'TEXT', '2.' => array('value' => 'fileadmin/templates/main_home_page.html'), 'TEXT', '3.' => array('value' => 'fileadmin/templates/main_wide_page.html'), 'TEXT', '4.' => array('value' => 'fileadmin/templates/sektion_des_monats_archiv_page.html'))))), 'includeCSS.' => array('file1' => '/fileadmin/templates/css/bootstrap.min.css', 'file2' => '/fileadmin/templates/css/style.css'), 'includeJS.' => array('file1' => '/fileadmin/templates/js/jquery.min.js', 'file2' => '/fileadmin/templates/js/bootstrap.min.js'), 'shortcutIcon' => 'favicon.ico', 'bodyTagCObject' => 'COA', 'bodyTagCObject.' => array('TEXT', '10.' => array('data' => 'levelfield:1, uid', 'dataWrap' => 'id="pid{TSFE:id}" class="be-{TSFE:beUserLogin} rpid|'), 'TEXT', '20.' => array('data' => 'level:1', 'noTrimWrap' => '| level| |'), 'TEXT', '30.' => array('value' => 'has-subs', 'if.' => array('isTrue.' => array('numRows.' => array('table' => 'pages', 'where' => 'pid=this')))), 'TEXT', '40.' => array('value' => 'no-subs', 'if.' => array('negate' => '1', 'isTrue.' => array('numRows.' => array('table' => 'pages', 'where' => 'pid=this')))), 'TEXT', '50.' => array('value' => '"'), 'stdWrap.' => array('noTrimWrap' => '|<body |>|')))) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/typo3/sysext/frontend/Classes/Http/RequestHandler.php line 223

at TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Http\RequestHandler->handle(object(TYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\ServerRequest)) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Middleware/ResponsePropagation.php line 34 { public function process(ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler): ResponseInterface { try { $response = $handler->handle($request); } catch (PropagateResponseException $e) { $response = $e->getResponse(); }

at TYPO3\CMS\Core\Middleware\ResponsePropagation->process(object(TYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\ServerRequest), object(TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Http\RequestHandler)) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Http/MiddlewareDispatcher.php line 172

            if (!$middleware instanceof MiddlewareInterface) {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException(get_class($middleware) . ' does not implement ' . MiddlewareInterface::class, 1516821342);
            return $middleware->process($request, $this->next);

} at Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface@anonymous/home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Http/MiddlewareDispatcher.php:138$112e->handle(object(TYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\ServerRequest)) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/typo3/sysext/frontend/Classes/Middleware/OutputCompression.php line 48 // Throw away all output that may have happened during bootstrapping by weird extensions ob_clean(); // Initialize output compression if configured $this->initializeOutputCompression(); return $handler->handle($request); }

 * Initialize output compression if configured

at TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Middleware\OutputCompression->process(object(TYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\ServerRequest), object(Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface@anonymous/home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Http/MiddlewareDispatcher.php:138$112e)) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Http/MiddlewareDispatcher.php line 172

            if (!$middleware instanceof MiddlewareInterface) {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException(get_class($middleware) . ' does not implement ' . MiddlewareInterface::class, 1516821342);
            return $middleware->process($request, $this->next);

} at Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface@anonymous/home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Http/MiddlewareDispatcher.php:138$112e->handle(object(TYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\ServerRequest)) in /home/kunstbul/www/test.kunstverein.ch/typo3_src-11.5.25/typo3/sysext/frontend/Classes/Middleware/ContentLengthResponseHeader.php line 45

ritterg commented 1 year ago

BTW: it's PHP 8.1.16

thommyhh commented 1 year ago

@ritterg Which version of deferred_image_processing are you using?

ritterg commented 1 year ago

Version 1.1.0 downloaded directly from within Typo3 (v11) Extension Manager

thommyhh commented 1 year ago

Alright, thanks. I'll take a look at it.

thommyhh commented 1 year ago

@ritterg That took me a while. It seems, the exception is thrown when TYPO3 tries to render the imageLinkWrap (JS pop window). Didn't expect, that's still used.

Could try this version? https://github.com/webcoast-dk/deferred-image-processing/archive/refs/heads/bugfix/invalid-crop-data-causes-exception.zip

ritterg commented 1 year ago

I can confirm that a) when I remove the click-to-enlarge setting on all images on a page, this page works with deferred-image-processing 1.1.0 b) the new version from above works even with click-to-enlarge settings on Thanks for your help!

thommyhh commented 1 year ago

@ritterg Thanks for you feedback. I merged this into the release/1.1 branch. I'm waiting for feedback on another fix and will release a new version soon.