webcompat / web-bugs

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www.tealoungesystem.com - site is not usable #16845

Closed webcompat-bot closed 5 years ago

webcompat-bot commented 6 years ago

URL: https://www.tealoungesystem.com

Browser / Version: Firefox Mobile 62.0 Operating System: Android 6.0.99 Tested Another Browser: No

Problem type: Site is not usable Description: Site doesn't open unless it's forced to open in Desktop modr Steps to Reproduce: Try to open the site on mobile Firefox

From webcompat.com with ❤️

softvision-sergiulogigan commented 6 years ago

Indeed, the Homepage displays a Unsupported Browser message.


Moving to Needscontact.

adamopenweb commented 6 years ago

So spoofing as Chrome in Firefox for Android makes the site work.

Otherwise we get redirected to: https://www.tealoungesystem.com/errors/418.php

Some UA detection code in: https://www.tealoungesystem.com/js/tls/tls.min.js

var didScroll, lastScrollTop = 0, delta = 2, browserSupported = !0, ie = !1, noSupportSite = '/errors/418.php', subMenu, quickCart, layerController = null; deviceIsIOS && jQuery('html').addClass('is-ios'), jQuery(document).ready(function () {
jQuery.cookie.defaults = {
path: '/',
expires: 365
try {
if (/MSIE (\d+\.\d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
ie = !0;
var e = new Number(RegExp.$1)
!(ie && 9 > e) && (ie || Modernizr.fontface && Modernizr.rgba && Modernizr.mq('only all')) || (browserSupported = !1),
browserSupported !== !1 && (Modernizr.generatedcontent || - 1 == navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') || (browserSupported = window.devicePixelRatio && (window.devicePixelRatio < 1 || window.devicePixelRatio > 1) ? !0 : !1))
} catch (t) {
browserSupported = !1
browserSupported || window.location.pathname == noSupportSite || (window.location = noSupportSite)
}), jQuery(function () {
isTouchDevice && deviceIsIOS && window.addEventListener('orientationchange', function () {
var e = jQuery('video'),
t = !1;
e.each(function (i) {
var n = e[i];
return n.webkitDisplayingFullscreen === !0 ? (t = !0, void n.addEventListener('webkitendfullscreen', function () {
}, !1))  : void 0
t === !1 && window.location.reload()
}, !1),

Using modernizr 3.3.1: https://www.tealoungesystem.com/js/tls/modernizr.js

Since the detection is on the client side, I think we should set to needs diagnosis to figure out the best way to fix it.

karlcow commented 6 years ago

They need to remove FastClick, it will break Firefox on Android. https://miketaylr.com/posts/2017/10/fast-click-more-like-thing-of-the-past-click.html

Their browserSupported value is computed with

browserSupported !== !1 && (
    || -1 == navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') 
    || (browserSupported = window.devicePixelRatio && (
              window.devicePixelRatio < 1 || window.devicePixelRatio > 1) 
     ? !0 : !1))

They ask for Chrome. end of the story :)

karlcow commented 6 years ago

Contact form https://www.tealoungesystem.com/service-kontakt

adamopenweb commented 6 years ago

Reaching out via website contact form.

adamopenweb commented 6 years ago

Sending a follow up message.

cipriansv commented 5 years ago

I retested the issue and a redirection to a different site occurs when I access the link.


Tested with: Browser / Version: Firefox Nightly 68.0a1 (2019-06-10), Firefox Fenix (Preview) 1.0.1923 Operating System: Huawei P10 (Android 8.0) - 1080 x 1920 pixels (~432 ppi pixel density)

Closing the issue as invalid.