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www.energy.gov - see bug description #40622

Closed webcompat-bot closed 5 years ago

webcompat-bot commented 5 years ago

URL: https://www.energy.gov/node/268177/done?sid=1248948&token=ab77498a33ecd96be5999e3bd8d2e133

Browser / Version: Firefox Mobile 68.0 Operating System: Android 8.0.0 Tested Another Browser: No

Problem type: Something else Description: Urgent​ Security​ Report​ Please​ Steps to Reproduce: Please​ note​: my​ apology​ to​ update​ that​ there​ seem​ to​ be​ the​ significant​ interruption​ to​ the​ DOE​ website​ and​ do​ hope​ any​ of​ you​ can​ please​ kindly​ help​ updating​ the​ police​ statement, immediately. Deeply​ appreciate​ for​ your​ kindness​ and​ wish​ any​ of​ you​ can​ please​ kindly​ help​ updating​ the​ police​ statement​ to​ help@nccs.gov​ and​DOE.Webmaster@hq.doe.gov, right​ away. Below​ is​ my​ message​ to​ wish​ any​ of​ you​ can​ please​ kindly​ help​ updating, immediately​ to​ the​ website​ kindly​ provided​ here: https://www.energy.gov/contact-us​ and​ https://www.ic3.gov/complaint/default.aspx/

" To whom it may concern,

My​ apology​ to​ update​ that​ I​ seem​ to​ experience​ the​ significant​ interruption​ after​ submit​ my​ message​ to​ https://www.energy.gov/contact-us​ Consequently, I​ do​ hope​ any​ of​ you​ can​ please​ kindly​ help​ report​ing​ and​ updating the​ police​ statement​ for​ me, immediately, if​ possible.​ There​ seem​ to​ be​ several​ interruption​s​ to​ this​ DOE​ websites​ and​ super​ curious​ what​ happen. Perhaps, we​ have​ been​ facing​ with​ the​ same​ group​ of​ criminal​s​ who​ interfere​ Firefox​ Beta​ as​ well. Also, I terribly apologize to update that I seem to experience the significant interruption to several websites along with my jetanaweiyang@gmail.com. Below is the copy of the original evidence from my undeliverable message to wish any of you can please kindly help consider with regard, immediately, and please kindly help updating the police statement with the ILO related, if possible. " Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to info@ilo.org because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. The response from the remote server was:

550 5.1.1 User Unknown" Perhaps, we have been facing with the same group of criminals with many of our undeliverable messages, for instance, chinamission_un@mfa.gov.cn, help@nccs.gov, masont@ornl.gov, joydc@ornl.gov and so on from my yanggreenery@gmail.com, bjetanadc@gmail.com, and so on--do hope we can update all police statements and files, immediately. There seem to be the interruption from the undesirable participant and Thai biometrics related from the indirect communication system as well--do hope any of you can please kindly help updating the police statement and the filing, immediately, especially during I am writing this message. I consider all indirect communication channels of all undesirable participants as biometrics'raping, especially from Thai biometrics related in my bedroom, because it is very annoying and disrupt my concentration, especially during my last minute submittion of job application and the intensive due date of job application. Consequently, I do hope any of you can please kindly help updating the police statement during the time I am writing the UNDP job application in my bedroom few hours before 11 am of Thailand time on 9/21/2019, approximately. Additionally, my apology to update that I seem to experience the interruption to https://www.bbc.com/ --do hope any of you can please kindly help verify checking and updating the police statement with freedom.info@northumbria.pnn.police.uk, if possible, especially with Pual Denyer(PC1843). Overwhelmingly, I also would like any of you to please kindly help updating the police statement of our US Social Security Number incident which have been stolen on 1/17/2015,at approximately 11.15pm of UK time. Perhaps, we have been facing with the same group of criminals related because the incident occur nearby BBC Office and the subway. I absolutely cannot help all criminals relevance to our US SSN case by all means, everlastingly, and I do hope any of you can please kindly help updating to the UK police that I would not like to cancel this caee at all. Moreover, my apology to update that I seem to be unable to subscribe to the nice website kindly provided here: https://www.monsterenergy.com/us/en/sports/performance --had already reported to Firefox Beta, with the Needs Triage of 40615. Perhaps, there might be somebody keep hacking my yanggreenery@gmail.com, or the criminal relevance to Mr.Yang's case from Laos US Embassy keep interfering my emails. If I remember correctly, I also seem to get many undeliverable messages from Laos media related--do hope any of you can please kindly help updating the police statement to Laos police relevance to all of my Laos cases as well. I, in fact, used to ask Laos German Embassy to please kindly help updating the police statement for me in approximately 2015/2016--my apology I am not sure how it goes with all of my Laos cases. I also seem to experience the cybercrime attack to Laos US Embassy website previously as well and used to bring my McBook Air to show the police at Tha Bo police station. There seem to be some significant interruptions during the time I am writing this message as well--do hope we can verify checking all interruptions into this website, immediately. Overarchingly, I would like to proceed for all of our cases using my US SSN, immediately, if possible. I also do look forward to returning to the US, with no delay please, especially this pretty Autumn with all best possible harassment filters and innocent victim protection for Rainbow and Crystal, if possible. I also do hope all innocent victims absolutely cannot have any problems with ears related, and I remembered Bryan Crawford (my US hosted family) used to work with nanoindentation for ears related during the time I am studying under the support kindly provided from the US GOV. Perhaps, admin@chat.airforce.com, DHA.FOIA@mail.mil and david.steitz@nasa.gov may be able to be in touch with Bryan and apply the frontier science of nanoindentation for hearing and cybercrime attack prevention related, especially for the wet ears as well. My apology I am not sure the cybercrime criminal can be able to irritate us during the swimming time or working in the ocean related or not. I am also very sorry to update that I seem to experience the error after my submission--do hope any of you can please kindly help updating the police statement, immediately. Perhaps, it may be relevance to my brother's Singapore boat scholarship's case as well, and I also seem to have several cases with boat related. If I remember correctly, I used to apply for a job with registry.cn@undp.org in approximately 2015 relevance to the boat related--my apology I do not know how it goes, but in my opinion, I, my brother alkng with the people around who are the victim of the boat case absolutely cannot have any troubles with the boat related. Nevertheless, I remembered one boat at Thai-Laos friendship bridge seem to have the problem--my apology I do not exactly know what happen and I took the picture during the time I am on the bridge and travel by bus at that time--do hope any of you can please kindly help updating the police statement, immediately. Deeply appreciate for your kindness and wish any of you can please kindly help updating my original message and the progress of investigation to david.steitz@nasa.gov, communications@rescue.org, parliamentarydigitalservice@tmpw.co.uk, ian.burgess@usask.ca, jeff.hudson@usask.ca, solution@ornl.gov, section508@dodig.mil, g.george@usask.ca, press@interpol.int, trials@utk.edu, mobile@huawei.com, media.help@apple.com, zj_uk@mfa.gov.cn, disastermaps@fb.com, privacy@lb.com, Integrity@adb.org, sranawara@adb.org, pavee@sut.ac.th, jetanaweiyang1@yahoo.com, FBU.Manila@ssa.gov, jetanaweiyang@gmail.com, unmicttracking@un.org, disclosures@dodig.mil, Mediainquiries@who.int, contact@cybermalveillance.gouv.fr, chaibf@who.int, parcig@hotmail.com, foiacomments@ftc.gov, media.help@apple.com, brussels.office@undp.org, ritchiesm@ornl.gov, admin.drrmedia@cc.preventionweb.net, IG_Hotline@dodiis.mil, marsarusha@un.org, departmentofhomelandsecurity@service.govdelivery.com, freedom.info@northumbria.pnn.police.uk, info@new-york-un.diplo.de, info@g4c-ev.org, ian.burgess@usask.ca, PoliceService@Saskatoon.ca, usarmy.pentagon.hqda-ogc.mbx.ef@mail.mil, usaf.jbanafw.ngb-a7.mbx.a7a-nepa-comments@mail.mil, webmaster@ox.ac.uk, soc@nasa.gov, press@interpol.int, webmaster@ssa.gov, dha.ncr.health-surv.mbx.msmr@mail.mil, medizin@dlr.de, vramachandran@ucsd.edu, ORNLedu@orau.org, Zintellect@orau.org, admin@chat.airforce.com, PoliceService@Saskatoon.ca, webmaster@icj-cij.org, treaty@mfa.gov.cn, foiaoig@hq.nasa.gov, info@g4c-ev.org, bert.vandenberg@usask.ca, drc@jpl.nasa.gov, D.Cutler@thomsonreuters.com, WLFC@unodc.org, Mary.Heard@ocio.usda.gov, TitleIX@yale.edu, lawhelp@utk.edu, Swang@utk.edu, raramachandra@ucsd.edu, Webadmin@justice.gc.ca, vramachandran@ucsd.edu, hormes@physik.uni-bonn.de, hotline@oig.dot.gov, hormes@lsu.edu, HotlineFollowupI918I914.vsc@uscis.dhs.gov, askovc@ncjrs.gov, LawEnforcement_UTVAWA.VSC@uscis.dhs.gov, info@roscosmos.ru, akawut@sut.ac.th, unmicttracking@un.org, Paul.dumas@synchrotron-soleil.fr, education@nasa.gov, hq-oig-it-help@mail.nasa.gov, National.FOIAPortal@usdoj.gov, CR-info@ascr.usda.gov, news@ornl.gov, ChiefEvaluationOffice@dol.gov, info@ilo.org, gfp@unodc.org, webmaster@lightsource.org, Ron.Croushorn@fas.usda.gov, oigfoia@usdoj.gov, info@universal-rights.org, geneva@unesco.org, dhsintermeganslaw@ice.dhs.gov, chinamission_un@mfa.gov.cn, claudia.stern@dlr.de, parliamentarydigitalservice@tmpw.co.uk, chinaemb_fr@mfa.gov.cn, Paul.kennedy@yale.edu, ethics@navy.mil, nsc.i-918inquiries@uscis.dhs.gov, askovc@ncjrs.gov, help@olcf.ornl.gov, ornlrecruiting@ornl.gov, chenj@ornl.gov, chenw@ornl.gov, chenj1@ornl.gov, smithjc@ornl.gov, btonn@utk.edu, greynold@utk.edu, CURRYSD@ORNL.GOV, IG_Hotline@dodiis.mil, gfp@un.org, kelen.tuttle@slac.stanford.edu, ChiefEvaluationOffice@dol.gov, media@imf.org,truemove_care@truecorp.co.th, fc-lfs@ais.co.th, acschn@state.gov, disastermaps@fb.com, trever.crowe@usask.ca, bert.vandenberg@usask.ca, erecruit.helpdesk@undp.org, feedback@usda.gov, masont@ornl.gov, ighotline@hq.doe.gov, DOE.Webmaster@hq.doe.gov, simonetta.grassi@unodc.org, help@olcf.ornl.gov, DHA.FOIA@mail.mil, and relief-operations@fao.org, usarmy.pentagon.hqda-ogc.mbx.ef@mail.mil, usaf.jbanafw.ngb-a7.mbx.a7a-nepa-comments@mail.mil, and relief-operations@fao.org, immediately.

All the best, Jetana KITTISENEE P.S.some contents contain the inclusive confidential information to the designating recipients, and its disclosure is prohibited."

Screenshot Description

Browser Configuration
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Console Messages:

['[JavaScript Warning: "downloadable font: no supported format found (font-family: "energy_icons" style:normal weight:400 stretch:100 src index:1) source: (end of source list)" {file: "unknown" line: 1 column: 9873 source: "@font-face {\n  font-family: "energy_icons";\n  src: url("/sites/all/themes/clean_energy/fonts/icons/energy_icons.svg#icons") format("svg");\n}"}]']

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lock[bot] commented 5 years ago

This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue at https://webcompat.com/issues/new if you are experiencing a similar problem.