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complaint.ic3.gov - see bug description #41419

Closed webcompat-bot closed 5 years ago

webcompat-bot commented 5 years ago

URL: https://complaint.ic3.gov/default.aspx#

Browser / Version: Firefox Mobile 68.0 Operating System: Android 8.0.0 Tested Another Browser: Yes

Problem type: Something else Description: Urgent​ Security​ Report​ Please​ Steps to Reproduce: Please​ note​: can​ anyone​ please​ kindly​ help​ updating​ my​ original​ "message" below​ to​ the​ IC3​ website, immediately? D​eeply​ appreciate​ for​ your​ kindness.

"To​ whom​ it​ may​ concern,

At​ approximately​ 11.20, 11.30, 11.32, 11.37,11.40,11.50, 11.55,​ 11.58,​ and​ 11.59 pm​ of​ Thailand​ time​ on​ 10/1/2019,​ along with​​ 10/2/2019​ at​ approximately​ 0.01, 0.07, 0.09,​ 0.14, 0.33, 0.38, 0.40, 0.59, 1.42, 1.52, 1.53, 2.03, 2.53, 3.17, 3.46, 4.37, 4.41, 4.42, 4.55, 4.58, 5.01, 5.08, 5.15, 5.17, 5.18, 5.21, 5.23, 5.27, 5.30, 5.31, ​ 5.37, 5.38, 5.46, 6.01, 6.09, 6.28, 6.45, 7.09 7.12, an​d​ 8.25 am​ then, I​ seem​ to​ experience​ the​ significant​ interruption​ from​ Thai​ biometrics​ related​ in​ my​ bedroom.​ Additionally​, I​ do​ hope​ any​ of​ you​ can​ please​ kindly​ help​ verif​y​ checking​ the​ noise​ similar​ to​ the​ weapon​ at​ approximately​ 6.40 am​ of​ Thailand​ time​ on​ 10/2/2019, immediately. Moreover, my​ apology​ I​ seem​ to​ experience​ the​ limited​ access​ to​ the​ website​ kindly​ provided​ here​: https://www.dod.mil/pubs/foi/dfoipo/ Furthermore, my​ apology​ to​ update​ that​ I​ seem​ to​ experience​ the​ significant​ interruption​ to​ Facebook​ again​ according​ to​ the​ Firefox​ Beta​ Needs​ Triage​#41417 from​ https://free.facebook.com/DeptofDefense?fc=f&showPageSuggestions&_rdr Perhaps, the​ criminal​ seem​ to​ be​ guilty​ to​ us​ in​ Hang​ Dong​--do​ hop​e​ any​ of​ you​ can​ please​ kindly​ help​ preventing​ the​ destruction of​ my​ ovary​ as​ well. I​ do​ hope​ the​ criminal​ absolutely​ cannot​ be​ creating​ any​ violence​s​ and​ keep​ making​ biometrics​'raping​ to​ the​ victim​ by​ all​ means.​ Perhaps, the​ criminal​ get​ the​ money​tary support​ from​ somewhere--very​ curious​ for​ the​ original​ source​ of​ financial​ crime. The​ victim​ live​ so​ poorly with​ some​ difficulties, but​ the​ criminal​ seem​ to​ use​ the​ weapon​ larvishly--very​ curious​ what​ happen.​ I​ feel​ very​ uncomfortable​ in​ Thailand​ and​ do​ hope​ the​ criminal​ have​ the​ much​ great​er​ financial​ pressure​ than​ the​ victim. Thus, they​ will​ stop​ keep​ harassing​ the​ victim, and​ we​ can​ live​ more​ peaceful​ly. Also, I​ do​ hope​ we​ can​ localize​ and​ prevent​ the​ fall of​f of​ the​ weapon​ to​ my​ present​ address​ and​ the​ victim​ 24/7--I​ also​ would​ not​ like​ to​ image​ for​ the​ time​ when​ I​ walk​ out​ of​ home​ or​ ride the​ bicycle in​ this​ area. It​ seems​ to​ be​ a​ lot​ more​ exacerbating​ than​ my​ previous​ fierce​ dog​ harassment​ cases--do​ hope​ it​ will​ not​ be​ the​ Manhattan war​ in​ the​ near​ future. I​ think​ of​ the​ Einstien's letter​ I​ got​ from​ ORNL​, enormously, and​ I​ do​ hope​ we​ can​ create the​ psychological weapon​ for​ positive​ resolution to​ the​ violence​ group, immediately. The​ criminal​ seem​s​ to​ live​ very​ close​ to​ us, and​ I​ do​ hope​ the​ psychologist can​ calm down​ the​ criminal​ very​ well.​ Perhaps, the​ criminal​ can​ be under​ controlled​ by​ the​ remote​ US​ GOV​ FBI​ related, immediately, because​ I​ usually​ experience​ the​ difficulty​ with​ the​ pretty​ close​ distance of​ harassment, when​ consider​ing​ for​ our​ True​-Home​based​ internet​ radias signal in​ 2015 at​ the​ rental​ home​ of​ 150-151, Santisuk​ Rd., Tha​ Bo, Nong​ Khai, Thailand, 43110. Thus, the​ criminal​ related​ will​ stop​ harassing​ us--also​ very​ curious​ how​ the​ people​ around​ here​ response​ to​ the​ noise​ similar​ to​ the​ weapon. My​ apology​ I​ am​ not​ sure​ anyone​ call​ Hang​ Dong​ police​ 66053441801​ or​ not. There​ might​ be​ some​body​ who​ provide​ the​ police​ statement​ in​ person--do​ hope​ there​ will​ be​ somebody​ from​ not​ Thai​ biometrics​ related​ who​ kindly​ help​ confirming, especially​ when​ consider​ing​ for​ my​ pending​ renouce​ Thai​ citizen​ since​ 2015​ in​ UK. I​ do​ hope​ we​ can​ collect​ the​ statistical​ database​ and​ all​ reactions​ of​ sociological impact related​ to​ the​ victim​'s​ property​ as​ well. Perhaps, somebody​ may​ have​ the​ bias​ of my​ biomedical​ information, and​ I​ maybe​ the​ only​ one​ who​ report​ to​ the​ IC3​ website​ and​ so​ on​ in​ this​ area. Thus, I​ do​ hope​ many​ of​ you​ can​ please​ kindly​ help​ verif​y​ checking​ and​ confirming​ my​ hearing​ ability, if​ possible, immediately.​ I​ also​ used​ to​ have​ the​ painful​ feel​ing​ with​ my​ ears. Overwhelming​ly, I​ would​ not​ like​ to​ involve​ with​ any​ antient​ Thai-Chinese​-UK​ norms​ related. Deeply​ appreciate​ for​ your​ kindness​ and​ wish​ any​ of​ you​ can​ please​ kindly​ help​ securing​ my​ 660842523984​ at​ your​ best​ ability​ for​ my​ victim's​ right​ protection​ file, the​ police​ statement, along​ with​ please​ kindly​ help​ updating​ my​ original​ message​ and​ the​ progress​ of​ investigation​ to​ Masont@ornl.gov, ighotline@hq.doe.gov, usarmy.pentagon.hqda-ogc.mbx.ef@mail.mil, dha.ncr.health-surv.mbx.msmr@mail.mil, lawhelp@utk.edu, osd.pentagon.ousd-p-r.mbx.legal-policy@mail.mil, victimsfirst@ombudsman.gc.ca, DOE.Webmaster@hq.doe.gov, vramachandran@ucsd.edu​, DOESection508Coordinator@hq.doe.gov, legalhelpdesk@worldbank.org, delc@unep.org,​adquisiciones.ecuador@unwomen.org, oigfoia@usdoj.gov, section508@dodig.mil, gfp@unodc.org, simonetta.grassi@unodc.org, chinamission_gva@mfa.gov.cn, ​help@iq.harvard.edu, Swang@utk.edu, raramachandra@ucsd.edu, sbell@cga.harvard.edu, ocr@ed.gov, sranawara@adb.org, Integrity@adb.org, ornlrecruiting@ornl.gov, DHA.FOIA@mail.mil, geneva@unesco.org,​foiacomments@ftc.gov, datenschutz@dlr.de, dataprotection@bbc.com, yahoo@mail.comms.yahoo.net, askovc@ncjrs.gov, unmicttracking@un.org, usarmy.pentagon.hqda-ogc.mbx.ef@mail.mil, webmaster@ssa.gov, admin@chat.airforce.com, osac@state.gov, osacCYBER@state.gov,​gtodd@alexinc.com, Jamal.Beck@usmc.mil, x10visit@ornl.gov, solution@ornl.gov, webmaster@ox.ac.uk, soc@nasa.gov, hq-oig-it-help@mail.nasa.gov, ​chengfeng.yang@uky.edu, ritchiesm@ornl.gov, disclosures@dodig.mil​, btonn@utk.edu, National.FOIAPortal@usdoj.gov, PoliceService@Saskatoon.ca, gfp@unodc.org, Osd.soco@mail.mil, simonetta.grassi@unodc.org, WLFC@unodc.org, htmss@unodc.org, jetanaweiyang@gmail.com, treaty@mfa.gov.cn, london2@niehs.nih.gov, PassportVisaFraud@state.gov, htmss@unodc.org, parliamentarydigitalservice@tmpw.co.uk, webmaster@dol.gov, ojp.ocom@usdoj.gov, information@icj-cij.org, registry.cn@undp.org​, ojpwebmaster@usdoj.gov​, webmaster@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, defence_chn@yahoo.co.uk, zj_uk@mfa.gov.cn, contact@cyber.gc.ca, buergerservice@auswaertiges-amt.de, Webadmin@justice.gc.ca,​bert.vandenberg@usask.ca, info@g4c-ev.org, medizin@dlr.de, privacy@lb.com, hormes@physik.uni-bonn.de, david.steitz@nasa.gov,​ ian.burgess@usask.ca, disastermaps@fb.com, webmaster@icj-cij.org, webmaster@ssa.gov, usaf.jbanafw.ngb-a7.mbx.a7a-nepa-comments@mail.mil, disastermaps@fb.com​, dha.ncr.health-surv.mbx.msmr@mail.mil, accessibility@yale.edu, solution@ornl.gov, LawEnforcement_UTVAWA.VSC@uscis.dhs.gov, dhsintermeganslaw@ice.dhs.gov, psirt@lenovo.com, David.Lametti@parl.gc.ca, getsupport@helpforheroes.org.uk, FBU.Manila@ssa.gov, disclosures@dodig.mil, chinamission_un@mfa.gov.cn, askovc@ncjrs.gov, relief-operations@fao.org, funeral.honors@usmc.mil, paul.kennedy@yale.edu, ethics@navy.mil​, mobile@huawei.com, info@ilo.org, foiaoig@hq.nasa.gov, Singapore.privacy.sonymobile@sony.com,​ claudia.stern@dlr.de, contact@cybermalveillance.gouv.fr, info@roscosmos.ru, press@interpol.int, FBU.Manila@ssa.gov, D.Cutler@thomsonreuters.com, WLFC@unodc.org, Mary.Heard@ocio.usda.gov, james.c.akers@nasa.gov, Chris.Han@nasa.gov, ChiefEvaluationOffice@dol.gov, info@universal-rights.org, ocr@ed.gov, OCRPrivacy@hhs.gov, OCRComplaint@hhs.gov, foia.oig@oig.dhs.gov, Zintellect@orau.org, ORNLedu@orau.org, x10visit@ornl.gov, CURRYSD@ORNL.GOV, dhsintermeganslaw@ice.dhs.gov, parliamentarydigitalservice@tmpw.co.uk, trials@utk.edu, russemba@gmail.com, freedom.info@northumbria.pnn.police.uk​, consulate.can@gmail.com, info@new-york-un.diplo.de​, david.steitz@nasa.gov​, usaf.jbanafw.ngb-a7.mbx.a7a-nepa-comments@mail.mil, SWK-lowflying@mod.gov.uk, IG_Hotline@dodiis.mil, greynold@utk.edu, Webteam@dodig.mil, webteam@wakehealth.edu, btonn@utk.edu,susanne.stadler-graf@​sony.com,​ smithjc@ornl.gov, D.Cutler@thomsonreuters.com, chenj@ornl.gov, chenw@ornl.gov, chenj1@ornl.gov, ic.india@undp.org, ian.burgess@usask.ca​, jeff.hudson@usask.ca, rcmp.hqmediarelations-dgrelationsmedias.grc@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, nsc.i-918inquiries@uscis.dhs.gov, and​ Webmaster@stateoig.gov​, immediately.

All​ the​ best, Jetana​ KITTISENEE​ P.S.some​ contents​ contain​ the​ inclusive​ confidential​ information​ designating​ to​ the​ recipient, and​ its​ disclosure​ is​ prohibited.​ I​ also​ do​ hope​ PassportVisaFraud@state.gov​ can​ please​ kindly​ help​ filtering​ all​ harassment​s​ from​ all​ criminal​s​ and​ undesirable​ participant​s​ related​ by​ all​ means, everlastingly.​ "

Screenshot Description

Browser Configuration
  • gfx.webrender.all: false
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  • image.mem.shared: true
  • buildID: 20190923132102
  • channel: beta
  • hasTouchScreen: true
  • mixed active content blocked: false
  • mixed passive content blocked: false
  • tracking content blocked: false

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