Closed webcompat-bot closed 3 years ago
We appreciate your report. I was not able to reproduce the issue. I was able to scroll the page, with no issues encountered:
Tested with:
Browser / Version: Firefox Release 90.0.1 (64-bit)/ Operating System: Mac OSX 10.15.6
Suggestion: Try clearing cache/data/cookies, disable add-ons and Ad-blocker (if available) and extensions or use a clean profile, and check again? If there are any changes made to the default settings of the browser (e.g. in about: config) please revert to the default settings and try again. Also, have the required cookies been accepted for this page?
hi @softvision-raul-bucata, are you using trackpad to scroll? Coz this issue is happening when I use trackpad. I've tested this in Firefox stable and Firefox Nightly and is present in both.
Start your scrolling by placing your cursor on this section.
@pratikabu Hi and thank you for the extra info. Yes, I am using the trackpad for both horizontal and vertical scrolling:
And the issue is not reproducible when using a mouse as well. Have you tried our suggestions mentioned above?
@softvision-raul-bucata I appreciate you looking into it. I did refresh the firefox nightly and tested. It is same behavior.
Pasting the gif if it helps. I'm on intel Big Sur.
I also cleared cache/data/cookies.
@pratikabu Can you please try on the latest build of Firefox Nightly? And can you please follow these steps for both versions in order to create a fresh clean profile:
@softvision-raul-bucata, tried as you suggested. Created a new profile and tested still the same behavior. Anyways if it is only my computer I'm fine. Still pasting you the trouble shoot info from my existing profile if there is any obvious outlier.
Thank you
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@karlcow Any helpful information here that might assist us in trying to replicate the issue?
ok. The issue is happening only when the mouse is hovering certain areas of the page which have another scrolling direction.
handleMouseWheel: e=>{
const t = l.current;
if (!t) return;
const n = t.scrollLeft,
deltaX: r
= e,
a = n + r;
('hidden' === || a < 0 || a > s.maxX) && e.preventDefault()
Ah another way to reproduce which is more regular.
Try to scroll down but in diagonal, it almost get to a halt. I guess the system is trying to asses is there is an horizontal scroll and the two are fighting each other. :)
Such a precious analysis @karlcow, thank you.
@karlcow , I'm not sure if there is actually an interop issue here, is there? The trackpad scrolling is about as "janky" for me on my Macbook in Chrome and Safari as well, depending on the element I'm scrolling over. If I scroll only vertically, it seems fine in all three browsers, whether I scroll slowly or fling quickly. Likewise, if I scroll diagonally over some elements the vertical scrolling is either ignored outright or limited/janky.
Thanks @wisniewskit
Ah this is now working. I guess something changed with the release this week, as they modify the apple store when this happens.
Browser / Version: Firefox 90.0 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.15 Tested Another Browser: Yes Safari
Problem type: Something else Description: scrolling is not happening properly on Firefox. Steps to Reproduce: When you try to scroll in vertical direction, the site is not scrolling properly. Chrome and Safari are good.
Browser Configuration
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