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Video Articles: Template, Custom Elements, Shadow DOM, HTML Imports #154

Closed agektmr closed 9 years ago

agektmr commented 9 years ago

Hi @zenorocha , I'm Eiji from Google Developer Relations team. I've been working on introductory videos that explains features from Web Components. Starting with template (just published yesterday), we will publish Custom Elements, Shadow DOM and HTML Imports. Actually, there's a video that explains overview of Web Components published a few month ago.

I think it would help Web Components adoption by embedding these videos to webcomponents.org. I can write articles and descriptions for each of them and send PR. What do you think? cc: @addyosmani @robdodson

sindresorhus commented 9 years ago


addyosmani commented 9 years ago

@zenorocha I asked Eiji to send these over. I think the videos are solid and would make for a nice set of introductory material for folks that want to learn the native primitives here. I think there's value in adding them. Wdyt?

rands0n commented 9 years ago

Hi @agektmr, great video. I will waiting for your articles in webcomponents.org :)

zenorocha commented 9 years ago

Sounds great @agektmr! I'm glad you're working on web components stuff too ;)

Are you planning on elaborating a more complete article and then embed the video, or you just want to embed the video with a small description?

I'm asking that because this will define if it should be an article [1] or a presentation [2] format.

[1] http://git.io/pXLt4A [2] http://git.io/8edv9A

agektmr commented 9 years ago

Thanks @zenorocha I think making wc.org as the canonical place for all videos make sense to me. In that case, complemental article will be helpful thus I have crafted this: https://docs.google.com/a/google.com/document/d/1hcwRR2UaS-wLRlt_vQlKJJszxy_-gPeG36mR42MB1q8/edit#

Feel free to comment to the doc. Once finalized, I will prepare a PR.

agektmr commented 9 years ago

Closing this issue as I'm going to open individual issues per video articles.

zenorocha commented 9 years ago

Perfect, thanks @agektmr!