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Article about the silly things you can do with Web Components #90

Closed zenorocha closed 9 years ago

zenorocha commented 10 years ago

We all know that as soon as people start discovering Web Components all kinds of silly elements will be created. They will write the whole app inside a tag, re-implement today's HTML tags as custom elements from scratch instead of extending them, and etc.

So why don't we step ahead and talk about before it actually happen?

sindresorhus commented 10 years ago


urban commented 10 years ago


zenorocha commented 10 years ago

I think @brucelawson with his creative mind would be the perfect fit to write this :squirrel:

robdodson commented 10 years ago

FWIW, putting the entire app in a tag is not necessarily a bad thing. The Polymer team does it occasionally. You never know when you might want your entire app to become another element in an even bigger app ;)

ebidel commented 10 years ago

+1 to what @robdodson said. A tag is a tag is a tag. If it serves a purpose there's no reason elements can't be full apps. This is no different than an entire ajax app being delivered in a huge .js file with very little markup.

You may want to title the article "silly things you should not do" rather than "can do". e.g. things, while tempting, folks should avoid.

zenorocha commented 10 years ago

@codepo8 wrote a very similar blogpost about it couple days ago: http://christianheilmann.com/2014/04/18/web-components-and-you-dangers-to-avoid/

Maybe we should just include it here instead of writing another one. Or we could have both.