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Call for ideas on webcomponents.org reboot #1250

Open justinfagnani opened 5 years ago

justinfagnani commented 5 years ago

Where webcomponents.org is at now

webcomponents.org was launched in a very different environment than we have today: the web component specs were at "v0" with v1 not even on the horizon yet, Bower was still relevant, the Polymer Library was the most common way web components were authored, and HTML Imports were the primary loading format.

We've kept webcomponents.org somewhat up-to-date by adding npm support, and support for analyzing Polymer 2, 3, and to some extent "vanilla" web components. But it has fallen behind on the ability to analyze non-Polymer web components like Stencil, LitElement, etc. And it's web components documentation is not prominent or complete enough. The community section is very out of date.

Problems with the current architecture

Lack of introduction and approachability

webcomponents.org is designed primarily as a catalog, and secondarily as a documentation site and blog. This means that the landing page starts with listing elements and element collections, and doesn't even explain what web components are. Given that there's no singular implementor or owner of web components, and therefore no official site like many frameworks and libraries have, webcomponents.org is about as close as we have, but it doesn't introduce potential users to the concepts and benefits.

Complicated and limited analysis/indexing pipeline

The indexing pipeline runs the Polymer Analyzer against source code to determine what elements a package contains and generate documentation and demos. This has a benefit in that often times component maintainers don't need to do anything to support webcomponents.org, but it limits the catalog to the elements that the Polymer Analyzer support, which obviously unfairly tilts the catalog towards the Polymer Library.

Low prominence of documentation

Not enough prominence and attention has been given to documentation. Without a central location for web components information, many libraries have had to duplicate documentation on shared foundational concepts like custom elements and shadow DOM, and few seem to link to webcomponents.org for this information.

What would a reboot look like?

We'd like to kick off a community-driven, collaborative reboot of webcomponents.org. Google can provide guidance, resources, and contributions, but we want the vision to be set, and work to be done, collaboratively with the growing web components community.

The reboot should probably not over-focus on the catalog aspect of the current site. There are several areas of need for the site and the community as a whole, including:

How should we go about this?

In order to have a collaborative effort we'll need a detailed plan and agreement across contributors, so that work from multiple contributors can actually proceed in an organized fashion.

The process could possibly look something like this, though the process itself is open to brainstorming:

  1. This issue is the call for ideas and a place to brainstorm.
  2. A requirements document as a markdown file in this repo, built via PRs.
  3. A detailed design document as a markdown file in this repo, built via PRs.
  4. Individual issues for specific questions.
  5. Implementation...
web-padawan commented 4 years ago

@e111077 I totally agree with the problems of lacking a community where e.g. Polymer, Stencil and let's say Salesforce developers could reach one another and discuss the ideas and solutions.

I was looking into Spectrum but unfortunately it does not seem to be actively maintained.

abdonrd commented 4 years ago

I totally agree. I am not sure which platform would be the most appropriate, but Slack sure not.


In all these cases I always miss a "GitHub Discussions". haha

In addition to Spectrum, could another option be to use the issues of a new repository called webcomponents/community or something? Would it make sense?

thepassle commented 4 years ago

I think a shared web component community would be a great idea, and would be really nice for sharing ideas/tooling/solutions. Just today there were some discussions in the polymer slacks open-wc channel on test runners, and for example what Stencil uses.

Maybe Pika communities by @fredkschott could be an option? https://www.pika.dev/community/

georges-gomes commented 4 years ago

I agree with the vision that is build here. webcomponents.org should maybe just become a gateway to the different content types:

That's all we need really.

My 2 cents

web-padawan commented 4 years ago

Regarding the content / knowledge base that I mentioned, here is my current POC: https://www.notion.so/webcomponents/Web-Components-bookmarks-64066078f891433dbc74997dc4d64302

I'm planning to convert that to a static website based on 11ty.

justinfagnani commented 2 years ago

This work has started. The main branch is now the burgeoning new site and catalog implementation. You can see the related issues under the New Site label.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Hi all.

I would like to know if it would be possible to have a donation link for the web components I develop on the webcomponents.org website?

Would it be possible to have a donation link for the web components I develop on the webcomponents.org site?


justinfagnani commented 2 years ago

@codehangen we will display either the main README or a different catalog README as specified in the custom elements manifest. You can include whatever links you want in there, including donation links.

It might not be a bad idea to have funding links as part of the custom elements manifest schema, then we could show them along with npm, GitHub, and homepage links. I would file an issue at https://github.com/webcomponents/custom-elements-manifest/issues to discuss that.