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"Registry metadata is too big" error when npm package size is below 1MB #1456

Open OvidijusParsiunas opened 8 months ago

OvidijusParsiunas commented 8 months ago

Hi, upon attempting to publish an element in the publish webpage, I used to get the following error:

Unable to process element
{"message": "Registry metadata is too big", "code": 16}

At the time, this was valid as my published npm package size was above 1MB. However, upon lowering the latest published package size below 1MB, the above error is still coming up.

Is this a caching problem (I reduced the size of my npm package over 12 hours ago) or is there somewhere else that I need to do some optimization for my package to be published?

This is what I use to publish the event:


Link to npm package. Package statistics when this issue was raised:

OvidijusParsiunas commented 8 months ago


This problem is still occurring after 2 days so I'm starting to think it is not a caching issue but something else instead.

I have now updated the latest version of active-table npm package to use the original assets which has once again increased its original size. If you need me to reduce the package size for any validation that may need to be done on your end to help solve the issue, comment below and I will do it as fast as I can!