webdesus / polymer-ide.vim

Provides autocompletion, and more for web components
MIT License
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Understanding expected behavior #8

Closed srsudar closed 7 years ago

srsudar commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to fully appreciate what this plugin can offer, and I have a couple more basic questions.

When I run :w on this file, the plugin complains that, among other things, <template> and <dom-module>, <paper-spinner>, etc are not recognized. Looking at the gifs you've included in the readme, I'm wondering if you are assuming different code structure than I'm using, or maybe I'm using an old version of Polymer or something, or maybe it is a different plugin that is causing the error. Should all the tags in that file be recognized and not generate errors with your plugin? Should I be disabling my other checkers if using this plugin?

As for completions, should the IDE-like behavior you're showing in the gifs work with YouCompleteMe as the completer?

I use vim-commentary for commenting. When editing Polymer .html files, even in script tags, it introduces comments with <!-- --> rather than js //. Is that the kind of thing this plugin could handle, even if it requires some sort of plumbing with vim-commentary?

webdesus commented 7 years ago

1) I open your files without problems. I understand correct when you save, you see an error not recognized ? 2) At this moment i use standart function vim Omni completion. But i think it's good idea add support YouCompleteMe too. 3) I think it's problem vim-commentary. I use tcomment_vim

webdesus commented 7 years ago

I read about YouCompleteMe. Was surprised i think this plugin only add typeahead-completions, but he more powerful. But he work with omnifunc too. I'm not tested but my plugin should work with him.

srsudar commented 7 years ago

Here are a few more general comments/questions. Here is my vimrc.

  1. Yes, I see the error not recognized. This appears to be due to syntastic. :SyntasticInfo shows me several potential checkers that I have installed. tidy was the one active when the errors were being generated. Adding this line to my .vimrc removes the error: let g:syntastic_html_checkers = [].
  2. With no checkers active but polymer-ide.vim active, I'm not seeing the awesome completions you demonstrate in your gifs. I instead see as shown below, kind of a general identifier based completion. Am I missing a plugin or something, maybe? Or maybe there is an added complication with YouCompleteMe? Removing ycm doesn't generate the completions (unless I'm using the wrong activation sequence--maybe that changes without ycm...).
screen shot 2017-02-16 at 9 30 05 pm
  1. Great, I'll ask there.

  2. I am seeing a warning in the gutter when I have a misspelled import, as you show in the gifs. Is there a way this could be integrated with the location list, perhaps to integrate with syntastic? I'm used to seeing errors pop up in the location list, I'd love if that could be integrated somehow.

screen shot 2017-02-16 at 9 30 36 pm
  1. With the plugin active, my text wrapping is no longer working in markdown files. I'm not sure the wrapping is broken only in markdown files, but that's where I noticed it. I have set wrap in my .vimrc, which normally automatically wraps text when I reach a certain column. This no longer happens when the plugin is active.
webdesus commented 7 years ago
  1. I think about how it will be possible to resolve this issue.
  2. Yes problem with YouCompleteMe. Now I do not have the possibility to check it out. But i promise make integration with YouCompleteMe. #9
  3. Yes i have plan make integration with Syntastic too. #10
  4. I will test on a next week this behavior.

Thanks for you feedback it is really interesting ideas to improve polymer-ide. I will be glad if you find time for PR 😊

srsudar commented 7 years ago

Haha, ABSOLUTELY don't mean to just be piling things on your plate. My thinking was more that, given that this is a relatively young plugin, enumerating some of these things would be helpful. I love what this plugin offers.

webdesus commented 7 years ago

Yes, I understand you correctly))) All integrations will be like options. Users himself will be choose what he want switch on.😊

webdesus commented 7 years ago

I check wrap and he work fine for me. My setting wrap:

set wrap
set tw=80
set fo+=t
set wm=0
set linebreak
noremap :set wrap!
webdesus commented 7 years ago

About tidy htacg/tidy-html5#119

I make coming soon integrations with YouCompleteMe. follow for #9

If you not have objections, i wanna close this issue.

srsudar commented 7 years ago

Sounds good!

webdesus commented 7 years ago

@srsudar i forgot to tell. Today i released integration with Syntastic 😊