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Creating event-sourced aggregate roots through CQRS read models #41

Open webdevilopers opened 3 years ago

webdevilopers commented 3 years ago

Came from:

/cc @JulianMay

An EmploymentContract is an event-sourced Aggregate Root (A+ES). It holds a reference to a A+ES Person.


namespace AcmersonnelManagement\Domain\Model\EmploymentContract;

final class EmploymentContract extends AggregateRoot
    /** @var EmploymentContractId $employmentContractId */
    private $id;

    /** @var PersonId $personId */
    private $personId;

    /** @var EmploymentPeriod */
    private $employmentPeriod;

    public static function sign(
        EmploymentContractId $anId, PersonId $aPersonId, PersonalData $aPersonalData, ContractType $aContractType,
        DateTimeImmutable $aStartDate, ?DateTimeImmutable $anEndDate, ?DateTimeImmutable $aProbationEndDate,
        WorkerCategory $aWorkerCategory, WageType $aWageType, bool $aWorkingTimeAccount,
        WorkweekDays $aWorkWeekDays, WeeklyWorkingHours $aWeeklyWorkingHours,
        HolidayEntitlement $aHolidayEntitlement, AdditionalLeave $additionalLeave,
        JobFunctionId $aJobFunctionId, string $aJobFunctionName,
        EmployerId $anEmployerId, string $anEmployerName, WorkplaceId $aWorkplaceId, string $aWorkplaceName
    ): EmploymentContract
        $employmentPeriod = EmploymentPeriod::withType($aContractType, $aStartDate, $anEndDate);

        $self = new self();
            $anId, $aPersonId, $aPersonalData, $aContractType, $employmentPeriod, $aPbationaryPeriod,
            $aWorkerCategory, $aWageType, $aWorkingTimeAccount,
            $aWorkWeekDays, $aWeeklyWorkingHours,
            $aHolidayEntitlement, $additionalLeave,
            $aJobFunctionId, $aJobFunctionName,
            $anEmployerId, $anEmployerName, $aWorkplaceId, $aWorkplaceName,
            new DateTimeImmutable()

        return $self;

    protected function apply(AggregateChanged $event): void
        switch (get_class($event)) {
            /** @var EmploymentContractSigned $event */
            case EmploymentContractSigned::class:
                $this->id = $event->contractId();
                $this->personId = $event->personId();
                $this->employmentPeriod = $event->employmentPeriod();

    public function aggregateId(): string
        return $this->id->toString();

Employment periods of contracts for a person must NOT overlap. This is ensured by a OverlappingEmploymentContractPolicy that currently is called inside the command handler. The handler has to get the existing contracts of a Person from a read model repository.


namespace Acme\PersonnelManagement\Application\Service\EmploymentContract;

final class SignEmploymentContractHandler
    /** @var EmploymentContractEventStoreRepository */
    private $contractCollection;

    /** @var PersonDetailsRepository */
    private $personDetailsRepository;

    /** @var ContractDetailsRepository */
    private $contractsDetailsRepository;

    public function __construct(
        EmploymentContractEventStoreRepository $contractCollection,
        PersonDetailsRepository $personDetailsRepository,
        ContractDetailsRepository $contractsDetailsRepository
        $this->contractCollection = $contractCollection;
        $this->personDetailsRepository = $personDetailsRepository;
        $this->contractsDetailsRepository = $contractsDetailsRepository;

    public function __invoke(SignEmploymentContract $command): void
        $person = $this->personDetailsRepository->ofPersonId($command->personId()->toString());

        $enteredContracts = $this->contractsDetailsRepository->ofPersonId($person->personId());

        if (!OverlappingEmploymentContractPolicy::isSatisfiedBy(
            $command->contractId(), $command->contractType(),
            $command->employmentPeriod(), $command->employerId(), $enteredContracts
        )) {
            throw new EmploymentPeriodOverlapsException();

        $contract = EmploymentContract::sign(
            $command->contractId(), $command->personId(),
            new PersonalData(...),
            $command->startDate(), $command->endDate(), $command->probationEndDate(),
            $command->workerCategory(), $command->wageType(),
            $command->workingTimeAccount(), $command->workweekDays(),
            $command->weeklyWorkingHours(), $command->holidayEntitlement(), $command->additionalLeave(),
            $command->jobFunctionId(), $jobFunction->name(),
            $command->employerId(), $employer->name(),
            $command->workplaceId(), $workplace->name()


The idea is to move the creation of the contract to the Read Model for the Person as demonstrated in PersonReadModel.

Based on this article by @udidahan:

Or the example from "Implementing Domain-Driven Design" by @VaughnVernon:

public class Forum extends Entity  {


    public Discussion startDiscussion(
      DiscussionId aDiscussionId, Author anAuthor, String aSubject) {

        if (this.isClosed()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Forum is closed.");

        Discussion discussion = new Discussion(
          this.tenant(), this.forumId(), aDiscussionId, anAuthor, aSubject);

        DomainEventPublisher.instance().publish(new DiscussionStarted(...));

        return discussion;    

as mentioned by @sofiaguyang:

The new handler would then look like this:

    public function __invoke(SignEmploymentContract $command): void
        $person = $this->personDetailsRepository->ofPersonId($command->personId()->toString());

        $contract = $person->signEmploymentContract(...);


namespace Acme\PersonnelManagement\Domain\Model\Person;

final class PersonReadModel
    private $personId;

    private $personalData;

    private $employmentContracts;

    public function signEmploymentContract(
        EmploymentContractId $contractId, ContractType $contractType,
        DateTimeImmutable $startDate, ?DateTimeImmutable $endDate, ?DateTimeImmutable $aProbationEndDate,
    ): EmploymentContract {
        $employmentPeriod = EmploymentPeriod::withType($contractType, $startDate, $endDate);

        if (!OverlappingEmploymentContractPolicy::isSatisfiedBy(
            $contractId, $contractType, $employmentPeriod, ..., $this->employmentContracts
        )) {
            throw new EmploymentPeriodOverlapsException();

        return EmploymentContract::sign(
            $contractId, $this->personId, $this->personalData,
            $contractType, $startDate(), $endDate(), $probationEndDate(),

This scenario is made for an application that lives in a single microservice. But even if Person and Contracts were dedicated services the Contracts service could consume PersonHired events and create a "local copy" of persons and use them as a read model. Or you would move the logic back to the command handler.

But THEN I would indeed recommend to make everything event-driven and create separate events that may result in a ContractCancelledDueToOverlapping event.

udidahan commented 3 years ago

Please do not @ people who have not explicitly consented to it. Thanks.

JulianMay commented 3 years ago

(Copy/Pasted from https://gist.github.com/webdevilopers/687c8b34d68e97a8f93df5db09242406 )

Disclaimer: I'm no expert or authority, I might be "wrong" on every line below ;)

Thoughts regarding terminology/structure:

... Personally, I would probably do something like:

    public function __invoke(SignEmploymentContract $command): void
        $enteredContracts = $this->contractsDetailsRepository->ofPersonId($person->personId());     

        if(!OverlappingEmploymentContractPolicy::isSatisfiedBy($command->... , $enteredContracts)) 
            throw new EmploymentPeriodOverlapsException();

        $person = $this->personDetailsRepository->ofPersonId($command->personId()->toString());

        $contract = EmploymentContract::sign($command->... , $person->... )


EDIT: you could probably clean it up by injecting the "policy" as a dependency, which encapsulates the 'contractsDetailsRepository' (as long as you don't need it to be 'pure'):

    public function __invoke(SignEmploymentContract $command): void
        $constraintSatisfied =   $this->newEmploymentContractMayNotOverlap->isSatisfiedBy($command);
            throw new EmploymentPeriodOverlapsException();

        $person = $this->personDetailsRepository->ofPersonId($command->personId()->toString());

        $contract = EmploymentContract::sign($command->... , $person->... )


Thoughts regarding consistency/invariants: Be aware that all code in this gist so far does not guarantee that 2 contracts for the same person do not overlap periods. It "only" guarantees it as long as that person does not sign up for 2 different contracts at the same time - It's probably only a window of a few milliseconds, and more a theoretical edge case than anything worth coding around. Besides "how probably is it", I find another heuristic for whether the code should care, is the severity of the consequence of such invariant failing. If there is a way to identify and compensate for a theoretical edge case without much blowback, and the race-condition would probably never happen, I would suggest not complicating things with saga/process-manager/policies.

Just be aware that you have a guard, not an absolute guarantee ;)

webdevilopers commented 3 years ago

Please do not @ people who have not explicitly consented to it. Thanks.

Sorry @udidahan for this faux-pas. Same for twitter. Just wanted to ask you for your feedback on this regarding your suggestion in your mentioned article.