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Process Manager example with Symfony Messenger Command / Event Bus and ProophOS #53

Open webdevilopers opened 3 years ago

webdevilopers commented 3 years ago

Came from:

do you have any example of the process manager pattern in PHP?

/cc @iosifch

Example coming soon.

webdevilopers commented 3 years ago

In general a process manager subscribes to (Domain or Application) Events. Each event can fire one or more new command(s). The manager can decide which command to fire based on the provided event. But there should not be added deeper business logic to make these decisions.

A Saga AFAIK is a process manager that persists the state of the process - also known as state machine. This can help to log the steps of the process and view the current state over a longer period of time.

Hope this helps.

Here is the current implementation:

Process Manager


namespace Acme\Host\Infrastructure\ProcessManager;

use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Handler\MessageSubscriberInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\MessageBusInterface;
use Acme\Host\Application\Service\Host\SendVerificationEmail;
use Acme\Host\Domain\Model\Host\Event\HostRegistered;

final class RegistrationManager implements MessageSubscriberInterface
    private MessageBusInterface $commandBus;

    public function __construct(MessageBusInterface $commandBus)
        $this->commandBus = $commandBus;

    public function onHostRegistered(HostRegistered $event): void
        $command = new SendVerificationEmail(
                'hostId' => $event->hostId()->toString(),
                'emailAddress' => $event->emailAddress()->toString(),
                'token' => $event->verificationToken()->token(),


    public static function getHandledMessages(): iterable
        yield HostRegistered::class => [
            'method' => 'onHostRegistered'


The MessageSubscriberInterface is part of the Symfony Messenger in order to subscribe to Events (Messages) from the event bus.

# config/services.yaml

    public: false
      - { name: messenger.message_handler, bus: event.bus }
      - '@command.bus'
# config/packages/messenger.yaml

        default_bus: command.bus
                    - validation

                default_middleware: allow_no_handlers

In order to make this work with Prooph you have to wire the Messenger Event Bus with the Prooph Event Publisher. In earlier versions Prooph offered a Service Bus and Event Publisher. But the package was deprecated.

# config/packages/prooph_event_store_bus_bridge.yaml

        public: false

        class: Acme\Common\Infrastructure\Prooph\EventPublisher
            - '@event.bus'
            - { name: 'prooph_event_store.default.plugin' }

namespace Acme\Common\Infrastructure\Prooph;

use Iterator;
use Prooph\Common\Event\ActionEvent;
use Prooph\EventStore\ActionEventEmitterEventStore;
use Prooph\EventStore\EventStore;
use Prooph\EventStore\Plugin\AbstractPlugin;
use Prooph\EventStore\TransactionalActionEventEmitterEventStore;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\MessageBusInterface;

final class EventPublisher extends AbstractPlugin
    private MessageBusInterface $eventBus;

     * @var Iterator[]
    private array $cachedEventStreams = [];

    public function __construct(MessageBusInterface $eventBus)
        $this->eventBus = $eventBus;

    public function attachToEventStore(ActionEventEmitterEventStore $eventStore): void
        $this->listenerHandlers[] = $eventStore->attach(
            function (ActionEvent $event) use ($eventStore): void {
                $recordedEvents = $event->getParam('streamEvents', new \ArrayIterator());

                if (! $this->inTransaction($eventStore)) {
                    if ($event->getParam('streamNotFound', false)
                        || $event->getParam('concurrencyException', false)
                    ) {

                    foreach ($recordedEvents as $recordedEvent) {
                } else {
                    $this->cachedEventStreams[] = $recordedEvents;

        $this->listenerHandlers[] = $eventStore->attach(
            function (ActionEvent $event) use ($eventStore): void {
                $stream = $event->getParam('stream');
                $recordedEvents = $stream->streamEvents();

                if (! $this->inTransaction($eventStore)) {
                    if ($event->getParam('streamExistsAlready', false)) {

                    foreach ($recordedEvents as $recordedEvent) {
                } else {
                    $this->cachedEventStreams[] = $recordedEvents;

        if ($eventStore instanceof TransactionalActionEventEmitterEventStore) {
            $this->listenerHandlers[] = $eventStore->attach(
                function (ActionEvent $event): void {
                    foreach ($this->cachedEventStreams as $stream) {
                        foreach ($stream as $recordedEvent) {
                    $this->cachedEventStreams = [];

            $this->listenerHandlers[] = $eventStore->attach(
                function (ActionEvent $event): void {
                    $this->cachedEventStreams = [];

    private function inTransaction(EventStore $eventStore): bool
        return $eventStore instanceof TransactionalActionEventEmitterEventStore
            && $eventStore->inTransaction();

Aggregate Root

use Prooph\EventSourcing\AggregateChanged;
use Prooph\EventSourcing\AggregateRoot;

final class Host extends AggregateRoot
    public static function register(
        HostId $hostId,
        EmailAddress $emailAddress,
        EncodedPassword $encodedPassword,
        DateTimeImmutable $registeredAt
    ): Host
        $verificationToken = VerificationToken::generateWith($hostId, $emailAddress, $registeredAt);

        $self = new self();
        $self->recordThat(HostRegistered::with($hostId, $emailAddress, $encodedPassword, $verificationToken, $registeredAt));

        return $self;


namespace Acme\Host\Infrastructure\Persistence\Pgsql;

use Prooph\EventSourcing\Aggregate\AggregateRepository;
use Acme\Host\Domain\Model\Host\Host;
use Acme\Host\Domain\Model\Host\HostId;
use Acme\Host\Domain\Model\Host\HostRepository;

final class HostEventStoreRepository extends AggregateRepository implements HostRepository
    public function save(Host $host): void

    public function get(HostId $id): ?Host
        return $this->getAggregateRoot($id->toString());
webdevilopers commented 3 years ago

Does it help @iosifch?

iosifch commented 3 years ago

I didn't have time to look at it, but I want to do this as soon as possible!

iosifch commented 3 years ago

The Process Manager looks as I imagined. Practically, a Process Manager may group together all those events that are part of the same flow. I am right?

webdevilopers commented 3 years ago


final class RegistrationManager implements MessageSubscriberInterface
    private MessageBusInterface $commandBus;

    public function __construct(MessageBusInterface $commandBus)
        $this->commandBus = $commandBus;

    public function onHostRegistered(HostRegistered $event): void
        $command = new SendVerificationEmail(
                'hostId' => $event->hostId()->toString(),
                'emailAddress' => $event->emailAddress()->toString(),
                'token' => $event->verificationToken()->token(),


    public function onHostRegistered(HostRegistered $event): void
        // Another step of the flow

    public static function getHandledMessages(): iterable
        yield HostRegistered::class => [
            'method' => 'onHostRegistered'
        yield HostEmailVerified::class => [
            'method' => 'onHostEmailVerified'