webdevops / TYPO3-metaseo

TYPO3 MetaSEO Extension
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Info icon under URL and Pagetitle submodule does not work #438

Closed mediaessenz closed 7 years ago

mediaessenz commented 7 years ago

MetaSEO version: 3.0.0-dev

TYPO3 version: 8.7.0

PHP version: 7.0.0

thomaszbz commented 7 years ago

Not reproduced with

MetaSEO version: 3.0.0-dev, latest feature/8lts, d8cfe470c8c6bf3e1d4c00aa9404dd88c50fc927 TYPO3 version: 8.7.1-dev, latest master, 6da38a68794a35d3a2fb9093d083bcaeaf1b35e2 PHP version: 7.0.16

I get a flash message, showing the URL.

@mediaessenz of course, you may not click the i directly but the area around the i. Watch your mouse pointer change and there you have it. That's pretty self-explaining :-)


No it's not. It's pretty much the same issue as in #394, just that the clickable area is very small. Could easily happen that you fixed that already. That also explains why no request got fired.

thomaszbz commented 7 years ago

Reproduced it against

MetaSEO version: 3.0.0-dev, your branch dev/394-show-icons-only-on-hover, 8e8ad8feac23d74070d835a72a938602cf58fcf4 TYPO3 version: 8.7.1-dev, latest master, 6da38a68794a35d3a2fb9093d083bcaeaf1b35e2 PHP version: 7.0.16

The i looks a bit bigger, and there is no clickable area left at all. Still, it's the same issue. Totally CSS selector related.

thomaszbz commented 7 years ago

Via #394 (8e8ad8f), the hover effect works, but all icons still are not clickable directly, not only the info icon (i). I assume that bringing back clickability for all icons also brings it back for the info icon (i).

thomaszbz commented 7 years ago

I reported back in #394. I think this issue is a duplicate of #394. I'll leave this issue open for some time until things get sorted out.

thomaszbz commented 7 years ago

Things sorted out. And yes, it's a duplicate of #394.