webdevops / azure-metrics-exporter

Azure Monitor metrics exporter for Prometheus with dimension support, template engine and ServiceDiscovery
MIT License
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Unable to extract metrics from managed cluster (AKS) #46

Open Giri0422 opened 1 year ago

Giri0422 commented 1 year ago

i tried deploy this on my aks cluster and i was able to extract metrics from resourcetype like keyvault.storageaccount,redis etc. when i did the same for Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters resourcetype i am not getting any results i have assigned monitoring reader role as well. can you please let me know if this exporter supports managed cluster resource type or am i wrong. can you please help on this.

Job_config :

- job_name: azure-metrics-ContainerService
        scrape_interval: 1m
        metrics_path: /probe/metrics/list
          name: ["azure-metrics-ContainerService"]
          - "{{ .Values.subscriptionId }}"
          filter: ["(resourceGroup eq '{{ .Values.resourceGroup }}' or resourceGroup eq '{{ .Values.resourceGroup }}-aks') and resourceType eq 'Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters'"]
          - apiserver_current_inflight_requests
          - cluster_autoscaler_cluster_safe_to_autoscale
          - cluster_autoscaler_scale_down_in_cooldown
          - cluster_autoscaler_unneeded_nodes_count
          - cluster_autoscaler_unschedulable_pods_count
          - kube_node_status_allocatable_cpu_cores
          - kube_node_status_allocatable_memory_bytes
          - kube_node_status_condition
          - kube_pod_status_phase
          - kube_pod_status_ready
          - node_cpu_usage_millicores
          - node_cpu_usage_percentage
          - node_disk_usage_bytes
          - node_disk_usage_percentage
          - node_memory_rss_bytes
          - node_memory_rss_percentage
          - node_memory_working_set_bytes
          - node_memory_working_set_percentage
          - node_network_in_bytes
          - node_network_out_bytes
          interval: ["PT1M"]
          timespan: ["PT1M"]
          - average
          - total
        - targets: ["azure-metrics-exporter:8080"]
mblaschke commented 1 year ago

it actually supports all metrics which you can also get via the Azure Portal (it's just a client for the Monitor API, nothing more).

What error do you get or do you just get nothing? Which version are you using? Have you tried the query page for testing (http://azure-metrics-exporter:8080/query)?

Giri0422 commented 1 year ago

@mblaschke : i am using version 1.0.2. i dont see any error. yes i tried query page too still no luck. what i obserrved was i was able to see metrics by specifying the target of a managed cluster but doesnt work on service discovery

using single instance something like this worked but no ServiceDiscovery

 - job_name: azure-metrics-redis
  scrape_interval: 1m
  metrics_path: /probe/metrics/resource
    name: ["my_own_metric_name"]
    - xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
    - /subscriptions/.../resourceGroups/.../providers/Microsoft.Cache/Redis/...
    - /subscriptions/.../resourceGroups/.../providers/Microsoft.Cache/Redis/...
    - /subscriptions/.../resourceGroups/.../providers/Microsoft.Cache/Redis/...
    - /subscriptions/.../resourceGroups/.../providers/Microsoft.Cache/Redis/...
    - connectedclients
    - totalcommandsprocessed
    - cachehits
    - cachemisses
    - getcommands
    - setcommands
    - operationsPerSecond
    - evictedkeys
    - totalkeys
    - expiredkeys
    - usedmemory
    - usedmemorypercentage
    - usedmemoryRss
    - serverLoad
    - cacheWrite
    - cacheRead
    - percentProcessorTime
    - cacheLatency
    - errors
    interval: ["PT1M"]
    timespan: ["PT1M"]
    - average
    - total
  - targets: ["azure-metrics:8080"]
Giri0422 commented 1 year ago

@mblaschke could you please help on this!

mblaschke commented 1 year ago

@Giri0422 what do you mean with version 1.0.2? there is no version 1.0.2 for azure-metrics-exporter 🤔

you changed the metric url when using service endpoint? i recommend using Azure ResourceGraph for ServiceDiscovery as it's the fastest way.

with which config have you tried ServiceConfig?

Neurobion commented 2 months ago

it actually supports all metrics which you can also get via the Azure Portal (it's just a client for the Monitor API, nothing more).

What error do you get or do you just get nothing? Which version are you using? Have you tried the query page for testing (http://azure-metrics-exporter:8080/query)?

What exactly is meant by HTTP 0 error?