webdevops / azure-metrics-exporter

Azure Monitor metrics exporter for Prometheus with dimension support, template engine and ServiceDiscovery
MIT License
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Different letter case for the same dimension when using prometheus metrics for eventhub #90

Open BazoMo opened 2 months ago

BazoMo commented 2 months ago

Hello everyone,

I have an issue when executing a query that uses two prometheus metrics in grafana for an azure eventhub resource:

The first metric only works with the dimension written in lowercase, while the second only works with uppercase. When combining the two metrics in one query:

azure_metrics_eventhub_namespace_entityname_outgoingmessages_total_count{resourceID=~"...", dimension=" <dimension in lowercase> "} / azure_metrics_eventhub_namespace_entityname_incomingmessages_total_count

then the query doesn't work with either cases. It also doesn't work when specifying different dimension forms for both metrics:

azure_metrics_eventhub_namespace_entityname_outgoingmessages_total_count{resourceID=~"...", dimension=" <dimension in lowercase> "} / azure_metrics_eventhub_namespace_entityname_incomingmessages_total_count{resourceID=~"...", dimension=" <dimension in uppercase> "}

Noticable also that this issue exists only on PRD-EU environment but not on STG environment. On STG the dimension appears only in lowercase for both metrics.

Thank you in advance!