webdigi / GmailScheduler

Google app script system to allow gmail / google business apps users to schedule outgoing messages & to set messages to return to inbox
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Can't get this to work #1

Closed wdominic closed 9 years ago

wdominic commented 9 years ago

Hi There, I can't get it to work. The scheduled draft mail gets sent out immediately instead. Wonder if I'm doing anything wrong?

webdigi commented 9 years ago

If you visit this page https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbw6hnnKGeG6xUsbRE9c3WSvJibTbaW88DP9f83e8lFnc1v1kL0/exec then can you see a list of labels? What is your label name that you used.

Also did you set your timezone from the settings?

wdominic commented 9 years ago

Hi - thanks for replying

a) Time zone set to GMT +8 (Hong Kong, Singapore ,etc). b) Label - creative a customized one i.e. today 6pm

Any more suggestions?

webdigi commented 9 years ago

Looks fine.

wdominic commented 9 years ago


I did as you instructed with the following results:

a) It's 5:57pm now. I set the label for 6:00 pm without stating today. b) I closed the email draft (without clicking the send button which I did earlier) c) Now the email is still sitting in draft mode and din't leave the draft folder

Anything else to try?

webdigi commented 9 years ago

Great. Can you please check the list of labels under Gscheduler -> Queue can you see the list of emails that are to be sent. Can you see your email in that list and what time does it say?

wdominic commented 9 years ago

Where can I find Gsheduler - > Queue?

wdominic commented 9 years ago

Ok. Found it in gmail (bar on the left side). I refreshed gmail, nothing in the "Queue"

wdominic commented 9 years ago

Ok. Now I can see it in the Queue - maybe it takes time to get there?

webdigi commented 9 years ago

Ok cool. Yes, due to gmail api limits the check to move from timer -> queue is done only once every 5 minutes. Can you please paste the label on the queue.

wdominic commented 9 years ago

Ok - this time it worked. Let me try a few more times and if there are any issues - will report it here. Great and really appreciate the fast response :)