webdigi / GmailScheduler

Google app script system to allow gmail / google business apps users to schedule outgoing messages & to set messages to return to inbox
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Cannot open setting page #18

Closed tonlam closed 8 years ago

tonlam commented 9 years ago

After I authorize the script, it redirects to setting page. But it's blank page http://prntscr.com/7heaed

webdigi commented 9 years ago

Can you please try uninstalling https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbw6hnnKGeG6xUsbRE9c3WSvJibTbaW88DP9f83e8lFnc1v1kL0/manage/uninstall and install again https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbw6hnnKGeG6xUsbRE9c3WSvJibTbaW88DP9f83e8lFnc1v1kL0/exec

bacizone commented 9 years ago

I have the same problem: all I get after the install is a blank page.

I tried uninstalling an installing again using these links above. Uninstall worked fine, but after the install it redirect to the blank page again.

Something is not right, please help or fix.

webdigi commented 9 years ago

if you visit the uninstall again does it say uninstalled again?

Can you see gmail scheduler listed on this page? https://security.google.com/settings/security/permissions?pli=1

bacizone commented 9 years ago

Yes, uninstall works fine with the end result text: "Application Gmail Scheduler successfully uninstalled.".

Then I start install again using the link above. First the text "This app needs authorization to run." then click the Continue button.

I get to the dropdown window " Gmail Scheduler would like to:.... > Click Accept. Now the result is an blank page.

On my permission page "Apps connected to your account" the Gmail Scheduler is listed.

It has access to Gmail, Google Calendar, Basic account info and Additional access (Allow this application to run when you are not present, View and manage data associated with the application)

But there is no setup page at all.

webdigi commented 9 years ago

Thanks, did you get a welcome email at all?

bacizone commented 9 years ago

Yes, I installed - uninstalled many times and always get a notification email from apps-scripts-notifications@google.com Gmail Scheduler, including:

webdigi commented 9 years ago

Thanks. Are you sure that only this one account is signed now? This is very hard to recreate as all our test accounts work fine after installing and installing.

bacizone commented 9 years ago

In Gmail, I have two accounts active, but I always tried to subscribe using only the first account in Chrome. I can select only one at a time, and at installation it always connects to that one account.

webdigi commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your quick replies. is it possible for you to try incognito window?

bacizone commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the fast reaction too. No, this is the simple Chrome tab, Chrome v45 64-bit version.

webdigi commented 9 years ago

Can you please try on incognito or on another browser like firefox or IE by justing logging on to one account. I cant think of anything in the code that will stop the page from showing.

bacizone commented 9 years ago

Hm... it seems to be working in Waterfox (the 64-bit version of Firefox). Probably a Chrome extension blocks it.. not sure. The AdBlock is disabled in gmail domain, and it does not block anything on gmail.com domain.

Now also got the Welcome to GmailScheduler email

bacizone commented 9 years ago

Configuration does not work in Chrome, but I can use to send email with Gmail Scheduler from Chrome fortunately. So this might be a workaround. A Chrome extension or the multiple account... not sure.

webdigi commented 9 years ago

Thanks for that.

I assume you can use Waterfox to occasionally change configuration as you like. You can always use chrome to use and work with gmail scheduler once the configuration is setup.

bacizone commented 9 years ago

Yes, I'll use it that way. Thanks!

tonlam commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I can open settings page in safari. It's werid that it can't be opened in Chrome

bacizone commented 8 years ago


I get this message twice already... and a message of mine did not being sent from the Draft folder.

Your script, Gmail Scheduler, has recently failed to finish successfully. A summary of the failure(s) is shown below. To configure the triggers for this script, or change your setting for receiving future failure notifications, click here https://script.google.com/macros/triggers?id=MQNaF6YQcOgbT0K6URU8GLLGU8VaS0f6W .

Details: StartFunctionError MessageTriggerEnd8/3/15 11:53 AMprocessTimerWe're sorry, we were unable to fetch authorization credentials. Please wait a bit and try again.time-based8/3/15 11:55 AM


Google Apps Script

Need help? Visit the Google Apps Script documentation http://code.google.com/googleapps/appsscript/. Please do not reply to this message. (c) 2015 Google

Your script, Gmail Scheduler, has recently failed to finish successfully. A summary of the failure(s) is shown below. To configure the triggers for this script, or change your setting for receiving future failure notifications, click here https://script.google.com/macros/triggers?id=MQNaF6YQcOgbT0K6URU8GLLGU8VaS0f6W .

Details: StartFunctionError MessageTriggerEnd7/22/15 10:48 AMmoveDraftsToInboxCannot connect to Gmail (line 85, file "Services", project "Gmail Scheduler") time-based7/22/15 10:50 AM


Google Apps Script

Need help? Visit the Google Apps Script documentation http://code.google.com/googleapps/appsscript/. Please do not reply to this message. (c) 2015 Google

Can you check it please?

thansk, B.

On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 10:00 PM, tonlam notifications@github.com wrote:

Yeah, I can open settings page in safar. It's werid that it can't be opened in Chrome

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/webdigi/GmailScheduler/issues/18#issuecomment-123461822 .