webdigi / GmailScheduler

Google app script system to allow gmail / google business apps users to schedule outgoing messages & to set messages to return to inbox
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Doesn't seem to work at all #19

Closed jfreeman closed 8 years ago

jfreeman commented 8 years ago

Hi fellas, I have tried with default time zone and 'hand picked' time zone. No matter whether I want emails to be sent 1 hour, 2 hours, or some custom time in the future, they are always sent just a minute or so after I 'send' them after applying the labels that should have them waiting in a queue.

Is it possible any of my ghostery, disconnect, or badger settings are interfering in some way?

webdigi commented 8 years ago

Can you please try say 1 week ahead label then refresh the page after 5 minutes and you should see the new labels attached. Please attach a screenshot that you see. it looks like the timezone selection is off.