webdigi / GmailScheduler

Google app script system to allow gmail / google business apps users to schedule outgoing messages & to set messages to return to inbox
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Feature Request: Better Sorting Capabilities? #29

Closed gookgeek closed 8 years ago

gookgeek commented 8 years ago

I just installed GmailScheduler. So far, I'm loving it.

I realize that Gmail sorts its labels. But I am curious if app script could be modified to improve sorting. For example, could the script ignore text between square brackets "[" and "]"?

If so, then I could sort/organize my labels in the following way: [01] 2 hours from now [02] 4 hours from now [03] 8 hours from now [04] 12 hours from now [05] --------------------- [06] 1 day from now [07] 2 days from now [08] 3 days from now [09] 4 days from now [10] 5 days from now [11] 6 days from now [12] --------------------- [13] 1 week from now [14] 2 weeks from now


webdigi commented 8 years ago

Yes, unfortunately Gmail does not allow control of label position directly so this has to be managed by the user.

So 1 hour later 2 hour later 3 hours later ONE Day later TWO days latter

so the 1 will show above ONE and so on. Hope this makes sense and it looks like the only workaround for now.

likwidoxigen commented 8 years ago

@webdigi you misunderstand. He's asking for the script to ignore the text between brackets when processing/creating the brackets so he can use the [01] in the beginning of the line which gmail will sort naturlly but your script will ignore and only process based on the rest of the name.