webdigi / GmailScheduler

Google app script system to allow gmail / google business apps users to schedule outgoing messages & to set messages to return to inbox
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Wrong account accesses #39

Closed dcroal closed 7 years ago

dcroal commented 7 years ago

I find GmailScheduler to extremely useful and configurable, it's is also much less intrusive and resource-intensive on my low powered Chromebook than alternative solutions.

The one issue I have is when I access Settings. I have two accounts on my Chromebook and https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbw6hnnKGeG6xUsbRE9c3WSvJibTbaW88DP9f83e8lFnc1v1kL0/exec always takes me to settings for my secondary Google account, not my primary one. The only workaround I know of is to remove the secondary account from my Chromebook, change my GmailScheduler settings and then add back my secondary account. Any suggestions for a better way?


dcroal commented 7 years ago

Of course opening in an Incognitio window works too, BTW.

webdigi commented 7 years ago

@dcroal - thanks for your positive comments.

Unfortunately, this is a limitation with Google passing the account and there is nothing we can do about it.

dcroal commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the confirmation. I'll continue using Incognito to make changes.