webdigi / GmailScheduler

Google app script system to allow gmail / google business apps users to schedule outgoing messages & to set messages to return to inbox
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Authorization is required to perform that action. 288 #43

Closed Kevs88 closed 6 years ago

Kevs88 commented 6 years ago

I am getting a huge code having this error and it is not letting me get the information from a form where I am using it. Anyone has an idea of what might be causing it?

webdigi commented 6 years ago

Did you click on this link and approve permissions? https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbw6hnnKGeG6xUsbRE9c3WSvJibTbaW88DP9f83e8lFnc1v1kL0/exec

tuur29 commented 6 years ago

Not the same person, but I get the same 3 emails (one for each trigger) each night with those "Authorization is required to perform that action" errors.

However I did approve the permissions and GmailScheduler shows up in my Google Settings


webdigi commented 6 years ago

Please try above link and remove permissions and add permissions again. Make sure you are using the same account.

tuur29 commented 6 years ago

That didn't work, I'm still getting the same errors. I'm going back to using my own fork and let you know if that still works.

tuur29 commented 6 years ago

Small update: I was able to fix my own fork by enabling the Gmail, Apps Script Execution and Calendar API in my Google Cloud Console for the project.

webdigi commented 6 years ago

Thanks for letting us know.